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2015 Minutes

December 2015

December 29, 2015                                                           Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Harold reported to Jim Harris that there is a culvert on Range Road between 245th & 255th that needs replaced, Harold said the culvert was to be replaced a long time ago, but hadn’t been.

Barbara said that Jeremiah Hill had sent in road complaints on December 3rd, but hadn’t received a call or email back on the complaints. Barbara asked Jim to respond when someone files a complaint due to the Road and Bridge department. Jeremiah reported that bridges at Indian and 260th and Deer and 250th has water running in the ditch that he thinks may wash out the bridge. Jeremiah also reported that North of Clarksburg Church there is some blacktop with a shoulder that has washed out; he questioned what could be done to help with the wash out.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy and Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Michelle Workman with the Fort Scott Biz attended the Commission meeting.

Rhonda Dunn met with the Commissioners, Jim Harris and Justin Meeks to discuss estimated ending revenue and expenses for 2015. She said that revenue received in 2015 is approximately $183,589 under what was estimated to be received. She said the Treasurers office has collected 96%+ of taxes. Rhonda estimated that the current cash remaining in the general fund is $72,635.97. Rhonda said that the line item for current tax interest has been budgeted to receive $140,000, but so far has only collected $78,000; she said this budgeted number is too high for 2016. Rhonda said that the budgeted revenue is approximately $185,000 too high. Rhonda said she discussed with Terry Sercer about possibly adjusting the 2016 budget after February when all of the 2015 expenses have been posted. Rhonda said that the Correctional Center and Sheriff’s expenses (to date) is approximately $138,000 better than budgeted; however she said she recommended the Commissioners not spend anything unusual until after February when all of the 2015 expenses have been posted. There was discussion over the employee benefit fund; Barbara said in the future the Commissioners may have to consider how much the County pays towards the health insurance premiums for the employees. Rhonda suggested that they form a committee to analyze benefits and how the expenses are shared on employee benefits. Rhonda reviewed the 2015 cash balances for the following funds… Bridge & Culvert cash balance = $32,796.98, Landfill cash balance = $15,283.19, Noxious Weed cash balance = $598.08, Road & Bridge cash balance -$48,833.86, R&B Sales Tax cash balance =$20,841.52, Special Bridge cash balance = $7,128.81 and Special Machinery cash balance = $5,678.13. The County will be receiving a bond to pay for the building at the Landfill (to be deposited in the Landfill fund), the Landfill will reimburse Special Machinery $134,000 for the dozer, and Special Machinery will reimburse Road & Bridge. Rhonda suggested transferring any extra excess budgeted carryover money into a General Contingency fund (not a budgeted fund) to be used in an emergency situation; she said currently the General Equipment Reserve fund has $85,438. Justin asked Rhonda if she would recommend that the County hire a controller or administrator, Rhonda said yes she felt the County needed someone who would more closely monitor budgets then the Commissioners can on a weekly basis. The Commissioners said if they hired anyone it would be a part time position and they felt it would save money to do the budget in-house verses outsourcing the job to Diehl Banwart.

The Commissioners held the 2015 budget amendment session. Barbara made a motion to adopt resolution 27-15 amending the budget for calendar year 2015, amending the employee benefit fund expenses from $2,482,850 to $2,807,870, amending the Noxious Weed from $148,153 to $162,403 and the Landfill budget from $215,652 to $375,496, Lynne seconded and all approved and signed the resolution.

Barbara made a motion to adopt resolution 28-15; authorizing year end Road & Bridge fund transfers, Harold seconded and all approved and signed the resolution.

Barbara made a motion to adopt resolution 29-15; authorizing year end General Fund transfers, Lynne seconded and all approved and signed the resolution.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks, Rhonda Dunn and Kendell Mason). No action was taken.

At 11:35, Barbara made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:15, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Ben Cole, Bill Martin and Justin Meeks met with Lynne and Harold to discuss Courthouse security and the COPS grant. Justin said he understood that the Commissioners had a tough job when it comes to finances and making decisions. The Courthouse has to be a secure building by January 1, 2017 (in order to be secure, Justin said the County would need 3 additional deputies, Lynne estimated that it would cost approximately $300,000 for a metal detector, doors, single entry and 3 additional employees. Lynne said that he was going to check on the Heritage grant to see when it would be available again to help offset some of the expenses on the entryway). When the new jail is built, the Correctional Center and the Sheriff’s department will no longer be housed in the Courthouse. Ben Cole discussed the case reports increasing for the Sheriff’s department and said that in 2013 there were approximately 400 case reports, in 2014 there were 1,175 ITI case reports and in 2015 so far there have been 1,245 ITI case reports. Justin said he thought these numbers were important so that people understand its not spend, spend, spend for the Sheriff’s department. Justin said that all of the Sheriffs cars have been installed with ITI; making all of the cars mobile offices. Bill said that if the COPS grant is accepted then the grant would pay for 100% of one deputy’s salary and benefits for one year, and pay a percentage for the 2nd year. The COPS grant would initially save money, but after the grant runs out, then the expense for the additional deputy is on the County. In regards to deciding whether or not to accept the COPS grant, Harold asked Justin what he would do; Justin said he is the legal counsel for the Commissioners, and said if it’s accepted then there will be budgetary issues in 2018 (when the grant runs out). Harold said he thought that public safety was just as much the Commissioners responsibility as is the Sheriff’s department. Harold suggested accepting the COPS grant and postponing the vehicle purchase (vehicle to be used by the COPS grant deputy) until February when the Commissioners could see how much money was left in 2015. Harold said he was concerned about adding any additional taxes to the citizens, he said he was concerned about people on fixed incomes. Harold said the expenditures have to end somewhere and there has to be a limit, he said they can’t keep spending. Lynne made a motion to allow Bill to accept the COPS grant which would allow for 1 additional position (with wages and benefits covered at 100% for the first year), Harold seconded and all approved. Harold said he didn’t think this was a bad decision, but hoped it was the right one. Bill and Ben thanked the Commissioners for accepting the grant. Bill suggested that Courthouse security issue be presented to the voters of the County (the legislature made a ruling that in order to increase the mill levy above a certain amount, the voters would have to approve this).

At 2:31, Lynne made a motion to adjourn and Harold seconded, meeting adjourned.



                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss)Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

01/12/2016, Approved Date

December 22, 2015                                                           Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Rebekah Houser with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris reported that they are installing replacement culverts this week on Limestone, Range, 215th and 245th. He said they have been putting gravel down around the County. Lynne reported that there is a pothole on 125th one mile off of Range Road.

Jim said he wants to change two employees at the Quarry to 10 hour days (which will equal to 32 hours of crushing in a week) and will be having two employees crush on Friday (which will equal 6 hours of crushing). He said this will increase the crushing hours. Lynne made a motion to change two Quarry employees to 4 10 hour days and have a second crew work an 8 hour day on Fridays, Harold seconded and all approved.

Lynne reported that he was questioned if a bridge on 85th and Maple could be widened, Jim said that it has tall sides and if Frank Young decided it was possible and if the Commissioners wanted to spend the money to do this then it may be possible. No decision was made.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Rhonda Dunn met with the Commissioners to report that the 2015 budgeted revenue is short approximately $300,000, she said that the some of the areas where there is a short fall is… current tax distribution, delinquent real estate, interest on taxes and mortgage reimbursement is short making up the $300,000 shortfall. She said that currently the 2015 budget is approximately $310,000 under budget on expenses. Rhonda is going to review the budgeted revenue numbers with auditor Terry Sercer.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners, David Neville and Kendell Mason). No action was taken.

Harold left the commission meeting.

Bill Martin, Bobby Reed and Ben Cole met with the Commissioners. Bill said that if the Commissioners were going to accept the COPS grant then he wanted to purchase a vehicle for $38,849 (turn-key ready) out of his 2015 budget. The Commissioners need to make a decision about accepting the grant by January 31, 2016. Bill said if the Commissioners deny purchasing the car then they are denying an officer. Bobby Reed said that if the COPS grant is not approved by January 31, 2016, then there is no sense in the Sheriff asking for more personnel for 4 years. Bobby said the Sheriff has been trying to get more personnel to eliminate calls; Barbara tried explaining to Bobby that it is not about personnel but more about what we can afford to spend. Bill said he had been told to find grants to help with expenses and he had done this and now the Commissioners were not willing to say whether or not they were going to accept the grant. Bill said he received a JAG grant (a grant that will reimburse 100%of $72,568 worth of expenses); he said this is being spent as follows… $44,656 for the mobile data terminals, $14,464 for the interface software for the mobile data, $4,318 for the broadband internet terminal, and there will be money spent for the docking station for the cars.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Kendell Mason and Lora Holdridge). No action was taken.

Lora Holdridge reported to the Commissioners that on the 2016 budget, Terry Sercer budgeted to receive more mortgage registration fees than the County will receive in 2016. She said the mortgage registration fee percentage will continue to decrease each year; however the recording fees have increased.

At 11:53 am, Barbara made a motion to suspend the meeting for lunch and reconvene at 1:30 pm, Lynne seconded and motion passed.

Larry Jurgensen (the Mayor for the City of Uniontown), met with the Commissioners. He said a cement truck crushed a culvert on the South side of Maple road between Hill and Clay street in Uniontown, he requested that the County replace the culvert. Justin Meeks questioned who crushed the culvert; Larry said he thought it was a Freedom concrete truck. Justin suggesting making the concrete company pay for it. Larry said that the culvert had been reported to Jim Harris and that the contractor had agreed to pay for the culvert, but to date the culvert had not been replaced. Lynne reported this to Jim Harris during the meeting. Mr. Jurgensen also requested the County to lower the speed limit to 20 mph on 75th street from the North property line of USD 235 to the South property line. Barbara suggested that Jim look at this. Larry said that the City of Uniontown was approved for a grant from Kansas Department of Wildlife Parks and Tourism to install a 10’x12’ floating fish dock with rails, concrete steps with rails to the dock and install a concrete trough to divert the overflow from the pond to a drainage ditch (for a total cost of approximately $9,900). Originally the City of Uniontown was going to pay 25%, USD 235 was going to pay 25% and the grant was to cover 50%. USD 235 is not going to pay 25% and Larry asked if the County would consider paying 25% (approximately $5,000). Barbara questioned if anyone in the area would donate, Larry said they had considered trying to get some of the labor done as an in-kind donation. Lynne said the County had helped the City of Fort Scott with a few different projects. No decision was made on this. Larry said that Maple road going through Uniontown is maintained by the County. He said the road is getting bad and questioned if the road (from the cemetery to the water tower) could be placed on the Counties asphalt list as well as from 54 highway to 75th   street. No decision was made on this. Larry also requested that the County place some asphalt off of Maple road and Sherman road where there will be tornado shelters installed. Barbara said she felt all of his requests were important, but that due to revenue, they are not going to be able to meet all of the needs in the County. Barbara gave Larry’s phone number to Jim Harris and asked that Jim call Larry to discuss his requests.

At 2:03 pm, Barbara made a motion to adjourn and Lynne seconded.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                _______________________, Commissioner


(ss)Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

12/29/2015, Approved Date

December 18, 2015                                                           Friday 11:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners, Justin Meeks and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

The special meeting was held in order to discuss funding the transfer station at the Landfill that is being built. Justin Meeks commended the Commissioners for the work that they have done in regards to the Landfill and the decision to keep the Landfill as a public service and not as a business venture. The Commissioners asked Justin to have an appraisal done on the land where the Landfill is, he said John Haffner did the appraisal and it has been sent to the County in the mail and the appraisal will be discussed on December 22, 2015 at the Commission meeting. Jim Harris, Justin Meeks and Lynne Oharah will meet with Dave Martin at the City of Fort Scott to discuss the Landfill on December 22nd at 2:00 pm. Barbara previously questioned if the County needed to be in the Landfill business and Justin said the conclusion is that yes they need to keep the Landfill. The hopper at the Landfill needs to be replaced at a cost between $200,000-$250,000 for a used hopper. It was decided to build a transfer station would be more economical. The transfer station will save on equipment and transportation and will require one less employee (the employee will transfer to a different position) at the Landfill. Justin contacted Kevin Cowan with Gilmore and Bell regarding financing the Landfill with a Bond option. The money from a bond could be available within 2-3 weeks after publishing the bond resolution (adopting a bond resolution for the Landfill for under $300,000). Kevin Cowan said this could be a 10 year note on financing (Justin said hopefully it could be paid off before 10 years). Justin said it is estimated that there is 56 years of space remaining for C&D at the Landfill. Justin recommended that the Commissioners adopt the resolution to finance the Landfill though a bond. Barbara made a motion to adopt resolution 26-15 “A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATION BUILDING, A PUBLIC BUILDING IN BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE COSTS THEREOF.” The bonds are not to exceed $300,000, Lynne seconded and all approved. Justin said by operating the landfill it is providing a service to the people in our community. Barbara thanked everyone for the work that they did on the Landfill project. The Commissioners previously sent letters to local banks asking if they were interested in financing the Landfill; the banks were notified that they were financing the Landfill by different means.

Justin Meeks reviewed the change order for the landfill. Harold made a motion for Barbara to sign the documents for the Landfill and Barbara seconded. Barbara signed the documents.

At 11:55, Barbara made a motion to adjourn and Harold seconded, meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                 (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                 (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                 (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

12/22/2015, Approved Date

December 15, 2015                                                 Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris reported that they have a splash pan to pour at the Piney Bridge and the bridge will be complete in 2016.

Barbara showed Jim Harris pictures of water over the road at Kansas & 230th from Susan Lemon; the Commissioners discussed possibly milling the road, putting gravel down and possibly overlaying later on. Barbara made a motion to mill the road on 230th between Kansas and Jayhawk (and possibly make it a hard surface road later on or leave as gravel), Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Lynne said the road is washed out on Unity road between 95th-105th, he said this is a bus route.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks, Jim Harris and Rhonda Dunn). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks, Jim Harris and Rhonda Dunn). No action was taken.

Joe Dawson a resident at 740 190th questioned Jim and the Commissioners if anyone traveled the roads on rainy days to look at the condition of the roads; Jim reported that they do during the week, but not much on the weekends. He reported water over the road in several areas on 39 Highway to the Bourbon Allen State Lake; he said some of that was due to plugged culverts. He also said there was a large hole in the road on 20th between Ivory and Indian Road.

Larry Ham questioned Jim if they were going to dig the ditch that is flagged near Hammond; Jim said yes, when it quits raining.

George Earney reported tree limbs over the road as well as potholes on 125th going North towards Mapleton.

