January 18, 2022 Tuesday 9:00 am
The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.
Ann Dare, Bill Martin, Ben Cole, Dustin Hall, Zak Smith, Archie Smith and Rob Harrington were present for some or all of the meeting.
Clifton made a motion to approve the previous meeting minutes, Lynne seconded. All approved.
Eric stated that during the snowstorm they ran three trucks 8 hours on Saturday. Continuing work on Birch Rd. Ditches are filled in and going to come back in and build up the road. Waiting to hear from DWR on the low water crossing. In the landfill, it’s time to cover C & D. Eric asked about a work session about buying a truck. The commissioners stated they would work with Eric’s schedule.
Working on post evaluation of windmills and hope to have it later this week. So far, there isn’t much of a punch list. They did a very good job. The road use agreement has helped us out tremendously.
Truck #146 – Dustin stated has a cracked head between cylinder 2 & 3. Number 2 is completely washed out and 3 doesn’t look good. They tried to find us a price on a re-manufactured motor to drop in and can’t find one. Their best option is to do an in-frame rebuild. Rebuild the entire engine. Looks to be around $32,000.00 for a rebuild. The head will have to be replaced and then a complete engine rebuild. Lynne made a motion to allow Eric to have the engine rebuilt on truck #146. Clifton seconded. All approved.
Zak Smith and Archie Smith from Universal Construction came for an update on jail. Jim asked that these gentlemen, Bill Martin and Susan Bancroft meet in Bill’s office to discuss any questions or concerns.
Bill Martin reiterated from last week that he reached out to local institutions for financing for the body cams. There are three that have submitted bids. I sent those to Susan yesterday afternoon. The current institution that we are going through gave us a $25,000 discount. Installation is included in the bid and first year cloud is included. Susan feels Landmark is the best option. For 2022 we budgeted $166,000 for the jail sales tax money. 2020 sales tax was $808,000 and 2016 and 2017 were $750,000 in sales tax. Bill Martin stated that this equipment could help prevent lawsuits. Susan stated that she is comfortable with paying for this out of sales tax. Clifton Beth made a motion to move forward with the G-tech in-car camera system with Landmark or City State whichever is cheaper with the $191,931 being funded through jail sales tax. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Susan Bancroft and Ashley Shelton discussed Covid Protocol/Pay. New employees with an exposure or sick with Covid. Discussed front-loading sick leave. Jim stated he didn’t want new employees going without pay. Ashley stated that each employee accrues one day per month but doesn’t have any available to actually use until the last pay of the 7th month of employment. Eric Bailey suggested giving them a one-time Covid pay and their sick leave upfront. If they use their sick leave and then don’t stay long enough to actually have it available, then their last check they receive will have the sick hours withheld. Susan stated that she is having an employee council meeting with department heads tomorrow and could discuss this issue and see what their thoughts are. Jim asked Susan to come back next week with recommendations from department heads.
Ashley Shelton stated that she has signed up for training in Wichita to become a certified clerk. It is one week per year for 3 years and then the 4th year is two days to be a master clerk. Training is not budgeted for so would like to request funds for this. Clifton made a motion to fund clerk training and staff training not to exceed $5,000. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Justin Meeks discussed the tax sale held last week. We sold $131,000 worth of property in the sale. Next sale is scheduled for May 19th with 98 properties. We have only one title company in our region now so would like to use Security 1st for abstract work. Will have a sale in November with only Hidden Valley properties. Justin asked for permission for he and Jim Harris to be able to visit with director at Hidden Valley. Clifton made a motion to allow Justin to work with the title company to prepare for the next sale. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Clifton made a motion for an executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property needing 7 minutes with 3 commissioners, Justin Meeks and Susan Bancroft returning at 10:01am. Lynne seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to return to normal session at 10:01am with action. Lynne seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to allow Susan Bancroft or Justin Meeks to discuss with the land bank on a piece of property that ended up in the land bank from the tax sale that the county could possibly use as a parking lot. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Clifton made a motion to go into executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship with possible litigation including 3 commissioners, Justin Meeks for 7 minutes returning at 10:09am. Clifton made a motion to return to normal session at 10:09am with no action. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Susan Bancroft discussed a request from an individual that had an ambulance called for his spouse. He only lives 1/8 of a mile from the hospital. He didn’t call the ambulance, a neighbor did and there are so many medical expenses that they are getting ready to file for bankruptcy and they are asking if they could do a settlement with him. Lynne Oharah made a motion to agree to a settlement proposed to us on the ambulance service. Clifton seconded. All approved.
Susan stated that during the department head meeting she is going to go over some budget and cash basis laws. I think there may be some misconceptions about what can be done each year. There is a department that has made some expenses and they would like to go ahead and book it in 2021 and reduce their budget in 2022 and I need your authority to do that so that we can make sure we don’t have any violations in our budget year. Permission was granted.
Clifton made a motion for an executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy regarding job performance including 3 commissioners, Susan Bancroft and Justin Meeks for 10 minutes returning at 10:23am. Lynne seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 10:23am with no action. Jim seconded. All approved.
Clifton made a motion for an executive session 75-4319-(b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy job duties and performance including 3 commissioners, Susan Bancroft, Justin Meeks for 10 minutes returning at 10:36am. Lynne seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to return to normal session at 10:36am with action. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Clifton made a motion to allow Susan Bancroft and Shane Walker to work on getting the unused space on 2nd floor to make room for a third additional courtroom including discussions of courthouse security. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Clifton made a motion to allow Susan Bancroft to discuss job performance, pay and job description with a current employee. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Clifton made a motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(12) to discuss matters relating to security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize such security measures for 7 minutes returning at 10:45am. Lynne seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to return to normal session at 10:45am with action. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Lynne made a motion to give Susan Bancroft authority to work with Shane Walker and David Neville to take bids to redo the north parking, sidewalk and lighting. Clifton seconded. All approved.
Jim stated that he was going to a meeting at USD 234 at 11:30am where discussion will be regarding SRO. I’m attending this meeting as a granddad not a commissioner.
At 10:46am, Clifton made a motion to adjourn. Lynne seconded. All approved.
(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman
(ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner
(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner
Ashley Shelton, Bourbon County Clerk
January 25, 2022, Approved Date