June 24, 2022 Friday 9:30 am
The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with two Commissioners (Jim Harris and Lynne Oharah) and the County Deputy Clerk present.
Susan Bancroft and Shane Walker were present for some or all of the meeting.
Susan requested on behalf of Clifton Beth an executive session. Lynne made a motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship for 5 minutes including the three commissioners (Clifton by phone), Susan Bancroft, Shane Walker, and (Justin Meeks by phone) returning at 9:37am. Jim seconded. Both approved. Lynne made a motion to return to normal session in this room at 9:38am with action. (Clifton is now present in the meeting by phone). Jim Harris seconded. All approved. Lynne made a motion to allow Chairman Harris to sign a letter recognizing the property at the Price Chopper building be recognized as a 501(c)(3) and they will be tax exempt. Clifton seconded. All approved.
At 9:39am, Lynne made a motion to adjourn. Jim seconded. All approved.
(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman
(ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner
(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner
Doretta Neville, Bourbon County Deputy Clerk
June 28, 2022, Approved Date