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May 17, 2022                             Tuesday 9:00 am


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the Deputy County Clerk present.


Anne Dare, Clint Walker, Matt Crystal, Bill Martin, and Robert Harrington were also present for some or all of the meeting.


Clifton made a motion to approve the previous meetings minutes.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.


Jennifer Hawkins, Public Works Department, presented two culvert permits.  One is for Travis Schilling at 895 209th Terr.  The other is for Joshua Sharp on 255th North of Osage Rd.  Lynne made a motion to approve the new permits for Travis Schilling and Joshua Sharp.  Clifton seconded.  All approved.


Will Wallis, Emergency Preparedness, presented the Hazard Mitigation Plan that was approved back in 2019.  This is a new one and the next one will be in 2026.  If we were to have a disaster hit the county and FEMA brought in mitigation money then we would qualify for it.  This agreement does that.  Clifton made a motion for Chairman Harris to sign the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.


Clifton made a motion to amend the agenda to add SEK Mental Health before County Counselor comment.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.  Nathan Fawson, CEO, SEK Mental Health along with Dr. Wright, Chief Operating Office, presented budget request for continued services in the amount of $91,800.00 no levy support.  This money goes for those who are unable to pay.  The types of services we provide are Psychiatry, Therapy and Substance Abuse.  Mr. Fawson gave some history of the decline in mental health services and funds back in the 1990’s and a return to these services with possible expansions and access which allows us to be more responsive to immediate needs.  Dr. Wright stated that in rural Kansas we always kind of come in last place when the state’s voting on how to fund things.  Dr. Fawson stated that currently people have a wait time of 3 days to get into a facility.  Crisis intervention center could help lessen that burden.  We’ve been exploring possibilities in that area.  Dr. Wright stated they’ve had requests for therapist in the schools and the college in this community.


Justin Meeks, County Counselor, stated the title company has raised their rates from $85.00 to $110.00 per parcel.  Wanted to make you aware before Commissioner Harris signs the agreement.


Susan Bancroft presented a financial report including a 5 year look-back of sales tax and then whatever the current year versus previous year to show if we are over or under we’ve brought in for sales tax.  We are looking pretty good as we are up $103,000.00 as of the end of April.  Alcohol is another one that we are starting to see some money coming through on those funds assuming that is with the new addition at the south end of town.  Other major sources of revenue include culvert sales, landfill receipts, chemical sales, sewer district, EMS and the medical building so we can track month by month so we can see if we are hitting the target that we need to.  I am concerned with EMS and what we brought in last year.  I’m going to reach out to OMNI and see if we can get some reporting from them.  Susan stated that we had an audit last week.  There were a few concerns that Terri will discuss later.  No big surprises which was encouraging.  We knew there would be a few violations.  Clifton made a motion for an executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy regarding contracts and job performance for 20 minutes including three commissioners, Susan Bancroft, Justin Meeks, and Shane Walker returning at 9:48am.  Clifton made a motion to return to normal session with no action at 9:48am.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.


Clifton made a motion for an executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual personnel to protect their privacy including three commissioners for minutes returning at 9:59am.  Clifton made a motion to return to normal session at 9:59am with action.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.  Clifton made a motion to allow Chairman Harris to sign contracts for CIO and Public Works Director.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.  The other contract is to go out for a replacement at the hospital.


CIO Comment: No Comment


Public Comment: Clint Walker stated that our #1 concern in this area is housing.  The thing I’m bringing up to the commissioners today is they are giving money to developers in a community our size to develop apartments and we need to keep track of that and make sure they are aware.  Hopefully that will encourage developers in our area.  That is state dollars not federal.  There was discussion that the county did the NRP program to help those building or expanding.


Commission Comment: Clifton stated that he received the feasibility study this morning at 7:15am.  He received paper form only.  We will receive an electronic version eventually.  Clifton asked Justin to weigh in on whether the information should be released to public at this time.  Clifton is concerned that there is some proprietary information in the report and shouldn’t be released at this time.  Anne Dare asked about getting a copy.  Clifton stated we charge 35 cents per page.  He said we would eventually have an electronic copy at a later date.  Anne asked if she could make an appointment to come and review the report at the courthouse, not leaving the premises with it.  Clifton stated that a potential evaluation of PPS or REH legislation that will be January 2023 we are not part of that legislation currently.  We would have to file an exception to be part of that.  We as a county do not apply for that.  The operator would have to do that.  Anne Dare asked what the next step is now that we have the feasibility report.  Clifton stated that now Noble Health is gone we are actively looking for partners to operate the facility.  Clifton stated his personal opinion is that we should not be building owners and we have no business running a hospital.  Justin stated that he glanced through the hospital feasibility report and there is proprietary information that needs to be removed before it is viewed by the public.  Justin will review over the next two weeks and get back with the Clerk’s office and let them know which parts should be removed.


Clifton made a motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy for job performance including three commissioners and Justin Meeks for 10 minutes returning at 10:38am.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.  Clifton made a motion to return to normal session at 10:38am with no action.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.


Anne Dare asked if she could come review the feasibility study and review it in the commission room.  They approved.


Jim congratulated USD 234 on hiring a superintendent.  Excellent choice.  Jim also stated the meeting next Tuesday, May 24th will be held at Garland Community Center at 6:00pm.


At 10:39am Lynne made a motion to adjourn meeting.  Clifton seconded.  All approved.




(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman

(ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner


Ashley Shelton, Bourbon County Clerk

May 24, 2022, Approved Date