The Commissioners had a conference call with Lora Holdridge. Lora wanted to order the County maps from Central Publishing at a cost of $30 each if more than 30 are ordered (if less than 30 they are $48 each). She said she normally will pay for them out of the general fund and when the maps are sold the money goes back into the general fund. Barbara made a motion to purchase 30 maps from Central Publishing for $30 each and pay for them out of the General fund, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Steve and Archie Smith from Universal Construction, Greg Vahrenberg with Piper Jaffray and Larry Goldberg with Goldberg Group Architects met with the Commissioners. Also present for this meeting was Jim Harris, Justin Meeks, Bobby Reed and Ben Cole. Larry Goldberg said they are still at the beginning of the technical phase of their documents and the plans can still be changed. He said the marketplace is volatile; he discussed the increasing prices in steel. He said that there is a lot of guesswork with varying numbers when estimating the cost of construction. He said due to increasing costs, the cost to build the jail is over budget. Originally the total indebtedness for the jail was just over $6 million but currently for construction and contingency the cost is estimated to be $7.6 million. He said originally the building was to be 21,000 square foot but is now to be a 23,000 square foot pre-engineered metal building, turn key facility. He said that he has met with the Sheriff to discuss areas where expenses could be cut without cutting bed size. They questioned Jim Harris about doing the site work, Jim said they would do the site work with guidance, this could save over $321,000+ (Barbara thanked Jim for stepping up and volunteering to do as much site work as possible), he discussed buying used kitchen equipment to save over $100,000. He said they are still looking at other ways to save money and said that some bids may come in under the estimates. He estimated that they have found a way to cut over $700,000 and estimate the cost to be $6.9 million. Greg Vahrenberg discussed the options the County has for financing the extra expenses if the project ends up being over budget. He said he had asked Kevin Cowan with Gilmore and Bell if the County could use the annual excess of $250,000-$350,000 (estimated) excess sales tax for the repayment of financing. He said they are evaluating the wording from the ballot to see what the votes authorized and the statute that called for the election. He said if the excess cannot be used for this, the excess could be used for operational expenses and purchases which could free up other money, or he said the Commissioners could look at the Counties budget and consider using money that has been allocated for purchasing equipment be used for jail expenses and burrow money for the equipment. He said one other option for the extra money to be used for the jail construction is to form a public building commission and issue bonds for the extra money that is needed for the jail construction. Archie Smith discussed the fact that there is a labor shortage and that the contract prices have gone up. Archie said that the delay in the project (delay in the site choice) cost an estimated 2.5%. Larry said it will take approximately 2 months to finish the drawings and said that the site package could be bid early so that the site work could be started as early as possible. Harold said that the Commissioners need to find a way to finance what the voters voted for.

At 11:55 am, Barbara made a motion to suspend the meeting until 2:00 pm and Lynne seconded.

The Commissioners received a letter from the Kansas Department of Health & Environment; the County was approved for a Brownsfield Targeted Assessment on the land that has been chosen for the new jail. The letter officially approved the project and a State consultant will contact the County to arrange for a site visit.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 20 minute executive session regarding consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to allow Lynne, Jim Harris and Justin Meeks to meet with Dave Martin to discuss the Landfill, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Rhonda Dunn, Lynne seconded and all approved. No action was taken.

Rhonda Dunn met with the Commissioners to discuss the 2015 revenue. She suggested that the County need to cash flow their budget.

Kendell left the Commission meeting for an appointment and Maggie Wolf attended the meeting to take minutes.

The Commissioners scheduled a special commission meeting on Friday, December 18th at 11:00 am to discuss financing for the Landfill.

Lynn made a motion that Barbara notify the banks that the County is going to take a different direction on financing the Landfill building, Harold seconded, motion passed.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks, Rhonda Dunn and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion for Jim to transfer $11,600 of expenses (expenses from Wade Aluminum) from the Landfill fund to the General contingency fund, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara left the meeting at 3:36 pm.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session to discuss non-elected personnel to protect their privacy and Harold seconded (the session included Lynne, Harold, Justin Meeks and Rhonda Dunn). No action was taken.

At 3:49, Harold made a motion to adjourn and Lynne seconded, meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                   (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                    (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                    (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

12/22/2015, Approved Date

December 8, 2015                                                            Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris presented wheel loader quotes (the quotes included trading in a gd655 motor grader) to the Commissioners. Komatsu quoted $124,800 for a Komatsu 320-7 and $171,400 for a Komatsu 380-7. John Deere quoted $148,410 for a 624K and $199,450 for a 644K. Cat quoted $163,688 for a Cat 938M and $215,451 for a 950M. Jim said of all the quotes he preferred the John Deere. Travis Klinesmith with Murphy Tractor (John Deere) was present. Travis said the quote is good until December 28th. Jim said lately they have not been happy with Berry Tractor on the parts or service they are providing. Jim said if they trade a motor grader then the first payment for the John Deere 624K would be approximately $27,000 annually and the first wouldn’t be due until 2017. Barbara checked with Terry Sercer to verify the lease payments budgeted for 2016. Barbara made a motion to approve purchasing the John Deere 624K and trading in a GD655 with a difference due of $148,413 with the first payment due in 2017, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara asked Jim if when the trucks are being loaded if they wait until they are all loaded before the loaded trucks leave or if they leave once loaded; Jim said it depends on what the grader wants, he said some graders will load all at once and then grade the road while the trucks are gone.

Lynne took a phone call from a resident requesting gravel between 7 highway & 125th and Wagon Road; this was reported to Jim Harris.

Jim Harris discussed the financing for the new building at the landfill; he said that Frank Young has informed the builders that there will not be a payment made until the Commissioners have reviewed financing options.

The Commissioners signed an agreement for services with Tri-Valley for the 2016 budget of $55,431.

Harold made a motion to approve the Sugar/Hidden Valley liquor licenses for selling on and off premises, Lynne seconded and Barbara and Kendell signed the licenses.

Barbara made a motion to approve Ag Engineering for $4,000 for the survey for the Bourbon County law enforcement site, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Rhonda Dunn met with the Commissioners to report revenue and expense with cash. She said currently the employee benefit fund, Landfill and Road & Bridge Sales Tax, is negative on cash.

Lynne asked Rhonda Dunn to talk to Arnold Schofield about the Heritage Trust Fund grant regarding the Courthouse front steps and Courthouse security.

Rhonda Dunn discussed the Homes for the Holidays that HPA did past weekend. She reported positive feedback and said that the Friday night tour had $9,150 worth of sales. She said some of the money from the Homes for the Holidays tour will be used to repair the depot.

The Commissioners will all be attending a holiday meal at noon at the 4-H building; no County business decisions will be made.

At 11:25 am, Barbara moved to suspend the meeting until 2:00 pm and Lynne seconded.

Terry Sercer, Rhonda Dunn and Justin Meeks met with the Commissioners regarding the 2015 budget and available cash. Terry presented the 2015 budget amendment to the Commissioners; the budget amendment meeting will be December 29th at 10:00 am. Barbara made a motion to approve publishing the certificate to amend the 2015 budget, amending the Employee Benefit fund, Noxious Weed fund and Landfill fund, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 20 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Jim Harris and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to approve adopting resolution 25-15, a resolution amending vacation time carryover. An employee with unused vacation time as of 12/31/2015 will be able to carry the unused vacation time over until March 31, 2016; if the carried over time is not used by March 31st, 2016 then the employee will lose unused carried over time. The resolution is for unused 2015 vacation time only, Harold seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved, (the session included Justin Meeks, Kendell Mason and the Commissioners). No action was taken.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Justin Meeks said that previously the Commissioners reduced his pay to pay for the County Counselor work that was being done by Josh Baseley, Josh no longer works for the County so Justin asked that his salary be increased to what it was before it was reduced since he is doing the work. The Commissioners will adopt a new resolution for this to be in effect on January 3, 2016.

At 3:23 pm, Barbara moved to adjourn the meeting and Harold seconded.

                                      THE BOARD OF COMMISSION

                                      OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                          (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                         (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                         (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss)Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

12/22/2015, Approved Date

December 4, 2015                                                            Friday 11:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Lynne, Barbara, Justin Meeks and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Heather Smith with the City of Fort Scott met with the Commissioners regarding the KDHE Brownfields grant. She said if the Commissioners sign the access agreement the work would be immediately bid out and within 10 business days the phase 1 environmental study would be complete. This was discussed later on in the meeting.

Terry Sercer met with the Commissioners to discuss the remaining 2015 budgets. Also present for this were Bobby Reed, Ben Cole and Alvin Metcalf. Ben asked the Commissioners if they could purchase two vehicles for the Sheriff’s department, both at a cost of approximately $35,000+ (one of which was totaled when it hit a cow, the other vehicle would be for the COPS grant if accepted) (the insurance company will reimburse $5,000 for the wrecked vehicle and pay for the install of the equipment). At this point in the meeting no decision was made in regards to purchasing either vehicle.

The Commissioners discussed vacation time that would be lost if not used by the end of 2015. Barbara said that due to a shortage in personnel there is unused vacation time in some departments, she suggested looking for a solution so this isn’t a problem in the future. Justin Meeks said he had contacted the League of Kansas Municipalities and they said the easiest way to handle this (if the Commissioners decided to do this) is to allow all of the employees to carryover unused vacation time until a designated date in 2016. Justin suggested that possibly the Commissioners should consider changing the policy on how the vacation time accrues.

Harold arrived at the Commission meeting.

Terry Sercer reviewed the 2015 budget reports and said the Sheriff’s department has the budget authority to purchase a vehicle, however this will reduce the carryover. He said the employee benefit
fund, noxious weed fund and the landfill fund would all need to be amended for 2015 (the budget amendment hearing will be held on December 29
th). Justin questioned Terry about the employee benefit fund; Terry said he does the budget for the employee benefit fund based on the previous year’s actual expenses. Bobby Reed said he builds in 10 hours of overtime a month for each employee in the correctional center plus overtime for vacation coverage. The correctional center said they have gone to 12 hour shifts and this has helped reduce the overtime. There is not enough money to cover benefits (taxes, Kpers, etc.) for the Commissioners to authorize paying for the unused vacation time. Justin said that the mill levy would have to be increase to cover benefits to payoff unused vacation time.

Barbara asked Terry Sercer if he was in agreement with the correctional center on the remaining budget balance. Terry said he had the same reports as them. He told them that when he prepared the 2016 budget it was estimated that the correctional center would have at least $60,000 remaining of unspent money in their 2015 budgets so he reduced what they could spend in 2015 by $60,000. Barbara said by looking at the reports it appears that it would be ok to approve purchasing one vehicle for the sheriff’s office and suggested waiting until at least the end of December to decide on the COPS grant vehicle. Both Bobby and Ben said they didn’t see any other major expenses for 2015.

Barbara made a motion to approve creating a resolution to allow any unused 2015 vacation time to be carried over until March 31, 2016, if it is not used by then, then the employee will lose carried over vacation time, this is for 2015 only, Lynne seconded; Barbara said the departments in the future need to prevent this (vacation time not being used) from happening. All approved.

Terry said the departments have done a good job of controlling their spending and suggested that they continue to limit their spending through the end of the year.

Lynne left the Commission meeting.

Barbara called Kevin Rost with Goldberg Group Architects to discuss the KDHE Brownfield’s grant. Barbara made a motion to accept the low bid of $4,000 from Ag Engineering for the survey of the land for the jail property, Harold seconded and motion passed.

Barbara made a motion to proceed and sign the KDHE Brownfields grant application for the phase one environmental study for the land for the law enforcement center, Harold seconded. Barbara signed the application and Gary Cullor the owner of the land signed the application and the application was emailed to Heather Smith at the City of Fort Scott.

At 12:38 pm, Barbara made a motion to adjourn and Harold seconded.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

12/08/2015, Approved Date



December 1, 2015                                                            Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Lynne, Barbara and Kendell present.

Rebekah Houser with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Lynne read a letter from KDHE regarding the soil samples taken at the Wade Aluminum site, the results were acceptable.

Jim Harris invited the Commissioners to a retirement lunch at noon December 1st for Roscoe Mumbower, there may be more than one Commissioner that attends, but no County business decisions will be made.

Jim presented a culvert application for Lance Henderson for a driveway entrance to farm land at 1240 Range Road, Barbara moved to approve the application, Lynne seconded and the Commissioners signed the application.

Jim said he will have quotes available next week for a wheel loader for the Commissioners to consider.

Jim discussed the 6” of rain that the County received over the past 4 days; he said the road graders will start repairing any road damage caused by the rain on December 2nd.

Doug Miller met with the Commissioners, he said he had removed scrap metal at the Landfill and said that scrap metal prices are down.

Lynne took a report regarding the bad condition of the road between 45th & 55th and Limestone and Juniper; he reported this to Jim Harris.

Jim said that Frank Young is concerned about the structure design of the new Landfill facility (at the NE corner of the main baring wall), he asked for the Commissioners to sign a $2,500 change order to cover an additional 6’ x 25’ structure wall. Barbara asked what area that $2,500 could be cut from in another area of the Landfill design to cover the $2,500 change order. Jim discussed this will Frank Young and Frank said that the money allocated for the scales could be reduced to cover the $2,500 change order. Barbara made a motion to approve the $2,500 change order (with no increase in the overall amount financed) and Lynne seconded.

Bill Martin, Bobby Reed and Ben Cole met with the Commissioners. Bill said that there was a vehicle totaled in a motor vehicle accident with a cow. He said the insurance company will pay $5,000 for the Crown Victoria and will pay for the removal and install of equipment and as well as decals for the new vehicle. Bill said that between the remaining 2015 budget for the Sheriff and the SEKRCC they can pay $31,833 (vehicle price without equipment) for a Ford SUV replacement vehicle outright without financing. Bill brought up the COPS grant and said if the Commissioners accept it, they will have to provide a vehicle for this and that they could cover this vehicle with their 2015 budget as well. The Commissioners said they will be meeting with Terry Sercer later today and will discuss this with him to see if the money is available.

Bill said he had sent maps of the new proposed Correctional facility to the insurance company since the land purchased is near a creek that floods.

Bill asked if the Commissioners had made a decision regarding unused vacation time, Barbara said they will be meeting with Justin Meeks again today to discuss this.

Michelle Workman with the Fort Scott Biz attended the Commission meeting.

Eric Bailey met with the Commissioners he said the County is ready to adopt new flood plain maps, but the changes have to be published 20 days before adopting the resolution. Barbara moved to publish the changes in the newspaper, Lynne seconded and motion passed. Eric will publish this in the paper and then meet with the Commissioners to approve a resolution changing the flood plain maps after the 20 days.

Barbara moved to go into a 10 minute executive session for non elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Kendell Mason and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Heather Smith with the City of Fort Scott met with the Commissioners regarding the Neighborhood Revitalization Program. She said the NRP program is a tax rebate program for improvements (renovation and remodeling) made to residential and commercial property and is an incentive program to encourage rehabilitation development for residences and businesses in Fort Scott. She said the City signed a 5 year inter local agreement (between the City of Fort Scott, County, USD 234 and FSCC) to participate in the NRP. She said between 2011-2014 there have been 15 commercial properties participate in the NRP that have resulted in an increase in valuation of approximately $2.6 million and 14 residential properties that have increase valuation approximately $1 million (she said only the additional tax that is created is rebated). She said you apply for the NRP through the Appraisers office and the valuation has to increase at least 15% (with exceptions around the City) in order to qualify. She said the total approximate annual rebate is $143,000. Barbara moved to sign the 5 year inter local agreement (January 2016-December 2020) commitment to NRP, Lynne seconded and Barbara and Kendell signed the agreement.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Barbara seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

At 11:28, Barbara made a motion to suspend the meeting and resume at 2:00, Lynne seconded.

