May 24, 2022 Tuesday 6:00 PM
The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.
Bill Fiscus, Patty Love, Rhonda Dunn, Bill Martin, George Collins, Tammie Underwood, Shirley Colvin, Richard Cullison Jr, Dana Arens, Laura Krom, Dennis Krom, Donald Coffman, Raymond Kalm, Vickie Shead, and Larry Shead were also present for some or all of the meeting.
Lynne made a motion to approve the previous meetings minutes. Jim seconded. Jim and Lynne both approved.
Eric Bailey discussed a permit for a culvert at 1941 Jayhawk but said that the individual would like to install it themselves. There was discussion regarding individuals installing their own culverts as long as they follow the county guidelines. Jim made a motion to allow individuals to install their own driveway culverts as long as they follow Bourbon County guidelines and approved by the road and bridge director. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Clifton made a motion to allow the permit for Mr. Coon at 1941 Jayhawk to allow them to install their own culvert. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Dennis Krom asked if the county was way behind or what was the reasoning he wanted to install his own culvert? Eric responded that there are multiple reasons, but yes they are way behind and this individual is wanting to get into his property before the county would be able to get to it. There was further discussion on the process of an individual installing a culvert themselves.
Eric reported that him and Dustin had been to the Kansas County Highway meeting in Dodge City last week and they were able to attend several classes that were very good and informative. He also said that the new crusher is here and working but they did have to install more conveyors to keep up with the crusher. They were supposed to have training this week but due to weather they have postponed that for another week. Eric said that they had a surprise MSHA inspection today and they did have 1 citation at Thomas. He said that the pump that was in the bottom of the pit was 6 foot away from the high wall but they really couldn’t go any further because of the blasted rock. Eric said they are clearing overburden at Blake Quarry getting ready for the next blast. He said that they decided to go back to Blake because that is where their asphalt plant is set up at and it would be more convenient. Eric gave an update on Yale Road, he said that they were scheduled to start milling it up from 65th to the lake entrance the first part of June but the milling machine is down, and parts are on backorder. He said they may have to change things around and work on some other areas until the part comes in for the milling machine and then go back to that. Eric asked about increasing the price of dust control from $1.50 to $1.75 per linear foot. Clifton discussed that he feels that oil is a poor option. Jim said there is another option, but it is a lot of work and maintenance. Clifton said that you have to mill up the oil and that is one reason he feels it is a bad option. Jim said that you would have the same problem with calcium chloride. Jim said he feels that Eric should be able to adjust the price as the price of oil changes. Lynne made a motion to change the price of dust control from $1.50 to an appropriate rate based on the current market. Clifton seconded. All approved.
Bill Fiscus CEO for Tri-Valley thanked the commission for the continued support they provide and presented the Tri-Valley budget request for 2023. A packet of information was provided to the Commission and Clerk explaining their numbers for the current year. The request did increase by $10,000 from the previous year. He said that they are increasing wages but are still having trouble finding people to work. He said that there are four counties that contribute, Allen, Bourbon, Neosho, and Woodson. He said that Allen, Neosho, and Bourbon are similar size and patient numbers and they receive $70,000 from Allen and $60,000 from Neosho and would like to see all three counties contribute close to the same. Jim thanked Bill for coming and presenting that information.
Public Comment: The public asked what the plan was for Eagle Road. Jim said that for his district this year there is one that has been reported as dangerous by the public and another that was promised several years ago by a previous commission. He said that after this year he has no large projects for his district and the last 2 years of his term he can totally focus on Eagle Road because he believes that it needs to be done. He said that he knows that it is a high traffic road but money wise it will take a couple of years to get it done. It was asked if there was a possibility that they would start paving it next year. Jim said that is what he would like to see. Clifton said that there are a lot of paved roads in the county, and they are all important none is more important than another and there is limited money to fix them. Clifton stated that he would like to see a 10-year plan for the entire county based on need and not by district, the problem with that is that the next commission does not have to follow that plan. Jim said that there is a 10-year plan that has been put together that anyone is welcome to look at but they cannot guarantee that it will be followed. There was more discussion regarding road conditions of Yale as well as other roads in the area. Jim encouraged the public to come to the work sessions and voice their opinion. Residents asked about their tax statements saying that they live on a paved road when it is now gravel. Clifton recommended that they contact the county appraiser’s office because they are the ones that would be able to change that. A small section of road by the state line was discussed and the commissioners said that it is on the plan to be fixed this year and the public thanked the commissioners and said that it is a little section but it needs fixed in a big way. Lynne said that another thing that they look at when deciding priority is school bus routes because they need to make sure the kids are safe.
Vickie Shead presented information on Hemlock that is growing in the area. She said that she has spoken to the Noxious Weed Director Andy Johnson and he has done some research and found that it has to be sprayed at a certain time of year.
Vickie said that it can be invasive and is a killer of livestock, wildlife, and even humans. She said that some people are very sensitive to it and even the pollen can kill them. Vickie also said that Andy is doing a very good job mowing as well. Eric said that Andy has been researching Hemlock and has a plan. Jim said that maybe someone should talk to the state and see about making it a noxious weed.
Larry Shead asked about getting water level meter on the low water bridge on Deer Road. Eric said that it is on the list and they just haven’t gotten to it yet. Larry said that he also wanted to thank them for 250th Road last year, it is wonderful.
Raymond Kalm asked about people speeding though Garland especially when they have the monthly dinner in town. Bill Martin asked if it has been reported to the sheriff’s office. It had not so he advised to report it so that they can plan accordingly because they only have 2 deputies on duty at a time and they may be at the other end of the county at the time.
Richard Cullison Jr. asked about the shoulder being lower than the road and the ditches are higher than the road, so the water has nowhere to go and runs down the road. He said he has several pasture entrances that you can’t get in because it is a foot higher than the road. Eric said that they are working on that. Jim said that they approved a ditching crew last year, but they haven’t been able to do that because no one wants to work and this year it has been raining so they can’t get to then yet. Clifton said that in his area the grader man ditches with the grader and it makes a big mess for a month but works great. He said that when they came out and took dirt out to clean the ditch but then the fence starts to lean. Clifton said that he would like to see all the grader men do ditching. There was further discussion on ditches, culverts, and gravel washing out.
Dennis Krom thanked the commission for having a meeting at Garland and hopes that they will come back.
Raymond Kalm asked about maintenance on Custard Cemetery that is on his farm and said that it is not being mowed like it should. Rhonda Dunn said that if she remembered correctly the money that goes to Tweedy Cemetery is supposed to go to maintain Custard as well. Ashley said that there is a book in the clerk’s office that has contact information for the cemeteries and just to call to get that information. There was further discussion of cemetery maintenance.
Bill Martin said that he just wanted to thank everyone for coming and remind them that he has an open-door policy and would be glad for anyone to come in and talk to him. He said that if anyone has question regarding his department he would appreciate if they would come talk to him before going to the commission because he will probably be able to shed some light and how his department operates the cost of operation.
Patty Love said that if anyone has any questions for her department just to give her office a call, they are fully staffed and have good staff and hopefully people will see improvement.
Jim thanked everyone for coming, he said that they plan on having more remote meetings as well as evening meetings at the courthouse that they are welcome to come to.
At 7:19pm Clifton made a motion to adjourn meeting. Lynne seconded. All approved.
(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman
(ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner
(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner
Ashley Shelton, Bourbon County Clerk
May 31, 2022, Approved Date