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May 3, 2022                                        Tuesday 9:00 am


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.


Matt Crystal, Clint Walker, Bill Martin, Matt Quick and Jason Silvers were also present for all or some of the meeting.


Clifton made a motion to approve the previous meetings minute.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.


Eric presented a new field entry permit request from Joe Warren just south of 1161 50th street.  Lynne made a motion to approve the culvert permit.  Clifton seconded.  All approved.  The next permit is Josh Query on 2504 Limestone completion.  The last one Christian Gospel Chapel.  You approved this one but once we got in there it ended up being a replacement.  No extensions needed.  Asphalt meeting we talked about the Onyx.  On 235th it is 4.8 miles and on 75th it’s 1 mile and that equals 5.8 miles for a price of $107,490.24.  There is a 5 year warranty.  Lynne made a motion to go with the proposal for Onyx.  Clifton seconded.  All approved.  Eric stated with all the rain lately, they have been working 12 hours on dry days so that they can get gravel on the roads.  Then later in the week when it’s raining they leave early to maintain 40 hours per week.  Eric stated he is keeping an eye open for another truck.  Diesel is up around the $5.00 mark and we trying to cut corners everywhere we can and still remain productive.  Bridge at 160th & Fern work is coming along.  Our bi-annual bridge inspections are completed and will be sent to KDOT.  Once that is complete, they will be back to inspect our low water crossings.  Jim asked that Eric keep an eye on the ditch that is across the road from the cemetery on the east side of Horton out by Evergreen Cemetery.  Jim said the water running has cut the ditch deep.  Eric stated the crusher should be showing up around the early part of next week if all goes well.  Clifton stated that he noticed a grader had cut some ditches up in their area and they did a good job.  Eric reported to Lynne that they took some gravel to the cemetery up on Yale Road but was not able to dump because of low hanging limbs.  He also stated that he has on his list to take gravel to the cemetery on 160th.


Becky Johnson from the SEK Multi-County Health Department appeared to request their annual funding.  We are continually expanding and adding new programs to better serve Bourbon County.  We are applying for two new grants hoping to provide some new services to the community.  We are proposing a request of $90,750.00 for the year of 2023 which remains the same as last year.  Services that we have provided in the last 12 months outside our normal scope: Covid 19 Case Investigations, contract tracing, fielding numerous Covid 19 related calls, work and school release letters for isolation and quarantine, providing public guidance and education via newspaper, radio and Facebook, attending Covid 19 taskforce meetings, send regular updates and risk levels to schools.  Also, updated commissioners and emergency managers as well as attending Covid 19 webinars 4 days per week.  We provided masks and vaccination clinics to the public and businesses.  We had a lot of help from our community to make this possible.  We worked afterhours and on weekends to make sure ones needs and expectations were met.


Justin Meeks, County Counselor stated that he is pushing the next tax sale back to late June as some of the properties are slated for demolition.  Seventy percent of the sale properties have special assessments.  The average price of the properties will be $8,000.00.  We did send out the 2017 demand letters with the help of Patty’s office.  Justin requested an executive session.  Clifton made a motion to go into executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship for 4 minutes returning at 9:22am including 3 commissioners and Justin Meeks.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.  Clifton made a motion to resume normal session with no action.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.


Susan Bancroft requested an executive session.  Clifton made a motion for an executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy including 3 commissioners and Susan Bancroft for 5 minutes returning at 9:28am.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.  Clifton made a motion to return to normal session with no action.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.


Shane Walker, CIO, stated that the tower out east is now operational.  We have ordered the other for Hidden Valley should be here in about 7 weeks.  It is 150 feet.  We’ll do another 100’ one at Tomahawk.  We will put one on the water tower in Garland.  Clifton made a motion for an executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship including 3 commissioners, Susan Bancroft, Shane Walker, and Justin Meeks for 15 minutes returning at 9:46am.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.  Clifton made a motion to return to normal session at 9:46am with action.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.  Clifton made a motion for Susan Bancroft and Shane Walker to meet with Kevin Ross in the near future.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.


Public Comment: No comment


Elected Official Comment: Bill Martin asked about EMS coming back to the county.  Bill asked how we could take on the EMS when they have not been able to get raises.  Susan clarified that the County has always paid for EMS.  It has always been county funded.  Jim stated that there is no new dollars involved.  Bill stated that Johnson County Medical Examiner Medical Office would like to be considered to do our autopsies.  Susan stated that she is already in communication with them.


Ashley stated that she and a member of her department would be attending the Kansas County Clerk meeting being held in Salina.


County Commission Comment: Lynne stated that Susan has lots of traffic in her office and if you need to visit with her, please conduct business and move on.  She is very busy and needs time.


At 9:55am, Lynne made a motion to adjourn.  Clifton seconded.  All approved.





(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman

(ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner





Ashley Shelton, Bourbon County Clerk

May 10, 2022, Approved Date