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January 31, 2022                                 Monday 8:35 am


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.


Anne Dare and Jason Silvers were present for some or all of the meeting.


Clifton made a motion to approve the previous meetings minutes. Lynne seconded.  All approved.


Eric presented two utility construction permits from Cox Communication.  One on 240th north of Limestone for fiber optic.  The other is on Kansas west of 230th.  Lynne made a motion to approve the two permits.  Clifton seconded.  All approved.


Ashley Shelton presented a Real Property Relief Application for 1762 255th St, Fort Scott.  Lynne made a motion to approve the Real Property Relief Application for 1762 255th St., Fort Scott, KS.  Jim Harris seconded.  All approved.


Susan presented Approval of Township & Cemetery Board Annual Report.  This is a report of all their budget numbers. We are missing about 12.  Those turned in are on budget.  These reports are sent to the state.  Lynne Oharah made a motion to approve the cemetery & township board reports that have reported for year-end budget of 2021.  Clifton seconded.  All approved.


Susan discussed sick leave.  We had our first department head meeting and it went well.  The resolution (06-22) being presented is how they feel the sick leave should be handled.


“Whereas all new hires accrue one day per month of sick leave.  One day will represent the number of hours a normal workday is for the specific position or department and whereas of February 1, 2022, new hires will be given 12 days of sick leave on the first day of hire.  If the employee leaves employment before their one-year anniversary date and sick leave used exceeds the annual accrual rate of one (1) day per month, the sick leave used must be reimbursed back to the county, Ex: Employee works sick (6) months but uses eight (8) days of sick leave and terminates employment.  Two (2) days of non-accrued sick leave will be deducted from the employee’s final paycheck, and whereas, the number of months of service divided by two (2) will be allocated on day one of the transfer for any employee who transfers from a salaried position to an hourly position.  Ex: An employee who has worked for Bourbon County in a salaried position for sixty (60) months (5 years) will be granted thirty (30) days of sick leave on the first day of the transfer to an hourly position.”


Basically we will frontload the sick leave for any new hire and if they terminate before first year of employment then they will have to pay days back.  And for the salaried position we basically stated that this is what they would have accrued and then divided it in half.  The department heads felt this was fair.  As a resolution it will be added to the handbook until the handbook has been updated.  Clifton made a motion to pass resolution 06-22 amending sick leave accrual.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.


Justin Meeks requested an executive session for attorney client privilege for 7 minutes.  Clifton made a motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship for 7 minutes returning at 8:53am including 3 commissioners and Justin Meeks.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.  Lynne made a motion to resume normal session at 8:53am.  No action.  Clifton seconded.  All approved.


Justin Meeks asked a motion to allow Chairman Harris to sign any and all legal documents for the possible transfer of the hospital building to Noble Health.  Clifton made a motion to allow Chairman Harris to sign any and all legal documents from the county to Noble Health.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.


Justin Meeks asked for an executive session for proprietary information for 7 minutes including 3 commissioners, Susan Bancroft and myself.  Clifton made a motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and individual proprietorships including 3 commissioners, Justin Meeks and Susan Bancroft for 7 minutes returning at 9:02am.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.  Lynne made a motion to resume normal session at 9:02am.  Clifton seconded.  All approved.


Justin stated that he received an e-mail from a patron concerning some sales tax revenue stuff from back in the day.  Obviously, I don’t have the ability to give that legal advice.  It doesn’t deal with the county specifically so I will be forwarding that on.  If I do need to address that myself I will request permission from the commission prior to that.


Jim Harris announced the commission has been invited to the 76th Annual Bourbon County Conservation District Annual Meeting to be held on February 5th, 5:30pm at Rosie’s Cabin in Uniontown, KS.


Clifton made a motion to allow the three commissioners to attend the Noble Health function.  No business will be conducted.  Lynne seconded.  All approved.


Anne Dare asked about the Township & Cemetery Board Annual Report.  She has heard from 2 different treasurers stating that the information they had received was confusing as to what they needed to report for year end.  She asked if this has been taken care of.  Ashley Shelton stated that the distribution came in high at the end of the year; it shows that they had more money.  They need to show whatever was over that they didn’t spend as a cash balance at the beginning of 2022.  They are going to receive less money in 2022 but added with that beginning cash balance for what they received over should balance out.  Anyone that has reached out to me has been given this information on how to handle it.  I would encourage anyone with questions to give me a call.  Susan Bancroft made a suggestion that we call in all the treasurers and give them a rundown on how to do this process.


At 9:08am, Lynne made a motion to adjourn.  Clifton seconded.  All approved.





(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman

(ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner


Ashley Shelton, Bourbon County Clerk

February 8, 2022, Approved Date