January 11, 2022 Tuesday 9:00 am
The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Jim Harris, Lynne Oharah and the County Clerk present.
Susan Bancroft, Ann Dare, Jason Silvers, Bill Martin, Ben Cole and Bobby Reed were also present for some or all of the meeting.
Jim began the meeting asking different department heads their thoughts on masks. Patty Love stated that she felt like since they have the sneeze guards they are safe. Matt Quick stated that he feels they have plenty of distance in their office. Eric Bailey went to mandatory masks. One of his co-workers had a direct exposure so they are masking. It was determined that each department head or elected official would set their own rules on masking for their department. Bill Martin asked what the requirement would be to attend commission meetings. Jim said it would be up to the public as to whether they wear a mask or not until further notice.
Lynne made a motion to approve previous meeting minutes. Jim seconded. All approved.
Eric Bailey presented an extension permit for an entrance tube for Russell Felt at 2431Jayhawk. Lynne made a motion to approve the extension permit for 2431 Jayhawk. Jim seconded. All approved.
Eric stated that they used brine for the last snow storm. They are calling for another call for this weekend and will probably do the same.
Eric stated that on Birch Rd they have started filling in ditches. They were 4 or 5 feet deep from washout.
Truck #146 Freightliner Heavy Duty Dump Truck was losing some antifreeze. Took to Findley to identify what the issue is and then we’ll have to decide what to do. #145 truck we took to Fleet Pride in Joplin to have the cylinder rebuilt.
Eric stated that IMSHAW training was scheduled for this Friday but has been cancelled due to Covid protocol. Next week we had software training scheduled and has been cancelled due to Covid.
Windmills are drawing to a close on the construction phase. Will be reviewing pre and post construction videos on the roads. I’ll be putting together a punch list and using the road agreement that is in place.
Eric stated that the Sterling and the old bridge truck auctions off today. Currently, the Sterling is around $9,000 and the other is $2,000 to $3,000. Lynne mentioned a place on 75th & Maple on the northeast corner that has a ditch that needs to be worked on.
Jim mentioned mowing/snow removal bids for the medical building. It is tabled until mid-February.
Clifton Beth arrived at meeting.
Jim made a motion to adopt Resolution 05-22 Bourbon County Kansas a resolution in support of the rights of private property land owners. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Bill Martin stated that back in July he filed for a grant for body cams. In December, I was notified that we would receive the grant. The grant is a 50/50 match. The body cam and car cam have to be on the same system. I’m asking for funds to purchase the in-car cameras along with the body cameras. The in-car cam system we have now will not work with the body cams we are looking at. The cost will be $191,931.00 for the in-car cameras. We have 17 cars including the transports for the jail. For me to accept the body cam grant I need the in-car cameras. If you disapprove, the in-car camera system leasing then I will submit a letter to the group that awarded the grant that we cannot move forward. We are looking at a lease purchase for five years. Discussion continued regarding current system and why new equipment is needed. Installation is included in cost. Jim asked if there were any other grants that could be gained to help pay the cost. Bill said no. Tabled until next week to give time for financial reports.
Jim asked about a previous grant that Bill had discussed. Bill explained that it was a one year grant for two drug enforcement positions. Jim made a motion to approve Kansas Criminal Justice Coordinating Council grant 22-JAG-01 in the amount of $113,292 to be used for drug treatment and enforcement. Clifton seconded. All approved.
Jim made a motion to amend the agenda to add Rob Harrington for NRP program. Clifton seconded. All approved.
Rob Harrington requested that the county commission agree to pass the interlocal agreement that will be with the city of Fort Scott. The Fort Scott School District just passed this last night. The county commission which would reenact the NRP (Neighborhood Revitalization Program). It was not renewed in 2020 when it should have been. We are now getting all entities to sign off on it. Clifton made a motion to allow Chairman Harris to sign the interlocal agreement for the NRP program beginning January 1, 2022 expiring December 31, 2026. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Justin Meeks gave an update on the upcoming tax sale.
Clifton made a motion to go into executive session under KSA 75-4319(b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship discussing contracts with three commissioners, county councilor for 7 minutes returning at 10:25am. Lynne seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to return to normal session. No action. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Bill Martin stated that a couple of his deputies that are filling in for dispatch. I’m paying them out of my budget. They are having trouble finding dispatchers. That will explain some of the overtime for my department.
Jim wanted to discuss with department heads and elected officials the agenda request form that can be obtained from the clerk’s office. It helps us know ahead of time what will be discussed and possibly allow us to make decisions quicker and not have to delay.
Bill Martin made the statement that there is no other county that has to complete a form to be added to the agenda. I do not agree with having to do this. Jim stated that it is just a courtesy to know in advance what everyone needs. It’s nothing to be offended about. Let’s give it a chance and see how it goes.
At 11:02am, Lynne made a motion to adjourn. Clifton seconded. All approved.
(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman
(ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner
(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner
Ashley Shelton, Bourbon County Clerk
January 18, 2022, Approved Date