Terry Sercer called into the Commission meeting. The Commissioners explained to Terry about the Sheriff’s department and the unused vacation time as well as the Sheriff wanting to buy a new car and questioned if there was enough money left to allow a new car. Terry will be meeting with the Commissioners on Friday December 4th at 11:00 am to review the remaining 2015 budgets (Barbara called Harold to inform him of the meeting).

Leon Hester met with the Commissioners. Rhonda Dunn asked if he had the capabilities of handling recycling at the Courthouse if the Courthouse should start recycling products; Leon said yes he could provide assistance for recycling if needed and will discuss this with Rhonda Dunn at a later date.

Leon Hester discussed the Wade Aluminum site. He said he has done the cap on the land that KDHE has required. He said he is now waiting on the County to provide 6-8” of clay and approximately 1400 yards of dirt as cover. He said there are 2 parcels that he will be deeded once the work is done; he asked if the 2 parcels could be made into 3 parcels. Justin said as long as KDHE approved separating the parcel this could be done, Leon said he would pay for the survey to be done.  Barbara thanked Leon for taking the land and cleaning the land up.

The Commissioners and Justin Meeks called Kevin Ross with Goldberg Group Architects to discuss the phase 1 environmental study. There is a Brownsfield grant available through the City of Fort Scott which could help pay for the environmental study; however there is a 6 week turn around time (possible 3-4 weeks) to get the grant and it was decided that it could cost money to delay the survey. The Commissioners called Heather Smith at the City of Fort Scott to see how fast the grant could be available (the Brownsfield administrators choose their own surveyors); Heather will inform the Commissioners at a later time how long the process will take. The Commissioners reviewed the bids received for the survey and the environmental study of the proposed land for the jail site. For the boundary, topography and environmental study Kaw Valley bid $11,900, Ag Engineering bid $6,500, Savory Company bid $14,920 and Anderson bid $12,150. The Commissioners did not make a decision on who to use for the surveys pending the amount of time the Brownsfield grant will take.

At 3:47, Lynne made a motion to adjourn and Barbara seconded.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                 (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss)Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

12/08/2015, Approved Date


November 2015

November 24, 2015                                                                   Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Harold, Lynne and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Marge Albright met with the Commissioners and Jim Harris. She requested gravel on 245th between Indian and Jayhawk Road; Jim said they would put some gravel there.

Jim presented an application from Westar Energy to bore under the road 36” at 2601 Osage Road for Adam Laroche’s property; Harold made a motion to approve the application, Lynne seconded and motion passed.

Jim said he will have bids for the Commissioners on December 3rd for a loader.

Barbara arrived at the Commission meeting.

Marge Albright talked with the Commissioners about the Sheriff’s department wanting to carryover their vacation time. She said when she worked at the County they had to use their vacation time when it was due. Barbara explained to her that elected officials are in charge of their own department and are to run as best as they can. Barbara said the Sheriff came to the Commissioners saying that they are short staffed and there are not enough employees to cover when an employee wants to take vacation time off. Barbara said that the Sheriff needs to advertise to fill the vacancies in the Sheriff’s department. Marge suggested that the Sheriff’s department employees leave the patrol vehicles at the Courthouse for the next shift to use rather that all of the deputies needing their own car. The Commissions said they understood that they may need to depart from their residence for an emergency. Marge said she has no complaints regarding Jim Harris because he does what she asks.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Barbara said she received a report of pigs that are getting into a cemetery Southwest of Fort Scott; Barbara reported this to the Sheriff.

Harold made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session to call Justin Meeks for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Kendell Mason with Justin Meeks on the phone). No action was taken.

At 9:53, Barbara left the Commission meeting to attend a funeral.

Bill Lalman stopped by the Commission meeting to say hello to the Commissioners.

Lynne made a motion for he and Harold to attend a fence viewing between Lane Cutler and the City of Fort Scott, the legal description of the location of the fence is as follows… the property line beginning at a point approximately 2013’ East of the NW corner of section 26, traveling SW approximately 1500’; then East approximately 2657’; then NE approximately 1500’; all lying in Section 26, Township 26, Range 24, Drywood Township, Bourbon County, Kansas. Harold seconded and motion passed. Harold and Lynne returned from the fence viewing at 11:47 am. Both reported that the fence that they viewed is well within the required guidelines for fences in Bourbon County as per resolution 17-11.

At 11:45, Lynne made a motion to suspend the meeting for lunch and resume at 1:30 pm, Harold seconded and motion passed.

Michelle Workman with the Fort Scott Biz attended the Commission meeting.

Rhonda Dunn presented a cash balance report to the Commissioners.

Rhonda Dunn, Shane Walker and Lora Holdridge met with the Commissioners regarding the painting on the first floor. The 1st floor paining on the walls is complete, they received a bid of $1810 to do the ceiling and trim work on the first floor. The HPA agreed to pay $1500 towards the painting of the Courthouse and any money remaining after the painting of the walls will be used towards the $1810 bid. Rhonda said the County will not be billed for the work until 2016. The Commissioners complimented the painting that has been done. Barbara asked if the $1810 worth of work could wait until there is money available. Lora Holdridge said her department has waited to purchase items that they need and if money is an issue maybe money being spent in other departments should be postponed. Harold said he felt the work that is done looks nice and made a motion to approve spending up to $1810 (less any money left of the $1500 the HPA pledged to help with the paining), Lynne seconded; Barbara questioned what was left of the $1500, Rhonda said she didn’t know. When voting on the motion, both Harold and Lynne voted in favor, but Barbara voted against it due to funding. Lora said there will be items on display in the Courthouse from the depot. Shane said the artifacts on display will be insured by the HPA. Shane said the case for the machine gun has been put on hold due to the cost of it.

The Commissioners discussed the fence that they viewed, Harold made a motion to accept the decision that the fence was a good fence as per the requirements of Resolution 17-11, Lynne seconded and both signed the letter stating that it was a good fence.

Bobby Reed and Bill Martin met with the Commissioners regarding preparing food for the inmates. Justin was on conference phone during the meeting and said he had reviewed a contract from CMB Managed Services (he said the contract could be ended between Bourbon County and CMB if needed). Bobby said he had been looking for companies to cook for the inmates. He said CMB would hire their own staff and would use inmates that are on work release to help prepare meals. Bobby said that currently it takes 1-2 employees to prepare food for the inmates and by hiring CMB it could reduce the manpower in the correctional center. He said CMB is insured for liability insurance and would prepare meals as well as provide commissary. Bobby said he had $115,000 budgeted for inmate meals. CMB will charge $4.35 each for 19 meals and under, for 50 or more meals it is $2.25 per meal. Bobby said the correctional center will have to purchase a Kitchen Aid mixer (to make pies and cakes) and miscellaneous supplies for CMB to use to prepare the meals. Bobby said the company will hire locally to prepare the meals. Bill said after the new jail is complete they are considering having CMB prepare the meals for Meals on Wheels. The Commissioners said they do not have to sign the contract and but if Bill chooses to he can. Justin asked if the Commissioners wanted to address the unused vacation time, Barbara said they wanted to address this with Justin at a later time.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Kendell Mason and Justin Meeks by phone). No action was taken.

Harold made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Kendell Mason and Justin Meeks by phone). No action was taken.

Annie Clarkson met with the Commissioners, she said the railroad crossing south on 240th does not have any lights or crossing arms. She said she discussed this with the railroad and they said she should address the County about it. Barbara suggested that she come meet with the Commissioners when Jim Harris is at the meeting.

Barbara made a motion to send a letter to local lending institutions regarding financing the Landfill building with a lease, Lynne seconded and all approved. The letter was sent to the local lending institutions.

At 3:24 pm, Harold made a motion to adjourn, and Lynne seconded, meeting adjourned.

                                      THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                      OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                      (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                      (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                      (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County

12/08/2015, Approved Date

November 17, 2015                                                                                         Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Lynne reported a ditch problem at 950th & Hackberry. Susan O’Brien reported to Barbara that at 1234 95th Street the sides of the ditches are high and when it rains the water doesn’t drain off correctly. Larry Shead reported that there were bumps in the road near his house; Jim said they will need to fix it with hot mix and the paving machine (when the weather is warm) or November 17, 2015                                                  

could purchase some cold mix after the first of the year to fix it. Lynne reported that the Tanner Bridge on 105th has a large drop off at the North end.

Jim reported that the 1999 wheel loader (which has 20,000 hours on it) is down and needs approximately $50,000 worth or repairs. Jim said he would like to get quotes to replace it, the Commissioners said he could get quotes, but would not be able to purchase one for a while.

Barbara made a motion to transfer $12,220 of expenses from Noxious Weed fund into the Special Machinery fund for the purchase of the 4-wheeler and trailer that was purchased earlier this year, Harold seconded and all approved. Rhonda will make the transfer.

Michelle Workman with the Fort Scott Biz attended the Commission meeting.

Rudy Simpson a resident of 204 N. 210th   street met with the Commissioners. He said he hasn’t seen a mower in his area for over 2 years and that his assessment on his property taxes increased by 96.4%, he also reported that at the quarry West of Pawnee the County gravel trucks will wait until 4 or 5 trucks are full before leaving, he felt that they should fill one truck and then leave. He said his taxes keep increasing, but the service he receives has continued to decrease.

Archie Smith with Universal and Kevin Rost with Goldberg Group Architect met with the Commissioners, Bill Martin, Alvin Metcalf, Ben Cole and Bobby Reed regarding the jail project. Kevin Rost said he planned to get quotes for the survey of the property, he said the survey would include boundaries, topographic and utilities. After this is done, there will be soil samples done (Barbara reported that there is a grant called Ground fields Grant Application) that could help offset the cost of the soil samples, she gave him the information on the grant, he is going to talk to Heather at the City of Fort Scott about the Ground field Grant). The Commissioners discussed moving the property lines on the property; Kevin said that there will be a cost associated with replatting the property. Kevin said that there will need to be a phase 1 environmental study done on the property. Archie Smith said they have been evaluating different costs of the models of the property; he said he is concerned about budget due to the rising construction costs. Bill Martin commented about the budget remark that was made; he said originally he wanted a 110 bed facility and that was reduced to 90 bed and then to a 70 bed facility with the option to increase to a 90 bed facility. He said it wasn’t the one that stretched this project out that started 6 years ago; Kevin said that the project is still a 74 bed facility with the possibility of an additional 16 beds, he said they will not sacrifice any beds, but may have to reduce expenses somewhere else. Kevin asked if the County would do any of the grading or provide rock in order to help keep the costs down on the jail project; the Commissioners said yes they will do what they can to help.

Bill Martin reported that the County received an extension to January 2016 to decide if they wanted to accept the COPS grant.

Kevin Rost, Archie Smith, Lynne Oharah as well as employees of the Sheriff’s department went to tour the site of the new jail facility.

At 11:17 am, Barbara made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 2:00 pm.

The Commissioners reconvened at 2:00 pm.

Kevin Rost with Goldberg Group Architects met with the Commissioners, Justin Meeks, Ben Cole, Bill Martin, Alvin Metcalf and Bobby Reed. Kevin discussed the layout of the building on the land that is being purchased for the jail. There is a metal building on the land, Kevin said the building is in bad shape (he said he didn’t feel that the building was worth rehabbing), but thought the location of the land was good. Kevin said they will get the survey process started by getting quotes and then will do the environmental study. He said that at this point they won’t be able to break ground until the spring.

Bill Martin, Skip Brown, Wayne Davidson, Rachel Thompson, Alvin Metcalf, Bobby Reed, Leslie Herrin, Leroy Kruger, Tom Davis, Larry Maloney, Justin Meeks, Jacob Crahan, Nathan Howser and Jared Lyden employees of the Sheriff and Correctional Center met with the Commissioners regarding vacation time. If an employee has been with the County for 2 full years (as of January 1st) they loose any unused vacation time. Bill said they need more employees so that they can cover when someone wants to take vacation time. Bobby said he was getting ready to loose 2-3 more employees in the Correctional Center. The Sheriffs department is currently one employee short of being full staffed; the Commissioners asked where they advertised for employees at and they said the various places they advertise. Skip said they can advertise all they want, but if the County doesn’t pay enough, people will not come here to work. He said he is a part time Sheriff’s deputy that has been here 6 years and makes only $11.21/hour. He said the police department pays more than the County. Skip said the vacation issue is a result of not getting employees because the County doesn’t pay enough. Bill said he was asked to turn back a portion of his budget and sign a contract to agree to give money back, he said he refused to sign, but pledged to do what he could to save money. He said the Sheriff’s department is an expensive office to operate. He said a deputy hit a cow in the patrol car and totaled the car and now he needs to replace the car. He said he is going to try and get money from KCAMP for the push bumpers on the vehicles. He discussed the safety of only one deputy being on duty on Sunday night due to an employee taking time off. Skip asked the Commissioners what they have done to bring business to Bourbon County other than to raise taxes. Jared Lyden read a letter expressing his opinion on loosing vacation time, as well as the fact that they do not have enough employees to perform duties. He discussed the condition of the equipment and said they are using a part time deputy as a full time investigator and this was a disservice to citizens because the cases aren’t as strong as they should be after investigation. He discussed the fact that employees need a break from work (which the Commissioners agreed with). He said they need more qualified employees and said the Sheriff’s department needs a ranking system. He felt the Sheriff’s department should have 15-17 employees. Jared said he knew of an employee that had been in law enforcement for 20 years that wanted to come work at Bourbon County, but couldn’t because of the pay, he asked what was going to be done to keep the employees here.   Lynne said he was in favor of approving the COPS grant and discussed the option of allowing all employees to carryover any unused vacation time until April of 2016 in order to give them more time to use it. No decision was made regarding the vacation time

Barbara discussed a fund raiser for Dolly the Trolley, Lynne moved to make a donation to the fundraiser, Harold seconded.

The meeting adjourned at 4:10 pm.

                                      THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                      OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                      (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                      (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                      (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

11/24/2015, Approved Date



November 12, 2015                                                 Thursday 11:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for attorney client privilege, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Ben Cole, Justin Meeks and David Martin). The following was discussed (the Commissioners, Bill Martin, Ben Cole and Justin Meeks were present) after the session… Justin Meeks said he had previously been given permission by the Commissioners to negotiate for property for the law enforcement center. He presented a contract signed by the seller (Cullor, Inc.) for +/-6 acres and a building at 323 East 20th, Fort   Scott, KS for the purchase price of $200,000. The conditions of the contract are the property shall be subject to zoning ordinances, soil samples, environmental studies and any existing leases or tenancies that are currently enforced on the property. There is currently an active business on this property and after closing the business shall have up to 60 days to remove their personal property and equipment. The buyer will remove all equipment, storage containers, trailers and other personal property for the seller. The costs of removal will be the responsibility of the buyer and the removal of the property must be located within Bourbon County, County limits. As a condition of the sale, the buyer agrees to plant trees on the north and east boundaries and agrees not to remove existing trees until needed to clear for construction of facilities. The County will have the right of first refusal on the adjoining land. The property is located in the city limits and zoned commercial. Lynne made a motion to accept and sign the contingency commercial sales contract for land for the law enforcement center, Harold seconded and all approved. Barbara signed the contract.

At 11:58 am, Barbara made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Harold seconded and all agreed.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

11/17/2015, Approved Date

November 10, 2015                                                           Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 20 minute executive session regarding non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Barbara seconded and all were in favor (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to allow Justin to inquire locally regarding financing for the Landfill building, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded and all approved. No action was taken.

