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  Bourbon County Clerk

Kendell Mason

210 S National Ave

Fort Scott, KS 66701



November 5th, 2019

In compliance with K.S.A. 25-2018(b), notice is hereby given that an election will held on November 5th, 2019. All of the following polling places will be open from 7:00 am – 7:00 pm. The polling places in Bourbon County are as follows:

Residents living in the City of Fort Scott vote at the following locations:                                                                                              Residents living out in the County vote at the following locations:

1st Ward               Community Christian Church          DRYWOOD                     Grace Baptist Church

2nd Ward             Grace Baptist Church                        FRANKLIN                      Mapleton Community Building

3rd Ward              Grace Baptist Church                        FREEDOM                      Fulton Community Building

4th Ward              Community Christian Church         EAST MARION                Uniontown City Hall

5th Ward              Community Christian Church        WEST MARION                Bronson Community Building

6th Ward              Community Christian Church        MARMATON                      Redfield City Hall

7th Ward              Grace Baptist Church                      MILLCREEK                     Redfield City Hall

                                                                                           OSAGE                              Fulton Community Building

                                                                                           PAWNEE                            Redfield City Hall

                                                                                          NORTH SCOTT                Community Christian Church

                                                                                          SOUTH SCOTT                 Grace Baptist Church

                                                                                          TIMBERHILL                       Mapleton Community Building

                                                                                          WALNUT                              Uniontown City Hall

The names of the candidates and the position for which they are candidates are as follows:

City of Fort Scott-City Commission         City of Bronson-City Council         City of Fulton-City Council                           

(Vote for 3 or less)                                        (Vote for 3 or less)                             No Candidate Filed                           

Harold (Pete) Allen                                       James E. Olson                                                                                                                        Michael Stewart

Kevin “Skitch” Allen                                       Danielle Minor

Cynthia Bartelsmeyer

Josh Jones

Deb McCoy

Lindsey Watts                                                                                                                   

City of Fulton-Mayor              City of Redfield-City Council City of Mapleton-City Council

No Candidate Filed               (Vote for 3 or less)                                  No Candidate Filed

                                                   Wilma K. Graham            

                                                  Jimmie Jackson

                                                   L.D. Morrison

                                                  Angela Hixon

City of Uniontown-City Council  USD 234 School Board Position #1 USD 234 School Board Position #2

(Vote for 3 or less)                                (Vote for 1)                                                     (Vote for 1)

Danea D. Esslinger                             James Wood                                               Danny Brown

Dave Wehry                                                                                                                   Michelle Hudiburg

USD 234 School Board Position #3      USD 234 School Board Position At Large

(Vote for 1)                                                   (Vote for 1)

Kellye Barrows                                           Shawn Goans

Josh Jones                                                  Lynette Jackon

                                                                        Bill Michaud

USD 235 School Board Position #1   USD 235 School Board Position #2    USD 235 School Board Position #3

(Vote for 1)                                                (Vote for 1)                                                  (Vote for 1)

Troy Goodridge                                       Jason L. Sutterby                                       Joshua Hartman

                                                                                                                                         Kolby Stock 

USD 235 School Board Position At-Large             FSCC Board of TrusteesSouthwind Extension District

(Vote for 1)                                                                     (Vote for 3 or less)                           (Vote for 2 or less)

Sally Johnson                                                                David Elliott                                      Diane Brillhart

                                                                                          Kirk Hart                                            Pete Wiley

                                                                                         Michael J. Hoyt

                                                                                         Curtis Lear

                                                                                         Robert Nelson

USD 346 Position #3                           USD 346 Position At- Large                USD 248 Position #1 

(Vote for 1)                                              (Vote for 1)                                                (Vote for 1)                      

Max Krull                                                  Brent Paddock                                        Dale Shireman

USD 248 Position #2USD 248 Position #3USD 248 Position At- Large

(Vote for 1)                          (Vote for 1)                         (Vote for 1)

Roger L. Breneman         Dave Goble                        Lori Johnson

I, Kendell Mason, County Clerk/County Election Officer of Bourbon County, Kansas, do hereby certify that the above named persons are the candidates to be voted on in the General Election, Tuesday, November 5th, 2019.

Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Election Officer

The post-election audit will be held Friday, November 8, 2019 at 9:00 am in the Commission Room located at 210 S. National, Fort Scott, Kansas. The selection of races and precincts for the audit will be held Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 10:00 am in the County Clerk’s office.

Not sure if you’re registered to vote or where to vote?  
Effective July 28, 2009, you may register to vote online, through the Kansas Secretary of State’s website.

Check your voter registration status, the location of your polling place and view a sample ballotat VoterView by the Secretary of State.

The County Clerk is elected in November of Presidential Election years to a term of four years.  There are no term limits to this elected office.

The Bourbon County Clerk/Election Officer is responsible for a wide range of things under Kansas Law.  Some of those are listed here.

Advance Voting is available prior to each election.  You may advance vote in one of two ways:  By mail, by filing an application for a ballot to be mailed to you   OR   in-person, beginning at least one week prior to any election.

Bourbon County Clerk Duties:

Serves as Secretary to the Board of County Commissioners; attends Commission meetings; prepares and posts agendas and keeps meeting minutes; maintains proceedings of Commission meetings, including all contracts and agreements entered into by the County.

Prepares annual budgets for most townships and fire districts and all cemeteries, watersheds and light districts in the County.

Receives and compiles all budgets submitted by County entities, cities, townships, the community college, school districts, and all special districts. 

Compiles, calculates, and prepares tax levies.2002200320042005200620072008200920102011

Prepares real estate, personal property, and state assessed tax roll, including special assessments, and certifies to County Treasurer.

Accumulates and files a bonded indebtedness report for all taxing entities in the County. 

Carries out all elections and certifies to the Secretary of State; maintains voter database; accepts filings for public office; keeps financial statements of expenses from county, city, school district candidates. 

Provides Accounts Payable and Payroll functions for all County departments; receives all claims filed against the County. 

Provides checks and balance to property transfers, motor vehicle collections and Treasurer’s daily ledger activities.

Serves as the County Freedom of Information Officer. 

Maintains fixed asset inventory for the County.

Provides assistance to County residents in preparing Homestead Property Tax Refund  and Food Sales Tax Applications for the Kansas Department of Revenue

Issues Cereal Malt Beverage Licenses to establishments outside the city limits and issues Firework Permits to stands throughout the County for 4th of July week. 

Issues Kansas Wildlife and Park permits.