Records of birth and death were not recorded in Kansas prior to 1911. There are two local funeral homes that have some death records prior to 1911 and may be of assistance.
Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home
15 W. Wall St.
Fort Scott, KS 66701
Records since 1885
Cheney Witt Memorial Chapel
201 S. Main St.
Fort Scott, KS 66701
Records since 1858
There is also a very active Genealogical Society that may assist you with records.
Old Fort Genealogical Society
PO Box 786,
1 E. 3rd
St. Fort Scott, KS 66701
For records after 1911, the State of Kansas Department of Vital Statistics is invaluable.
Marriage, divorce and probate records are located on the third floor of the courthouse in the office ofDistrict Court. You may reach them at 620-223-0780, Monday through Friday, 8:30-4:30.
Land records may be obtained from the Register of Deeds.