Harold left the Commission meeting to attend a funeral.

Barbara made a motion to amend Resolution 24-14 adding the position of Appraisers Quality Control, Lynne seconded and all approved.

The Appraiser, Clint Anderson met with the Commissioners. He said that a law has been passed that if a property goes before the Board of Tax Appeals and if the hearing goes in favor of the owners, the value for that property remains the same for two additional years. Johnson County is going to be suing the Property Valuation Division in Topeka because of this law because they feel it is inappropriate to carry the value for two years and feel it is in conflict with the State Constitution. Clint asked the Commissioners want to be on-board with the other Counties that are for this lawsuit, the Commissioners asked Clint to let them think about this. Clint said that in Kansas in 1988 residential property made up of 25% of the valuation in Kansas and in 2014 it made up 48%, Personal Property percentages are down compared to 1988 and Commercial in 1988 made up 11% versus 23% in 2014. Clint said the tax burden has shifted to residential owners.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded, motion passed (the session included the Commissioners, and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

The Commissioners asked Justin to compose a letter to be sent to the local banks asking for financing through a lease purchase on the new Landfill building.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session regarding attorney client privilege and Barbara seconded, the session included the Commissioners, Rhonda Dunn and Kendell Mason). After the session Barbara made a motion that the County move its operating funds from UMB to Landmark on January 1st, 2016 due to RFP’s that were received from UMB and Landmark regarding fees and interest, Lynne seconded, motion passed.

At 12:00, Barbara made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 2:00 pm, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded (the session included Harold, Lynne and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property and Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners). No action was taken.

Harold made a motion to write and sign a letter of support for the relocation of the Long Shoals Bridge to the Riverfront Authority facilitate its preservation and protection, Lynne seconded and all approved and signed the letter.

At 3:14 pm, Harold made a motion to adjourn, Barbara seconded and all approved.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

11/17/2015, Approved Date

November 3, 2015                                                            Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Harold asked Jim Harris to put some cold patch on Soldier road 1½ miles east of Hammond.

Barbara and Jim Harris will be going on November 5th at 9:00 to view 240th.

On November 18th at 8:30 am the Commissioners and Jim will be having a work session regarding the public right of way use guide and the culvert application process.

The Commissioners reviewed a list of septic tank inspections that Eric Bailey has completed.

Lynne made a motion to approve the contract with Worksite Benefits for the monitoring of the 125 plans for 2016, Harold seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included Clint Anderson and the Commissioners). After the session Clint recommended changing the current existing revaluation clerk position to a new position called Appraisers quality control supervisor, he said there are mandates from PVD to do field quality control work that should have been done but hasn’t been done. Lynne made a motion to approve the creation of the Appraisers quality control supervisor at the same pay of $10.93 starting and $12.15/full scale effective immediately (and move the current revaluation clerk to this position), Harold seconded, the Commissioners asked Justin if this position would need to be advertised to fill the position, Justin said it would not need to be advertised. The motion passed.

Ben Cole and Bill Martin met with the Commissioners regarding vacation time. When a County employee has been employed for two full years on January 1st, they loose any unused vacation time. Ben suggested changing this to where there is a cap on vacation accrual to 240 hours, and once they hit 240 hours they can’t accrue anymore time. Bill said they are understaffed and the employees aren’t able to take their vacation time. Bill said some of his employees have commented that if they are going to loose their vacation time, they will quit before the end of the year and then come back for a job at the beginning of the following year. Bobby Reed and Alvin Metcalf attending the meeting. There was comparison between the City police department and the Sheriff’s department, Bill said that the police department has more employees and a ranking system, he said the Sheriff’s department covers 642 square miles with two employees on duty, and the police department has thee employees on duty at all times covering 5 miles. Bill discussed the grant they just received in the Sheriff’s department to pay for mobile data terminals. Bill said he would let people go so they can get paid for their vacation time and this will create overtime. Bill reported that a deputy hit a cow over the weekend and totaled a Crown Victoria Sheriff’s car.

Rhonda Dunn met with the Commissioners. She said that the 2014 tax year is closed and the books are available for audit. She said at the close of business on October 29th, 2015 there was $513,142.20 in outstanding uncollected 2014 taxes. She said when she mails the tax statements if someone has delinquent taxes she puts a sticker on their tax statement (she said this gets some response), she said she also makes phone calls to some business owners about delinquent taxes. Rhonda said if someone has delinquent personal property taxes they can’t renew their car tags. Rhonda discussed the RFP she did regarding banking for the County. She said that Landmark and UMB responded to her request and that she is going to get more information from them.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Lynne seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

At 11:54 am, Barbara made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:00 pm, Harold seconded and all approved.

Greg Post met with the Commissioners; he reported that on 135th near Mapleton there is a wash in the gravel road there.

Delwin Mumbower and Lou Howard met with the Commissioners and Will Wallis. Delwin presented documentation clarifying ISO ratings and PPC programs. There has been discussion with the Commissioners regarding possibly consolidating fire districts in the County. Delwin said he thought there have been some misunderstandings between the departments regarding the consolidation. Delwin presented a list of questions and concerns from and members of fire department #3. The Commissioners asked Delwin if all rural fire departments are under one authority; could one fire chief handle the work load, Delwin said he didn’t think so. Barbara said her concern is safety and is also interested in the volunteers; she said she doesn’t want to loose volunteers. Delwin said that if fire department #3’s board was expanded to include all stations the consolidation could work, but would be difficult and said it may be hard to get all departments to agree. Barbara said the Commissioners are still gathering information regarding consolidation. Will suggested a meeting with all chiefs and volunteers to discuss the concerns. Delwin said that fire district #3 covers 505 square miles in Bourbon County; the Commissioners said that basically the entire County is already consolidated. Will said that by consolidating anyone could look at any of the books at any time.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Lora Holdridge). No action was taken.

Justin Meeks met with the Commissioners regarding prosecution. He said there is a high profile case coming up that the County will need to hire a special prosecutor (he estimated a cost between $750-$1,000) due to conflicts between the Attorneys office and the high profile case, he said he will come to the Commissioners to ask for the money to pay for the special prosecutor when the time comes.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session regarding consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 40 minute executive session for preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property, Barbara seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

At 3:37 pm, Barbara made a motion to adjourn, Lynne seconded and all approved.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioners

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioners


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

11/17/2015, Approved Date

October 2015

October 27, 2015                                                    Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commissioners met in open session with Barbara and Lynne present. The County Clerk was also present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune and Michelle Workman with the Fort Scott Biz were also present.

At 9:05 am, the Commissioners along with Jim Harris, Michelle Workman and Tammy Helm went to take a tour of the Thomas Quarry, the Landfill and to look at a ditch in the industrial park. No County decisions were made.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 20 minute executive session regarding preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Bill Martin, Bobby Reed, Justin Meeks and Kevin Rost with the Goldberg Group Architects). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 20 minute executive session regarding preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Bill Martin, Bobby Reed, Justin Meeks and Kevin Rost with the Goldberg Group Architects). No action was taken.

At 11:56 am, Barbara moved to suspend the meeting for lunch and reconvene at 1:00 pm, Lynne seconded, motion passed.

Darrell Bloomfield and Don Banwart met with the Commissioners and Justin Meeks regarding consolidating the fire districts. Mr. Banwart said he had read in the newspaper the discussion over consolidating fire districts. He said he is a graduate of the ISO (Insurance Services Organizations) and discussed the class ratings on insurance. He said his home insurance class rating is at a class 6, due to his closeness to a fire station and access to water. He said the closer a structure is to a fire truck, the better the ISO rating will be. He said if there were three more fire stations in Bourbon County it would reduce everyone’s ISO rating. He said that could potentially save residents $1 million in a year on insurance. He said to drive a fire truck, a volunteer needs no special training, but that a person could not go inside a fire structure without being certified. He said Scott Fire Department does not have a difficult time getting volunteers. Linn County was used as an example of consolidating fire districts. He said you can’t compare Bourbon County with Linn County due to the fact of Linn County’s access to water and the valuation available from the power plant in Linn County. Mr. Banwart said originally the East side fire station was built to be shared between the City of Fort Scott and Scott Fire District (#5); but after it was built the City didn’t have the money to get a Safer grant. He also said that that fire station is only manned about 30% of the time. He said he is not in favor of a County-Wide fire district and that it would cost more. The Commissioners explained that the point in a County-wide fire district was so that the Commissioners could be the auditing portion of the fire districts and could oversee the spending of the fire districts.

Debbie Engstrom with Security 1st, met with the Commissioners and Rhonda Dunn regarding the contract to do work on the 2016 tax sale. Rhonda Dunn said that when a tax sale property sells, the County will re-coop expenses due to the tax sale. It was discussed that the Attorney work that is done on the tax sale could be done in house by the County Attorney’s office. Barbara made a motion to sign the agreement with Security 1st at $75 per parcel for the 2016 tax auction cycle, Lynne seconded, motion passed.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Clint Anderson and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). After the session, Barbara made a motion to give the authority to Justin Meeks to negotiate on a property regarding acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded and the motion passed.

Don Banwart met with Will Wallis, the Commissioners and Justin Meeks regarding consolidating fire districts. Will said he attending a meeting with all of the fire districts as well as citizens regarding consolidating districts. He said there were a lot of unanswered questions after the meeting. Will said that the fire departments all work well together. Don Banwart said his concern with consolidating districts is that the money will not be filtered correctly and that it will cut the risk of getting grants for the fire districts; he said if it was done correctly and didn’t effect grants and the way the departments get their mill levy then he would be in favor of a consolidated fire district. Barbara said her number one concern is safety. Barbara made a motion to give Justin and Lynne permission to meet with Will Wallis and the fire districts, Lynne seconded. Don said that Drywood Township board asked Scott fire department to take over the Garland fire district, but he said they do not want to take over the district.

At 3:35, Barbara moved to adjourn, Lynne seconded, motion passed.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                ______________________, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, County Clerk

11/03/2015, Approved Date

October 20, 2015                                                    Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune and Michelle Workman with the Fort Scott Biz were also present.

Jim Harris discussed the agreement that the County has with Doug Miller regarding the scrap metal at the Landfill. Jim said that Doug Miller hasn’t picked up the scrap metal for a while due to the prices of scrap metal being low. The Commissioners told Jim to call Doug and tell him that the scrap metal needs picked up.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioners and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Jim said they are hauling base rock to the Piney Bridge and they are close to pouring the deck there; he said this will be reimbursed from the Federal Funds Exchange program. Jim said they were putting a pipe in at 175th & Range road and the roller broke, he said it is in Kansas City to be fixed and should be back this week.

Barbara asked Jim about his 2015 budgets; he said that payroll is down and they are watching expenses, he said if there is a carryover for 2016 it won’t be much.

Jim reported that the rock at the Thomas Quarry is some of the best rock they have ever seen.

The Commissioners opened the one bid they received for the financing on the Transfer Station Landfill building. City State Bank said that they understood that that a municipality cannot borrow funds for unsecured purposes, John Hill thought it would need to be financed through a lease or through bonds. Mr. Hill said that if a lease was done it would cost between $2,500-$3,000 for the lease documentation (which could be added to the cost of the lease). Mr. Hill said if the County decided to go with a lease they would be interested in providing a proposal for the financing of the Transfer Station. No decision was made on this issue.

The Commissioners are going to tour the Thomas Quarry at 9:00 am on Tuesday October 27th, all of the Commissioners will be there, and no County decisions will be made.

The Commissioners discussed the COPS grant for the Sheriff’s department. It was decided to accept the grant, but to delay this as long as possible.

Barbara took a call from someone that reported a ditch that fills up with water at 238th & Musket Road; Barbara reported this to Jim Harris.

Rhonda Dunn met with the Commissioners; she said she discussed two accounts (the Emergency Management Grant and the Worthless Check fund) with a negative balance with Terry Sercer. The Emergency Management grant is exempt from the cash basis law and the worthless check fund will never have a positive balance.

Rhonda Dunn and Lora Holdridge met with the Commissioners. Rhonda said she discussed with the department heads during a department head meeting that the department heads need to be conservative (per Lynn’s request) with their spending through the end of 2015. She said some department heads questioned if the spending is limited are all departments limiting their overtime; she said some department heads believe there is an abuse of the overtime. The Commissioners reviewed the amount of overtime from the October 9th payroll. Barbara said that she thought that if there is something that doesn’t need to be spent, it shouldn’t be spent, and if something is necessary, proceed.

Rhonda discussed the paining of the 1st floor, she said HPA is willing to provide up to $1,500 for paint and supplies, if the Commissioners agree; they will proceed with the painting. Rhonda said the inmates will do the painting, on the first floor there will be two murals, a 12 foot Christmas (donating) tree, and a buggy display as well as a Veterans display in the South hall. The second floor when finished will be a display of communities in the County. The third floor will have court related items on display.   Rhonda said they plan to have the Courthouse open during the Homes for the Holidays tour. Barbara suggested that the TV’s in the lobbies show history of Bourbon County. Barbara moved to graciously accept the generous offer from the HPA of up to $1,500 (the Commissioners will be able to approve the colors chosen), Harold seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 20 minute executive session regarding acquisition of land, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

At 11:37 am, Barbara made a motion to suspend the meeting for lunch and reconvene at 1:30 pm, Harold seconded and all approved.

Eric Bailey met with the Commissioners to give them an update on sanitation issues. He said that he had recently permitted 2 composting toilets (concrete pits and land applied) in the Northern part of the County. He said there was recently a pit privy removed in the Southeast part of the County. He said there are two new sanitation haulers that are in the process of getting licensed. He said real estate inspections are up and that he has been working on a flood plain resolution.

Harold made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Bill Martin). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session regarding matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Harold seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

The Commissioners will meet on Friday, October 23rd at 10:30 am to discuss site options for the new jail and to discuss matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency.

Barbara made a motion to adopt Resolution 24-15 (an amendment to the employee handbook regarding insurance benefits; effective January 1st, 2016, when an employee leaves employment with Bourbon County, their Health Insurance benefits end on the day they leave employment. Example… an employee quits on May 2nd, 2016, their insurance benefits end on May 2nd, 2016, Harold seconded and all approved and signed Resolution 24-15.

Lynne made a motion to adjourn at 3:15 pm, Barbara seconded and all approved.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

11/03/2015, Approved Date

October 13, 2015                                                    Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Harold, Lynne and Kendell present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris reported that they are crushing at the Thomas Quarry and that the rock is very good.

Robert Coon attended the meeting and questioned Jim Harris about the road near Hammond. He said since the road near Hammond is constantly going to have semi’s on it, wouldn’t it make more sense to put concrete down instead of continually putting asphalt down, he thought the concrete would last longer; Jim said the cost for concrete is higher and Lynne said that if a higher grade of asphalt is used it will last. Robert commended Jim on the condition of the County roads. He questioned who owned the land at the Southwest corner of the Landfill near 69 Highway; Jim said the County and the City both own some of the land. Robert questioned if Maple road (around the Sale Barn) would be widened when the work is done there, Jim said that the plan is to clear trees and widen the shoulder of the road.

Jim presented a quote from Hubert Thomas for $16,840 for stripping the overburden at the Blake Quarry, to be paid for out of Road & Bridge and reimbursed by the Federal Fund Exchange program; Rhonda Dunn checked the balance in the Road and Bridge department and said as long as the money is reimbursed it should be ok to pay expense.   Lynne made a motion to approve the stripping of the overburden at the Blake Quarry, Harold seconded and motion passed.

Jim said he had a concern for next year, due to available funding, regarding being able to continue to update equipment in the Road & Bridge department.

Bill Martin, Bobby Reed, Ben Cole and Kevin Rost (with Goldberg Group Architect) met with the Commissioners regarding the new jail. Bill said they are still trying to educate the public regarding the appearance of the new jail. It was suggested to publish in the paper an image of the new jail. There was discussion over the amount of money spent on the site that was previously chosen for the jail; however, that land had access to utilities. Mr. Rost said construction costs are increasing. It was said that any money that is spent on land or utility improvements will reduce the amount of money spent on the building. Robert Coon questioned the inmate transfers, the new jail will have video conferencing to help reduce the amount of transfers needed to be done.

By 10:00 am there were two proposals for possible sites for the new jail. Lynne made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Harold seconded (the session included Bill Martin, Kevin Rost, Justin Meeks, Ben Cole, Bobby Reed and the Commissioners). No action was taken.

Robert Coon said he understood the issues that the County has faced regarding finding land for the proposed jail site; regarding the limited options, flood zones and the railroad tracks. He suggested doing an animated drawing with a list of options they have viewed and what is needed for a jail location. Bill Martin said he has an open door policy and that if anyone has questions about the jail, they can contact them. It was suggested that the jail location issue be discussed on the radio’s soapbox program as a way of informing the community on the issue. Robert Coon questioned why they would choose the poorest public media and suggested choosing another open media option instead of the soapbox.

Billy Cooper with ABATE (a non-profit organization promoting motorcycle awareness) met with the Commissioners. He wants to have an ABATE event at Elm Creek Lake for the 3rd year in a row. He said they plan to have a chili cook off, bounce house, fishing contest and games. He said he hoped to generate some money. He said he would eventually like to plant trees and flowers at Elm Creek Lake. He said ABATE does rider training programs, and that their organization feels that helmets are the right of the rider and should be optional, not the law. Harold made a motion to allow ABATE (ABATE provided their Certificate of Liability Insurance) to have their event from October 23rd, 24th and 25th, Lynne seconded, motion passed. Bill Martin said he would have additional deputies in the area and will notify the State Troopers of the event.

Harold made a motion to go into a 30 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded, motion passed (the session included Clint Anderson and the Commissioners). No action was taken.

Bill Martin said he would like to sell a 2002 Chevy Truck on Purple Wave and apply the money to the vehicle loans; the Commissioners thought that would be a good idea.

Hazel Swarts visited with the Commissioners and Bill Martin.

At 11:45 am, Lynne made a motion to suspend the meeting and return at 1:30, Harold seconded.

Cathy Cooper with the Kansas Department of Corrections met with the Commissioners to give them the 2015 fund year report. She said the main goal of their organization is to have a success rate of at least 75% for the offenders on supervision. She discussed some of the offenders that failed, but said that they ended the year with a success rate of 76.4%. Lynne made a motion to approve the fund year 2015 year end outcome report, Harold seconded, motion passed.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 30 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Kevin Rost). After the session Lynne made a motion to allow Bill Martin and Justin Meeks to contact 4 landowners about possible jail sites, Harold seconded, motion passed.

John Hill with City State Bank met with the Commissioners regarding financing for the Landfill building. He asked what the building would be used for; Lynne told him that trash would be loaded from the building into a truck and hauled away. It will be an unsecured note for the County with a 10 year payout (with semi-annual payments, with no pre-pay penalty). John questioned how the loan would be repaid, the Commissioners told him it would be paid with tax dollars.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Harold seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

At 2:47 Lynne made a motion to adjourn and Harold seconded.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                ________________________, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioners

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioners


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

10/20/2015, Approved Date

October 9, 2015                                            Friday 9:00 am (Budget Meeting)

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three of the Commissioners and the County Clerk present for a budget meeting.

Terry Sercer met with the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Rhonda Dunn to review the 2015 budget for Road & Bridge and Road & Bridge Sales Tax fund.

Terry Sercer said that between Road & Bridge and Road & Bridge Sales Tax account the accounts are currently approximately -$40,000.

Terry reminded the Commissioners that they need to make sure to transfer what was budgeted to be transferred. It was budgeted to transfer $500,900 from the Road and Bridge Sales Tax fund into the Road and Bridge fund; Terry said this needs to be done now. It was discussed to do transfers monthly vs. quarterly.

Terry said the Road & Bridge budget for 2015 could be spent; but he hopes that it is not completely spent so that the money could be carried over into for 2016.

Rhonda Dunn reviewed the cash balances available and cashed in a $300,000 CD from City State Bank; she said she hopes to replace as much as this as possible at the end of the year.

Terry said he will review the cash balance reports as well as the revenue and expense reports to estimate where he thinks the funds will end up at the end of 2015.

Jim Harris came to the meeting to review his funds. Terry Sercer explained to him that if there is money budgeted to be carried over it needs to be carried over. If the money is not available to be used as a carryover then the budget needs to be reduced by the amount that is not available for the carryover.

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMSSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss)Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

10/20/2015, Approved Date

October 6, 2015                                                               Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Hazel Swarts was present listening to the meeting.

The Commissioners discussed with Jim about trash being dumped around the County.

Harold reported that there are culverts near Hammond that need marked.

Barbara made a motion to renew membership with NACO for 2016, Harold seconded and all approved.

Jim Harris said they are almost complete with the Landfill pad. He said the contractor is starting the ramp there this week. There was discussion over whether to have a lagoon or septic tank at the Landfill.

Jim said the preliminary engineering has started on the Maple road project and they have taken core samples there.

Jim said they will be starting work near 235th & Soldier road once the Landfill pad is complete.

Jim reported that Ron Rogers is working on the Piney Bridge and it should be complete in mid-November.

Jim said the four main, roads that are traveled the most in the County are 215th going North, Jayhawk, Maple and Indian   Road.

Lynne said that Maple Road west of Uniontown needs repaired. He said that there have been fatalities in this area. Barbara told Lynne to get with the Sheriff to identify the accidents there and then to apply for an at risk grant to proceed with the study there.

Harold reported that the bridge near Tomahawk and 195th needs to be repaired, Dennis Meech reported to Harold that the flooring and the beams are in need of repair.

Jim said they will be hooking up the snow plows next week to prepare for the winter.

Jim and the Commissioners cancelled attending the KAC meeting in order to save money.

Lynne reported that he received the bids from Midwest Construction for the East entrance to the Courthouse, he said they bid $67,000 to do the front and $17,103 to make it handicap accessible. No decision was made.

Bill Martin, Ben Cole, Bobby Reed, Shane Walker and Justin Meeks met to discuss the jail location. Bill said that due to the set back on the jail location; there have been different properties suggested for the jail location, the different locations are in a flood zone, Bill said he had been told that the County could build in a flood zone, but KCAMP said that certain things wound have to be done in order to build there, and our KCAMP insurance premiums would be higher due to being built in a flood zone. Barbara said that some people feel that since watersheds have been built, there will not be issues with flooding there again, but that may not necessarily be the case. There was a conference call with David at KCAMP. David said that it is not advisable to build in a flood zone. He said that the premiums would be higher for the County if built there, he also said he had a concern with the liability if located there, he said if there were a plan there would need to be an emergency plan in place, and said if there was a flood, the deputies could be called out to handle other calls which would be a stretch in the resources if an evacuation had to occur. He said it is not advisable to build in a high hazard area.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 30 minute executive session for preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Bill Martin). No action was taken.

Jim & Diana Knopp (owners of land on 170th near Pawnee Station) met with the Commissioners and Justin Meeks regarding the condition of a fence between his property and Richey Perry. Mr. Knopp said some of the fence can not be patched and that his end of the fence is new. He said he has talked to the other property owner regarding fixing their end of the fence and he tells Mr. Knopp to talk to the renters of the property. Justin said he would send a packet regarding fences to both landowners and if necessary the Commissioners would do a fence viewing. The Commissioners asked Mr. Knopp to check back with the Commissioners in a few weeks to determine if a fence viewing is necessary.

Mr. & Mrs. Hemal Patel met with the Commissioners. Mr. Patel said he had read the article in the newspapers stating that the County was looking to purchase land to place the new jail on. He said he has approximately 5 acres near the fairgrounds that he felt would meet all of the requirements needed to build the jail. He said he would ask approximately $195,000 for the 5 acres. The land currently does not have access to 69 Highway. He is going to present a formal proposal to the Commissioners.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). After the session Lynne made a motion to give Barbara permission to sign a cancellation on a mutual release agreement on the land purchase for the jail, Harold seconded and all approved.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Lynne seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

At 11:48 am, Barbara made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:15, Lynne seconded and all approved.

The Commissioners held a conference call with Samantha Dorm (gov.grants) regarding a COPS grant, present for this call was the Commissioners, Bill Martin, Ben Cole and the County Clerk. Before the call started, Bill Martin informed the Commissioners that Bourbon County had been awarded one position through the COPS grant. Bill said during the 2016 budget cycle, he had asked for three additional deputies, he had already applied for the grant, but did not know if it would be awarded to the County at that point. Bill said that this grant will help pay for 3 years worth of salary and benefits for one sheriff deputy, but would not pay for any equipment needed for a deputy (such as vehicles, weapons, etc.). Bill said that the County needed to decide whether they wanted to accept or decline the grant. Samantha Dorm explained how the grant would work; she said the grant would provide approximately $125,000 to the County to cover wages and benefits for one employee for three years; the County would have to provide approximately $53,107 for a match for this grant. She said the County could provide the match of $53,107 divided up over the three years, or could pay it all in the last year, whatever the County could do. Mrs. Dorm said the County would have to maintain the staff they currently have for the three years (if the staff is not kept the same, the County could have to pay a penalty), and at the end of the fourth year, the County would not be obligated to keep all of the staff and could reduce staff if necessary. She said the County has 90 days from October 1st, 2015 to either accept or decline the grant. Samantha said the job classification that the grant was awarded could not be changed. Bill said that Samantha’s group was responsible for getting the County grant money to help pay for the 1st set of video cameras, as well as helping the County get the COPS grant. Samantha said that if the County accepts the grant, the County could submit for reimbursement monthly, quarterly or yearly. Bill and Ben discussed the fact that they are currently 2 deputies short and that the calls for service has gone up. Bill said that they would like to hire someone that specifically is assigned to deputy work to follow up on cases. There was discussion over what the County can afford. Ben said that when doing exit interviews most of the employees say the lack of money for equipment is the problem, not the lack of pay for the employee. Bill asked the Commissioners what kind of deputies the Commissioners wanted, proactive or reactive. Barbara said that the people that elected him expect him to be proactive. The Commissioners told Bill to give them a few weeks and they would make a decision regarding the grant.

The Commissioners, the Attorney’s, Kendell and Tammy Helm went outside to the West of the Courthouse. Barbara suggested that the new jail be built in the West and South parking lot (the Health Department would have to be moved). After the jail is completed, the old jail could be remodeled or torn down. That way the inmates could be housed here while the new jail would be built. No decision was made.

Justin Meeks and Josh met with the Commissioners. Josh said he received a letter from Charles Gentry regarding the vacancies on the Garland Fire department.   The vacancies need to be appointed by the Scott and Drywood Township board and the Township boards are not complying. They asked for permission from the Commissioners to draft a letter to each Township board to ask them to fill the vacancies. Harold made a motion to authorize them to issue letters to the Scott and Drywood Township board for them to appoint people to fill the vacancies on the fire district board, all approved.

Justin Meeks said he would like to go to counsel training in Wichita in November, but did not have any money in his budget for this, he estimated it to cost $455 total. Barbara made a motion to pay for this out of the Commissioners budget, Harold seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Josh Basely). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Lynne seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners, Will Wallis and Justin Meeks).   After the session Lynne moved to give Justin Meeks permission to look into the possibility of Bourbon County going to 1 consolidated fire district, Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Harold made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for attorney client privilege, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Josh Basely). No action was taken.

Lynne made a motion to have a budget meeting on Friday, October 9th, at 9:00 am, Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Barbara made a motion to adopt amended resolution 07-15 (changing returned check fees to $35), Lynne seconded and all were in favor.

At 3:36 pm, Barbara moved to adjourn the meeting, Harold seconded, and all were in favor.

                                                          THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                          OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                          (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                          (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                          (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

10/09/2015, Approved Date

Septmeber 2015

September 29, 2015                                                          Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

All of the Commissioners may be attending a lunch for Rocky Brown’s retirement at noon today at the County Barn; no County business decisions will be made.

Jim Harris reported that they will be finishing with the Landfill pad this week and the contractor is scheduled to start next week. Barbara suggested securing financing before starting the construction of the building.

Lynne reported that there is a culvert on 95th with a barricade across it, Lynne suggested replacing the culvert.

Jim reported that they put cold patch on Eagle   Road this week. Barbara reported that there is a speed limit sign off of Jayhawk at 240th going West that is falling down.

Harold asked Jim to contact Nancy Neimier (resident South of Hammond); she had a concern about the culverts that the County installed. Harold reported that 215th has washboards, Jim said he would look at this.

Jim said he had talked to Tom Hill, Jim said he could clean the ditches, but can’t change the natural water way.

Barbara reported receiving a thank you note from Lavetta Simmons for a wheel the County donated.

Barbara talked to Jim about County equipment being on the road when it’s dark.

Rhonda Dunn gave a fund status report to the Commissioners. She reported the cash balance in all of the Road & Bridge funds as of 9/25/2015 is $172,845.08. She estimated the income yet to be received for 2015 is $368,136.24. She reported that most of the tax money received has been distributed to all of the funds. Rhonda suggested reviewing the funds every two weeks.

Robert Coon questioned whether the County would do any work such as the parking lot for the new jail, Barbara said it would depend on whether the County had time to do the work as well as the construction company.

Lynne made a motion to allow Barbara to talk to UMB regarding the issue of collateral for the rubber tire excavator that the County traded for a grader.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Bill Martin, Architect Larry Goldberg, Universal Construction Archie Smith and Justin Meeks). After the session Barbara made a motion based on the contingency for the real estate contract with the land chosen for the jail site that the Commission initiate another search for a site for the jail, Lynne seconded and all approved.

The Commissioners addressed concerned citizens regarding the site of the jail; those attending this meeting that signed in were… Archie Smith and Larry Goldberg, Johnny Bellmyer, Christina Kraft, Young Min Yoo, Phil Quick, Vickie Shead, Dennis Downing, Roberta Ard, Bill Martin, Justin Meeks, Johnnie L. Stark, Kim Fletcher, Douglas Defebaugh, Greg Fess, Jason Bryan, Nathan Wells, Sheila Blubaugh, Roger Davis, Jeff Madison, Karen Kellenberger, Gypsy O’Neal, Suzanne and Allen Griffin, Barbara Jobe, Robert Coon, Angie Martin, Bill Martin, Bobby Reed, Alvin Metcalf, N.Bond, James Stark, Shel Dyse, Daniel Richey, and Donald Blosser. Larry Goldberg said they will continue looking for a good site for the jail and asked for input from the citizens of a good site location, he said they previously advertised for locations, but didn’t receive any good options, he said he hopes people will come forward with available property. Larry Goldberg said he is honored to be working with Bourbon County on the jail. He said there is no easy solution, they need a four acre site to build the jail, it has to be within the City limits or be annexed, needs to be west of the railroad tracks for response times, needs to be flat land, needs to have direct access to a paved, main highway (not through a residential neighborhood). Mr. Goldberg said they had viewed at least 19 options for the jail site. There were pictures presented of jails they had built in the past as well as pictures of the floor plans for the new jail. He said the windows of the jail cells do not line up with the outside windows, and the inmates are required to have 3 hours of light daily, he said the vehicle sally-port is in a closed area, he said there will be video arraignment available, he said there will be no perimeter fences. There was concern over inmates being able to walk down the road once released from jail. Mr. Goldberg said that State prisons are shutting down and housing inmates locally. There was discussion over building the jail where the current facility is, but Mr. Goldberg said that it would cost approximately $1,000,000 to relocate inmates (housing and transporting) while the jail was being built; he estimated it to cost $9.5 million to remodel the current jail vs. $6.8 million to build a new jail. Robert Coon asked if the County would do some of the work to tear down a facility if a site was chosen that needed demolition he also asked if Economic Development had provided input regarding the jail; Bill Martin said he had an appointment scheduled with BEDCO, but the meeting had been cancelled. Mr. Coon said possibly the County couldn’t afford Mr. Goldberg (due to the cost of building a jail), he said that Bill Martin previously said the reason there needs to be a new jail is due to poor maintenance in the past on the current facility; Bill Martin said that as long as he is Sheriff he will make sure that maintenance is done as needed and that he had inherited the mess and mentioned that Commissioner Coleman was the Sheriff for 24 years (when the current jail was built), Bill said he has to deal with the Commissioners to keep maintenance done. Lynne said some of the money for the jail will be set aside for maintenance. Dennis Downing questioned the Commissioners about the property that was South of Mercy Hospital on 69 highway; Barbara said there was a ravine that ran through that property and they would have had to share the hospitals entrance. Bill Martin said that they had all agreed to take a step back and look again at possible sites, he said they do not intend on leaving anyone in the dark and that the diagrams are open to the public. He said all of the concerned residents could have made a call to him regarding any of the issues they had.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (the session included the three Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Lynne made a motion to solicit loans from the local banks for the Landfill building, Harold seconded and all approved.

Lynne left the meeting to view possible sites for the jail with Larry Goldberg.

Barbara made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:30 pm, Harold seconded.

Rhonda Dunn met with the Commissioners, she said that currently the returned check fee for the County is $20; she asked that the Commissioners change this to $35 in order to cover the cost of labor and postage to process a returned check. Barbara made a motion to approve changing the fee for a returned check from $20 to $35 effective October 6, 2015.

Barbara made a motion to go into an executive session regarding matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Will Wallis and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session regarding preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

At 3:29 Lynne made a motion to adjourn, Harold seconded and all approved.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

10/06/2015, Approved Date

September 22, 2015                                                                   Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris reported that they will be overlaying 235th the week of September 28th. He said they will mill Soldier Road from the Hammond elevator at the railroad tracks going East past the intersection and if they have enough asphalt oil left they will overlay that portion of the road.

Jim Harris presented a road program working document. He said the Landfill pad should be done within 4-5 days (pending good weather). He said they did a blast at Thomas Quarry, he said they went 26 feet down and received good rock. Jim said they had widened 235th and Soldier   Road as well as raised a low spot in the road, (John Younggren met with the Commissioners about this).

Barbara made a motion to put a 4-way stop at 250th & Deer Road for 30 days with the understanding that after 30 days it will be the East/West traffic that will have to stop, she asked that Jim Harris mark this area well with signs, Harold seconded and all approved.

Harold suggested to Jim Harris that when they do the maintenance at the rock quarry, that they do it on Saturdays in order to keep from loosing production, (normally the maintenance is done during the week and the production is halted in order to do the maintenance).

Mike Younggren and Byron Sloan as well as Brent Smith met with the Commissioners. Mr. Sloan said that there has been road grading done by the County near Mr. Younggren’s property (on 115th between Jayhawk and Kansas) and pushed trees into a ditch which has caused the water to back up on his property and one tree fell on a fence post, Mr. Sloan said the County should compensate him for this, or put a new fence post up. Jim said if the County damaged the post, the County should fix it. Mr. Sloan said he also had a concern regarding the original Platte of the road near Mr. Younggren’s property which shows a rounded curve, now the road grader has made the corner into a square curve and has cut off less than 1/3 of an acre of Mr. Younggren’s property. Mr. Younggren wants to build a fence (but wants to make sure where the property stakes should be) to the corner of where the road is now graded. Jim suggested that Frank Young with Ag Engineering meet with the parties involved to discuss the survey that he did there.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

The Commissioners and Justin Meeks discussed the Landfill, there was a question over what the Landfill was worth, and that the Landfill is not making money. Barbara made a motion to have an appraisal done on the Landfill and the business operation there, Lynne seconded and all approved. Justin said he would get the appraisal process started.

Justin Meeks said he had discussed with Bill Martin about a grant that is available to do the environmental study on the jail site property.

Ron Nicholson met with the Commissioners regarding Hidden Valley. He said he met with the Sheriff and presented to him a form in order to treat the roads in Hidden Valley as public roads so that the roads can be patrolled by Bourbon County and if needed, arrests could be made.

Rhonda Dunn previously discussed the tax sale that was being held today, she said 3 of the properties on the tax sale list had been redeemed. Dan Meara met the Commissioners after the sale was over and said that all 35 properties had sold at the tax sale. Rhonda reported that the tax sale brought in $31,507.50.

Kendell Mason presented to the Commissioners an application that Tim and Katricia Bradbury did for a tax abatement for their house at 116 S. Holbrook, (the house was destroyed by fire on February 2, 2014). Barbara made a motion to abate a portion of the taxes for the house for the portion of the year that the house had burnt, Lynne seconded and all approved.

At 11:35, Barbara made a motion to suspend the meeting for lunch and reconvene at 1:30 pm, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioners and Rhonda Dunn).

Mike Lakeman the plant manager with Labconco met with the Commissioners and Bill Martin. He said that the corporate office is concerned about the new jail being built next to their business and said he felt that they should have been advised of the possibility of the jail being built next to their business. He questioned the Commissioners about their reasoning for choosing the location that they did. Barbara said they didn’t disclose the location they were considering due to they fact that they were trying to negotiate on the property, she said they didn’t want to demolish a property, wanted access to utilities, she said they looked at property near the hospital, she said the County ruled out the industrial park in order to keep that property more for industry. Mr. Lakeman said he felt that Labconco was part of the industrial park. Mr. Lakeman asked if someone bailed out at 1:00 am, would they be released at that time and allowed to walk away, Bill Martin said they could bail out at 1:00 am, but most people have someone waiting to pick them up and usually don’t walk. Bill said that usually when someone gets out of jail, they don’t immediately commit another crime. Mr. Lakeman asked if there would be more lighting on Liberty Bell Road; Bill said that would be up to the City and the County. The Commissioners said they felt the area would be more secure due to having the jail there and that there would be highway patrol, sheriff and police department personnel moving in and out of the facility; Mr. Lakeman said he didn’t think the area would be more secure and felt that corporate would eventually want to build a fence in order to keep people off of their property; he said corporate had a concern of people visiting inmates and walking around near their property; Bill said that some people will be able to do visits on the internet, so that should reduce the amount of people visiting the jail. Mr. Lakeman questioned where on the property the jail would be built, the Commissioners said they didn’t know yet. Mr. Lakeman said he hoped that the County would communicate with Labconco in the future so that they know what is going on.

At 2:28 pm, Barbara made a motion to adjourn, Lynne seconded and all approved.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

09/29/2015, Approved Date

September 17, 2015                                                          Thursday 2:00 pm

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune, Justin Meeks, Bill Martin and Alvin Metcalf were also present.

The special meeting was held regarding acquisition of land. Justin said the Commissioners had given Justin authorization if an executive session to make inquiries about property in Bourbon County. He said it was believed that this 13.7 acres of property on Jayhawk Road, in section 5, township 26 and range 25 for $195,000 is the best property for the new law enforcement center. Justin said numerous properties were viewed and this was the best location. Justin presented a contingency contract that the seller had signed, there are contingencies, depending on soil and environment checks, utilities, as well as the land will need to be annexed into the City. Harold questioned that if there are any contingency issues, the County could back out of the contract; Justin said yes the County could back out if needed. Bill Martin said he was in agreement with the property choice. Harold made a motion to authorize Chairperson Albright to sign the real estate contract for the acquisition of real property to house the law enforcement center, Lynne seconded and all approved. Barbara said she was under the understanding that the County would try to build the law enforcement center as far North on the property as possible. Barbara signed the contract. Justin said that courtesy calls were made to landowners of other property the County considered purchasing for the law enforcement center.

At 2:25 pm, Harold made a motion to adjourn, Lynne seconded and all approved.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                                                     OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

09/22/2015, Approved Date

September 15, 2015                                                                   Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

John Younggren met with the Commissioners and Jim Harris regarding the road conditions near 235th and Poplar and Quail Road. He said there are still washboards there and that the County needs to run a sharp blade to take the washboards out. He said tack oil has been placed on 235th and there is a pot hole in the middle of the road that should’ve been fixed before the oil was placed down. He said if you’re going to do a job you should do it right. He said the base should be smooth. He said the County keeps pulling the ditch and narrowing the roads, he said the corners need widened out, Harold agreed that the corners needed widened out. He said the ditches aren’t lining up with the culverts so the water doesn’t go through the culvert and the culverts need cleaned out. Mr. Younggren said that the time to fix the road is before the overlay is placed down. Mr. Younggren questioned if Jim had pulled the extensions off of the motor graders, Jim said most have been pulled because the graders were having a hard time getting a 32 foot road, Mr. Younggren said that he thought the employees were telling Jim what they were going to do, not what Jim tells them to do. Mr. Younggren said that he didn’t think the County could afford to put asphalt down if there isn’t a good base. Lynne said the County is correcting issues that should have been addressed years ago. Jim said that the employees that do culvert work are currently working at the Landfill getting the land ready for the new building.

Jim presented to the Commissioners a list of road projects that have been completed and ones that are still on the list to be completed. Barbara suggested that in the Industrial Park the County do the road from 69 Highway past Mid-Continental where the trucks are using the road the most. Jim said they hadn’t picked up the rock (but can) by Kevin Allen’s property where the contractors left the rock.

Lynne discussed the 2011 Bomag roller that the County has been renting; he said the County has spent $14,400 to rent the machine, but that money could be used towards purchasing the roller. The purchase price was $83,400 less the rent of $14,400 for a purchase price of $69,000.  Lynne made a motion to purchase the roller for $69,000 from G.W. Van Keppel and pay for out of the Special Machinery fund, Harold seconded and all approved.

Jim said they are out of room at the County barn for parking, but said the Nelson building next door said the County employees could park their personal vehicles there, Justin said the County would need to do a waiver of liability. Harold made a motion to use this parking area, Lynne seconded and all approved.

There was discussion over Sericea Lespedeza, Jim said that the County is out of the spray to treat the Sericea Lespedeza. Barbara suggested that in the future the County keep enough of this chemical on hand in order to treat this weed. Jim said the County doesn’t have enough money in the budget to purchase more of this chemical.

The Commissioners opened the 2016 budget hearing, present for this meeting was the Commissioners, Terry Sercer and Justin Meeks. Terry said that after the budget was approved, the County would need to purchase a notice of vote. He said he would provide bound copies of the adopted budget to the Commissioners. At 10:20 am, Barbara moved to close the budget hearing and adopt the 2016 budget, Harold seconded and all approved. The Commissioners and Kendell signed the budget.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding Courthouse security, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Bill Martin, Rachel Thompson, Bobby Reed, Ben Cole and Alvin Metcalf met with the Commissioners and Justin Meeks regarding the jail processing fees. Bill discussed Kansas Statute 19-1930 regarding County jails; U.S. prisoners, city prisoners, and inmates on parole or conditional release; compensation for maintenance; payments by inmates to defray maintenance cost. Part of this statue discusses the board of county commissioners of a county may provide by resolution that any inmate of the county jail who is incarcerated in the county jail pursuant to a sentence for the conviction of a crime in this state shall be required to pay to the county a fee in an amount not exceeding the county’s daily cost o housing the inmate to defray the costs of maintaining such inmate in the county jail for each day prior to and after conviction for an offense resulting in an conviction. There was also discussion over KSA 19-1910 cost of keeping prisoner under criminal process; costs paid by the State; reimbursement from prisoner. Bill said that a fee schedule was set up in the 1980’s regarding housing inmates and what to collect from the arresting municipalities. On January 1st, 2016 they want to change the fees to a flat $20/day for housing inmates for a City in Bourbon County. Bill said that it was decided in the past that the rates should be changed, but the rates were never changed. Bobby said they have been charging arresting municipalities by the hour and the billing for this takes time and they want to make the process simpler to figure. Rachel said currently the way she figures how much to bill a City for housing an inmate is she receives a report that shows the inmates name with the time the inmate enters and leaves the jail and figures what to invoice the City for payment. She said someone that is housed for 3 hours could cost $5.63 and someone that is house in the jail for 12 hours it could cost $16.88.  Bobby said that they would eventually like to change the hold policy from 6-48 hours. Meaning that if someone is arrested of a DUI with a high blood alcohol level and they can’t make bond, currently they are released in 6 hours, (Bobby said that if they are released after only 6 hours, and if they were involved in an accident, it could be a liability for the County) they want to change it to 48 hours before they can be released. There was discussion over if someone is injured during an arrest by a City and they go to see a doctor, they medical cost falls onto the arresting City. There was discussion over someone that is arrested who is on SSI and housed in the County for 31 days or more, the Government will take a percentage of the money that person receives for SSI and give this money to the County; Bobby said that since 2014, the County has collected $1,600 for this.   Barbara questioned if the City of Fort Scott was aware of the way the jail wants to change the fees they charge for housing inmates, Bill said the City was aware of this.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session regarding preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Will Wallis presented a review of Bourbon County Emergency Operations Plan. Harold made a motion to adopt the promulgation of a County Emergency Operations Plan (CEOP) with the intention of saving lives and protecting property in the event of a major emergency or disaster, Lynne seconded and all approved. Barbara signed the document.

Will Wallis the Emergency Preparedness Director said that Linn County has a County-wide fire department and suggested that the Bourbon County consider having a County-wide fire department. He said the fire departments are having a hard time getting volunteers. He said the County would want to consider the positives and negatives of having a County-wide fire department.

Barbara made a motion to break for lunch at 11:50 and reconvene at 1:00 pm, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Isaac Limas with Family Heritage Life Insurance met with the Commissioners previously and asked if they could offer their insurance to the County employees, the Commissioners decided to not allow them to offer this at this time.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 30 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks, Bill Martin, Larry Goldberg and Kevin Rost). No action was taken.

The architects for the new jail facility Larry Goldberg and Kevin Rost reviewed the drawings of the new jail with the Commissioners. It was decided to call the building Bourbon County Law Enforcement Center.

Brent Smith met with the Commissioners regarding the condition of a fence on his property at 1160 Indian Road. He said he had reviewed the fence law and feels that the Commissioners should be the fence viewers. He said he wants to install a fence on the East side of his property, but the adjoining landowner does not want to help pay to replace the fence. Mr. Smith said he understood that if he replaced the entire fence, he could put a lean on the property of the adjoining landowner. The Commissioners told him that the fence has to be a 5 wire fence and that if facing the fence, standing in the middle, you are responsible for everything to the right and the other landowner is responsible for the other half of the fence on the left.

Leon Hester met with the Commissioners regarding land he is in a contract with the County. He said that Darren at the State did the last test run and he should have results from the State in about 10 days. Justin said that once the State releases Mr. Hester the County will finish their portion of the contract. Mr. Hester asked if he could place equipment on the property, the Commissioners said that was fine.

Barbara moved to sign the standard form of agreement between owner and construction manager for Universal Construction Company, Lynne seconded and all approved. Barbara signed the contract.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session include the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

At 3:13 pm, Lynne made a motion to adjourn, Harold seconded and all approved.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioners


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

09/22/2015, Approved Date

September 8, 2015                                                           Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Lynne will be attending a department head meeting on September 9th at 10:00 am with the department heads.

Lynne will be going to the SEK meeting in Elk County on September 10th.

Jim presented a quote for the asphalt roller that the County rented in 2015. The County rented for $14,400 (total for 4 months rent) and can purchase the roller for $69,000 (83,400 less 14,400 rent paid). No decision was made to purchase the machine.

The Commissioners discussed the road projects. Arrowhead Road was discussed, in March the Commissioners will meet with Crawford County Commissioners to decide what will be done with this road. This will be a joint project between Crawford and Bourbon County. A portion of the road will be repaired; it was discussed to mill up the road. Crawford County suggested putting two layers of chip and seal, but Jim said there needs to be at least four layers of chip and seal. There was discussion over milling a portion of Soldier Road next year. Barbara said that the County can only chip and seal or asphalt as much as the revenue from the Road & Bridge Sales Tax will allow.

Lynne asked Rhonda Dunn to meet with the Commissioners regarding financing the new landfill building. Rhonda said that Landmark and Union State Bank are both interested in loaning on the building, but had questions that Rhonda didn’t know the answers to. Lynne said he was concerned about the interest rates going up the longer they wait to make a decision. Barbara said that all of the banks should be sent a letter asking if they are interested in loaning on the building. Barbara questioned if a bond would be a better way to finance the building.

Rhonda discussed painting the first floor of the Courthouse, she said it is estimated that paint for the first floor will cost approximately $1,500. The Commissioners decided to wait to decide on the painting due to budget restrictions.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioners and Justin Meeks by phone). No action was taken.

Barbara discussed a piece of property (approximately 25 acres) that the County owns near the Landfill on Noble Road (the East side of the railroad tracks). Someone is interested in purchasing the land. After further discussion it was decided that the land is part of the land involved in the Hester Transportation contract with the County.

Barbara made a motion to approve revised Resolution 24-14 (salary resolution for non-elected personnel) adding the position of Business Administrator (the secretary for the jail) with beginning wages of $11.43 and full scale of $12.70 effective September 14th, 2015, Harold seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to break for lunch at 11:35 and reconvene at 1:30pm, Harold seconded and all approved.

At 3:05 Barbara moved to adjourn, Lynne seconded and all approved, meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss)Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

09/15/2015, Approved Date

September 1, 2015                                                           Tuesday 8:30 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

The Commissioners met with Bobby Reed and Bill Martin regarding the budgets for Correctional Center and the Sheriff’s department. The Commissioners presented the following budget presentation to them…

Terry Sercer, Bill Martin and Bobby Reed were present for the discussion over the amount spent in 2015, verses what was projected to be spent and the 2016 budget for Sheriff & Correctional Center’s budget. The numbers were as follows…

Correctional Center 8/31/2015               Projected to be spent in 2015      2016 Revised Budget

Wages 328,000                                                  500,000                                                555,462

Cont. 106,000                                                    165,000                                                200,000

Comm. 70,000                                                   105,000                                                130,000

Other    None                                                     None                                         12,000

Total 504,000                                                    770,000                                                885,462

Sheriff 8/31/2015                                  Projected to be spent in 2015      2016 Revised Budget

Wages                248,000                                                  375,000                                    385,556

Cont.                  24,000                                                     36,000                          42,723

Comm.                   44,000                                                   66,000                          78,640

Capital Outlay                  0                                     0                                  0

Debt.Svc.                       22,000                                                53,000                          73,000

Total                 338,000                                                    540,000                                    583,000

Barbara said they had been addressing three big budgets, the Sheriff, Correctional Center and Road & Bridge. She said they cut Road & Bridge $319,000. She said since they (Sheriff & Correctional Center) didn’t commit to giving to the Employee Benefit fund in 2015 to help the shortfall, but agreed to watch their spending in 2015, their budget was revised. They discussed the above chart with them… She said they are trying to keep the mill levy as low as possible, and they are giving the departments that agreed to donate out of their 2015 budget to the Employee Benefit fund ½ of what they agreed to donate back in 2016. She said she appreciated the cooperation from the departments that helped with the Employee Benefit fund. Bobby Reed questioned where cuts were made from his budgeted line items; he said he can’t cut his budgeted items he presented. Barbara asked him what would change from this year’s expense to next. Bobby said if cutting the out of county housing, and the out of county housing goes up, that’s out of his control and when they go over budget what do they do? He said he doesn’t want a black eye for going over budget like he did a few years ago, Barbara said the reason his out of county was up that year was due to a lot of extra people being housed out of county for a long period of time. Bill said that their departments are the departments of the unknown, and if they have a homicide their budgets will be shot. Barbara said the County doesn’t have enough money to budget for what if’s. Terry Sercer said if they went over budget, they could ask other departments to donate out of their budget as has been done in the past. There was discussion over our insurance going up 6% verses some people that are seeing an increase from 20-25%. Barbara said she expected them to stay within their budget. The Commissioners said they still have their 2015 budget, Bill said he had budgeted for the unknown in 2015, and budgeted $10,000 for computer equipment in case he needed it, Terry said the County could put that $10,000 in a reserve account in 2016 for the Sheriff to use if they needed it. Bill talked about the response time for calls and said the services are disappointing. He said he will be questioned about this that his response will be that it is not me and that he is doing all he can do and that his hands are tied. Bill said he had a deputy turn in their notice due to better pay and hours; the Commissioners asked if this deputy will have as good of benefits as the County offers. Bill talked about the cost of the Counties insurance and said his wife’s children had been on Health Wave because of the cost of the insurance. Barbara said that everyone worked hard to save and the Sheriff and the Correctional Center promised cooperation to do as best as they can to save where possible. Bill said if they go over budget, he expects all of the Commissioners to stand up with him. Barbara reminded them that they expect them to stay within their budget. She said that the employee benefits will be broken down in the future to show each department the true cost of an employee. She said the departments that donated to the Employee Benefit fund will be operating in 2016 on their 2015 budgets plus will be given ½ of the money back that was agreed to be donated. She said when the 2016 budget was first presented; there was a mill increase of over 13 mills. Barbara said she expects the departments to get their fuel at the County barn in order to help save money.

Jason Marberry met with the Commissioners; he has a new business being built at 2122 S. Cooper called Marberry Concrete and MFR Foundation that will create 10 new jobs, 5 of the positions have been filled by people that will move here from out of County. He asked for help with rock for his parking lot. Barbara moved to partner with the City of Fort Scott to help with new business for Marberry Concrete and MFR Foundation to employee 10 employees, Bourbon County will provide the rock, the City will haul it and Jason Marberry will be responsible for spreading it, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara moved to make the following transfer of funds…

$50,906 from Road & Bridge Sales Tax to Road & Bridge fund

$123,401 from Road and Bridge to Road & Bridge Sales Tax fund Commodities, Harold seconded and all approved.

There was discussion over the rates at the Landfill, Lynne moved to increase the rates for C&D from $23-$35/ton for in County residents and from $30-$40 for out of County residents dumping, effective September 15th, 2015, Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Jim said they had a trailer that needed replaced at the Landfill and talked about one on Purple Wave, Barbara moved to purchase a trailer for $6,000 on Purple Wave for the Landfill, Lynne seconded and all approved. They bid on the trailer, but didn’t win the bid.

Jim said they needed a truck for Elm Creek, Harold made a motion to bid up to $5,000 on a truck on Purple Wave, Lynne seconded and all approved. Jim will bid on the truck in the future.

A representative from Family Heritage Insurance, Isaac, met with the Commissioners. They offer supplemental, voluntary benefits to employees in other Counties and some school districts. He discussed the cancer policy they offer, he said if someone purchased a cancer policy and didn’t need it for a period of time, they would get all of their money back that they spent on the policy. He said their premiums are paid directly from the individuals and not typically through payroll and that the benefits are paid directly to the insured. The Commissioners are going to consider letting the company provide handouts to put in the employees payroll checks.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved (present were the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded and all approved (present were the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Kathy Cooper with Community Corrections met with the Commissioners. She informed the Commissioners that between the adult and juvenile offenders fund there will be over $124,000 of carryover for 2016 in those funds.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the decision of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Lynne seconded and all approved (present were the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

At 11:30, Barbara made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:30, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Kendell, Bill Martin and Bobby Reed). No action was taken.

There may be more than one Commissioner attending a retirement party for Dan Meara at the Lyons Twin Mansion on September 1st, 2015, no County business decisions will be made.

Harold reported that in Hiatville there is a culvert that needs replaced between Terrace and Drake Street, he said the County came and replaced one, but it was the wrong one. He also reported that there are weeds on the dam at Elm Creek.

Bill Martin and Bobby Reed met with the Commissioners and Justin Meeks. Bill said he wanted to make sure that Justin was aware that the out of County housing will have to be reduced to cover the $70,000 decrease in contractual expenses in 2016, Bobby said that the budget for out of County housing will cover housing 4.5 inmates/day for the entire year of 2016. Bobby said he had been housing an averaging 4 inmates/day in 2015.

The Commissioners continued to work on the 2016 budgets.

Barbara moved to approve the publication of the 2016 budget with a mill increase of approximately .662 after the changes are made from this afternoon are incorporated, Harold seconded and all approved.

The meeting adjourned at 4:27 pm.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                                              (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                                                   (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                                              (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, County Clerk

09/08/2015, Approved Date

August 2015

August 31, 2015                                                      Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session for a budget work session. The Commissioners, Justin Meeks, Jim Harris Terry Sercer and Kendell Mason were present for the meeting.

The Commissioners reviewed the 2016 budget in Road & Bridge; $319,000 was reduced out of the Road & Bridge budget.

Lora Holdridge the Register of Deeds, briefly met with the Commissioners. The Commissioners asked the department heads if they could cut 2% out of their 2016 budget in order to fund a raise of approximately 1.6% for their employees. Lora Holdridge said she could cut this out of her budget, but felt a raise of this size was a slap in the face. She questioned if she reduced her expenses by 2% and the Commissioners didn’t end up giving the raises, would she get the 2% added back to her budget, Justin said that they would not keep the 2% if they didn’t give raises. The Employee Benefit fund is expected to be over budget in 2015 and there has been discussion over departments not spending a portion of their 2015 budget in order to help fund the Employee Benefit fund. The Employee Benefit fund did not have the planned carryover for 2015 which started the year short; Lora said that someone needs to take the blame for the shortfall in the Employee Benefit fund. Lora said that two years ago, when the Correctional Center went over their budget, the paper and the Commissioners crucified the Sheriff and Correctional Center department. Lora said that people in the County have said to her that their taxes keep going up because of the employee’s insurance benefits, Barbara said that the County has not raised the mill levy. Lora said she would be willing to forgo a raise for herself to get her employees a raise.

There was discussion over changing how much the County pays to towards the Health Insurance. Currently the County pays 100% of a single policy. The insurance rates will increase 6% in 2016. Other costs included in Employee Benefits are Social Security, KPERS, Unemployment, Health, Life, Dental and Vision insurance and Workers Compensation, most of those benefits have gone up in price. Justin pointed out that the employees need to include the benefits that the County pays when considering their wages, because it is a great benefit. The Commissioners in the past have approved adding additional full time employees which have added extra expenses to the Employee Benefit fund. If benefits are left being paid as is, there will be approximately a 2.07 mill increase.

Road & Bridge reduced their planned 2016 budget which will reduce the services that they provide.

There was discussion over having a hiring freeze or cutting benefits to save money.

Bill Martin, Bobby Reed, and Ben Cole met with the Commissioners. Bill said he had been gone to meetings for a while and wanted to be update with what was going on with the budgets. He said there was a contract that was given to department heads to sign to give a portion of their 2015 budget back to the County; the Commissioners said it was a promissory note. Bill said after talking to the Sheriff’ Association he would not sign the paper, but would pledge to do what he could to watch the spending in the Sheriff’s and Correctional Center’s department. Bill questioned the shortfall. Kendell reminded the Commissioners that in 2013 the insurance bill was audited and it was found that previous employees had paid premiums for employees that were no longer employed with the County, this audit that the Clerk’s office did resulted in a credit to the County of over $37,500; this resulted in spending less on health insurance in 2013 and when Terry Sercer did the 2014 budget he used this number which resulted in not enough budgeted for health insurance resulting in a shortfall as well as the increase in workers compensation, KPERS and the unemployment rate increasing. Bill said he wanted it on record that he didn’t want a raise for himself, but wanted his employees to get raises. Bill said he had talked to other Counties and none of them are having the problems with budgeting that Bourbon County is having, Justin said that Bourbon County is the 3rd poorest County in Kansas and other Counties have power plants and other facilities that increase their overall valuation.

Lynne left the Commission meeting for an appointment. Justin, Terry and the Commissioners continued to work on the budget.

At 12:00 pm, Barbara made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:15 pm, Harold seconded, motion passed.

The meeting reconvened with Terry Sercer, Barbara Albright, Harold Coleman, Justin Meeks and Kendell Mason present.

Most of the departments agreed to reduce what they would spend in 2015 in order to help fund the Employee Benefit fund, together the departments agreed to donate $60,500 of their 2015 budget for the Employee Benefit fund. The Commissioners discussed giving back to the donating departments in their 2016 budget ½ of what they donated.

The Commissioners carefully reviewed the different budgets for 2016. There was discussion over the amount spent in 2015, verses what was projected to be spent and the 2016 budget for Sheriff & Correctional Center’s budget. The numbers were as follows…

Correctional Center 8/31/2015               Projected to be spent in 2015      2016 Revised Budget

Wages 328,000                                                  500,000                                                555,000

Cont. 106,000                                                    165,000                                                200,000

Comm. 70,000                                                   105,000                                                None

Other    None                                                     None                                         12,000

Total 504,000                                                    770,000                                                870,000

Sheriff 8/31/2015                                  Projected to be spent in 2015      2016 Revised Budget

Wages 248,000                                                  375,000                                    385,556

Cont. 24,000                                                     36,000                          42,723

Comm. 44,000                                                   66,000                          78,640

Capital Outlay 0                                     0                                  0

Debt.Svc. 22,000                                                53,000                          73,000

Total 338,000                                                    540,000                                    583,000

The Commissioners plan to review the above numbers with the Correctional Center and the Sheriff’s department at 8:30 am on Tuesday, September 1st during a budget work session.

At 3:44 pm Barbara made a motion to adjourn, Harold seconded, meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

12/27/2016, Approved Date


August 27, 2015                                                      Thursday 8:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session for a budget work session with Lynne, Barbara, Justin, Terry Sercer and Kendell Mason present.

The Commissioners continued to review the 2016 budgets to see what could be reduced to keep the mill levy down.

The Commissioners will continue to work on the 2016 budgets on Monday, August 31st.

The meeting adjourned at 10:02 am.

                                      THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                      OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                      (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                      (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                      (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

08/25/2015, Approved Date

August 25, 2015                                             Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Lynne reported that he had heard a complaint that the fish feeder at Elm Creek was empty.

Donald Hutchinson a resident of 2253 225th talked about a grader in the Northeast part of the County not doing his job, he said he wasn’t the only one that has complained about it and said to either get the grader to do his job or maybe something different needs to be done at Election time. Jim reported that he gets the least complaints on this grader. Mr. Hutchinson said the work he does is messed up. He said the County did a great job of putting gravel on the road, but the grader came along and moved all of the gravel to the windrow and when it rains, the water stands in the road. He said the grader has been reported to be driving around the County; Jim said the grader does have an area in the Southern part of the County. Mr. Hutchinson said that all of the roads in his area have issues. Jim is going to look at the area in question.

Jim Harris reported that they had purchased 400 ton of salt, he said by purchasing it early they paid $70/ton vs. $90/ton.

Rhonda Dunn reviewed with Jim and the Commissioners the remaining balances in Bridge & Culvert, Landfill, Noxious Weed, Road & Bridge, Road & Bridge Sales Tax, Special Bridge and Special Road Machinery as well as other accounts. Rhonda explained that the NRP fund is a holding fund until the money is distributed; she said on the Sewer District fund that the City of Fort Scott collects the money from the homeowners and sends the money to the County and the County pays the bonds out of this money.

There was discussion over how employee benefits have been budgeted in the County. It was decided to break employee benefits down to show cost by department. Barbara discussed the benefits in the County; she said based on a survey that the Sheriff’s office had done, wages, benefits and retirement are the most important to the County employees.

Rhonda Dunn reported that there will be a tax auction on September 22, 2015.

There was discussion over purchasing fuel and the options of filling up at the County barn vs. using a fleet card at a station. Clint Anderson discussed an option at the County he previously worked for where they had fuel cards that could be used at any gas station. Rhonda and Clint are going to review that option.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks, Rhonda Dunn and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Shane Walker presented two agreements for the Commissioners to sign (Justin Meeks said he had reviewed both agreements). Barbara made a motion to accept and sign the annual agreement with CIC for the annual agreement of maintenance, licensing and support, Harold seconded and all approved. Barbara signed the agreement. Barbara made a motion to accept and sign the Trebon agreement for the Firewall, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Lynne and Jim reported to Justin Meeks that a landowner was building a fence in the Counties right-of-way, the landowner was told to stop building, but didn’t and now the fence is built in the right-of-way. Justin said he would follow up on this.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 20 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioners, Justin, Kendell and Clint Anderson). No action was taken.

Nancy Lindell and Larry Ham met with the Commissioners, Mr. Ham owns land in Hammond by the railroad tracks on Soldier Road, and he asked if the ditches could be dug out for approximately ¼ mile to allow the water to drain so that the water doesn’t flood his field. Harold said that the County could use a transit or level to get the elevations and if practical, the County would try to fix it. They said the water used to drain better, but now that there have been some new culverts installed there is a drainage problem. The Commissioners discussed this with Jim Harris and he is going to check the elevation of the ditches.

Lynne made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:30 pm, Harold seconded and all approved.

Jim Harris discussed the rates at the Landfill. Jim compared the rates that other Counties charge at their Landfill. Bourbon County currently charges $23/ton for C&D. There was discussion over raising the rates at the Landfill in order to bring in more money at the Landfill. The Commissioners will discuss this further on September 1st.

The Commissioners are having a budget work session on August 27th from 8-10:00 am and on August 31st at 9:00 am.

Diana Goodbody a resident of 1061 230th, Fort Scott talked to the Commissioners about the condition of 230th. She said the side of the road is chipping away. Barbara reported this to Jim Harris.

At 3:41 pm, Barbara made a motion to adjourn and Harold seconded, meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

12/27/2016, Approved Date

August 21, 2015                                                                Friday 8:30 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session for a 2016 budget work session. Present for the meeting were the Commissioners, Terry Sercer, Kendell Mason and Justin Meeks.

Terry Sercer reviewed the rough draft #2 of the 2016 Bourbon County budget.

Jim Harris met with regarding the Road & Bridge budgets.

Harold left the meeting to attend a funeral.

The Commissioners met with Bill Martin and Bobby Reed.

Terry Sercer explained that the employee benefit fund had been under budgeted for two years causing a mill increase in that fund for 2016, and there will be a shortfall in 2015 in that fund; therefore the Commissioners are carefully looking at each departments budget to see what can be cut. Terry said the Commissioners had reduced salaries for the 2016 budget to what was budgeted in 2015, then they will see if raises will be given.

Bill Martin said to Terry Sercer haven’t you expressed concern the need to raise mill levy in the past to stay current with the economic state, Bill said he had been told by a former employee that Terry had told the Commissioners to think about raising the mill levy to avoid the situation of sticker shock when trying to catch up. Terry said in theory the mill could be the same due to valuation increasing and that he didn’t think he said that, unless the valuation went down, the may have told the commissioners in order to bring in the same tax dollars they should raise the mill levy. The requested 2016 budget was compared to what had actually been spent over the past two years. The Sheriff budgeted for 3 new employees for the department, the Sheriff budget was reduced by the expenses associated for the 3 new employees. Barbara talked to Bill Martin about purchasing fuel for the Sheriff vehicles at the County barn in order to save money. Bill said several years ago, the Sheriff’s department purchased fuel at Petromark and there were accusations of employees getting fuel for their personal vehicles, so they get their fuel in public businesses. Barbara talked about the possible savings for his department if he purchased his fuel at the barn. Bill said he would meet with Jim Harris regarding getting fuel at the barn.

The Commissioners reviewed the Correctional Centers 2016 budget. They made adjustments in their budget.

Barbara made a motion to adjourn for a break and reconvene at 4:00 pm, Lynne seconded, meeting adjourned.

At 4:00 pm the meeting reconvened with Barbara, Lynne, Terry Sercer, Jim Harris, Justin Meeks and the County Clerk present.

The Commissioners continued to work on the 2016 budget for Road & Bridge and Road & Bridge Sales Tax.

The meeting adjourned at 4:55 pm.

                                      THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                      OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                      (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                      (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                      (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

08/25/2015, Approved Date

August 20, 2015                                                      Thursday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session for a budget work session with all three Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Kendell Mason present.

The Commissioners met with Jim Harris to review his 2016 requested budget.

The Commissioners met with Eric Bailey to review his 2016 LEPP budget.

Some of the 2016 budget requests were reduced.

Lynne left the budget work session.

At 11:36 am, Barbara made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 12:30 pm.

Terry Sercer met with Barbara, Harold Kendell and Justin Meeks to review the 2015 and 2016 budget. Terry said the employee benefit fund as budgeted for 2016 is an estimated mill increase of over 6 mills; Terry said that this is due to the fact that the employee benefit fund was under budgeted for in 2014 and 2013. Terry said that the Road & Bridge fund is estimated at a 5 mill increase due to overspending in prior years and not having the planned carryover.

Terry said he would input the changes to the 2016 budget to help reduce the estimated mill levy and present another draft of the 2016 budget.

Harold made a motion to adjourn at 1:45 pm, Barbara seconded, meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairman

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

08/25/2015, Approved Date

August 18, 2015                                                                Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Jim Harris and Rhonda Dunn). No action was taken.

Jim Harris reported that they are installing a new culvert near Terry Woods’

property. He said they are moving equipment to Soldier Road, he said they did cold patch on the East Lake Road. He said they will be cutting the County right-of-way at 232nd & Jewell. Lynne said he would call Mapleton and Redfield City Mayors to see how much money they have to spend for chip and seal in the areas.

Joe Dawson a resident of 740 190th (on the West side of Fort Scott Lake) reported to the Commissioners that on 190th Street there is a hill that has had patching done, but needs patched again, he said the County mowed in the area, but left bad corners.

Lynne said that the Kansas Rocks business is wanting power, but they are unable to get the property owners in that area to give them land to put the power; Lynne said the power could run over Dayton Cemetery entrance along the Counties right-of-way. Lynne made a motion to allow the Kansas Rock Association to use the County right-of-way to put the power on at 130th & Tomahawk, Harold seconded and all were in favor (this will require County permits and approval from the Dayton Cemetery) motion passed. Barbara suggested that the power poles be placed in the best area for the appearance of the entrance to the Cemetery.

Eric Bailey came in to talk to the commissioners about the sanitation codes. Harold said that the codes book is not correct. Harold said that the codes book does not mention the composting toilets. Eric said that KDHE has the final say in making changes. Eric said that we can’t just make one change in the code book and that the whole book would have to be revised. Composting toilets are a type of alternative system per KDHE. Our codes say that alternative systems are allowed. The commissioners complimented Eric on the work he is doing to keep the County in compliance with the County codes book.

Arnold Schofield and Rhonda Dunn came in to report about the prices on painting the lobby of the Courthouse. They did not have all the information they wanted to present so they are gong to reschedule with the Commissioners.

Justin Meeks asked for executive session with all 3 commissioners for 30 minutes. Lynne made the motion to go into a 30 minute executive session for matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility of the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system. Harold seconded and all were in favor. No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to break for lunch at 11:30 and to reconvene at 1:15. Harold seconded and all were in favor.

The Commissioners met with the Construction Manager for the jail project, present for the meeting were Kevin Rost with Goldberg Group Architects, John Shortall, Steve & Cynthia Smith, Archie Smith and Gary Walker with Universal Construction as well as Bill Martin, Bobby Reed and Justin Meeks. Steve Smith thanked the Commissioners for choosing them as the Construction Manager for the jail project and said they intend on exceeding the Counties expectations on the jail. Barbara moved to go into a 30 minute executive session regarding preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included Archie Smith, Gary Walker, Steve Smith, Kevin Rost, Justin Meeks, Bill Martin, Bobby Reed and the Commissioners. No action was taken.

Bill Martin reported that the new Sheriff vehicles were in Olathe to have the after market options installed.

Barbara moved to go into a 10 minute executive session for matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility of the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Harold seconded and all were in favor (the session included the Commissioners, Bill Martin and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara moved to go into a 10 minute executive session for matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility of the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Harold seconded and all were in favor (the session included the Commissioners, Bill Martin and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

John Townsend discussed the railroad crossing issue with the trains blocking the tracks, he said that a lot of the problems with the railroads are due to the fact that there aren’t railroad employees that live local, he said if they lived locally there wouldn’t be issues with the trains blocking the crossings. He said he worked for the railroad for 41 years. He suggested that the State, City and County work with the railroad to get underpasses installed around the City and County. He thought that the railroad might consider installing them, due to the fact that blocking the tracks is a public safety issue.

The Commissioners held a budget work session regarding the 2016 budget. They will meet again on August 20th & 21st from 8:30 – 11:00 am to continue working on the 2016 budgets.

Lynne made a motion to adjourn at 4:20 pm, Barbara seconded and all were in favor, meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

08/25/2015, Approved Date

August 13, 2015                                                                Thursday 1:00 pm

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session for a budget work session. All three Commissioners and the County Clerk were present for this work session.

The Commissioners reviewed some of the 2016 budgets and reviewed where there could be potential cuts in the budget.

The Commissioners will have a budget work session again on August 18th at 2:30 pm.

The meeting adjourned at 3:06 pm.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

08/18/2015, Approved Date 

August 11, 2015                                                      Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Commissioners Coleman and Oharah present as well as the County Clerk.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

John Younggren met with the Commissioners. He said the crossing at 77th Terrace & Quail Road (near Brock Shelton’s) has been let go and needs fixed, he said by the County letting it go, it has gotten dangerous. He said he needs to cross the crossing to spray the beans, but isn’t able to cross. The Commissioners told him that this is a private crossing, and not a County road. Lynne said that the County has maintained this forever. Jim Harris reported that the County doesn’t have time to fix this, but has asked Ron Rogers to quote fixing this. Jim said the County could fix it temporarily on August 12th. Mr. Younggren discussed the blade operator in Coleman’s district. He said he is squaring the corners and a semi can’t turn around the corners and that the County keeps narrowing the roads, he said because the roads are being narrowed and a windrow made, a car can’t straddle the windrows. He discussed the potential damage to cars and machinery. He said the blade operator cuts entrances down and leaves washboards in the road. He said the operators have good equipment, wages and benefits and should be able to produce good roads. Mr. Younggren complimented the County on the chip and seal done on old 69 Highway.

Phil Wimmer questioned when the culverts would be installed between 245th & 255th and Xylem Road; Jim said that they hoped to complete this in a few weeks.

Harold made a motion go into a 15 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Rhonda Dunn and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Harold took a phone call from Brian Wade regarding the rough condition of the road where the culverts where installed near Hammond.

The Commissioners met with the potential construction managers for the jail project on August 4th. Lynne made a motion to choose Universal Construction as the construction manager for the jail project, Harold seconded and motion passed.

Ben Cole questioned the Commissioners if they had thought anymore about allowing employees to carry over their vacation time, Harold and Lynne both said they didn’t think an employee should loose their vacation time. No action was taken.

Jackie Messer a fire fighter with the Scott Township Fire Department as well as Eric and Michelle McKay met with the Commissioners. Mr. Messer said he had joined the fire department in 2002. He discussed a planned burning of a house that Don Banwart scheduled years ago. He said the burn endangered the firefighters involved due to lack of training and guidelines. The department contacted the Kansas Fire Fighters Association and they came and helped train. Jackie Messer helped develop guidelines for the fire department in 2006. The rules were signed and implemented. Part of the guidelines state that the Scott Township Board can’t serve as firefighters due to conflicts of interest. There was a fire a few weeks ago that Don Banwart (a Scott Township board member) responded to driving a fire truck and not wearing the appropriate bunker gear. Eric McKay asked Don Banwart to quit responding to fires (due to the guidelines); Mr. Banwart said the guidelines had been changed. Jackie Messer said he has been told by Joe Clary that the guidelines had not been changed. After this Don Banwart called an executive session to discuss Chief Eric McKay (Mr. Messer said this violated the open meetings law). After this meeting Eric McKay got a phone call telling him he was fired. Jackie Messer said this action is destroying the fire department and said that there are members ready to quit because of this. After McKay was fired, Jason Eastwood was appointed as Chief and Tom Applegate was appointed as assistant chief; they then announced that Township board members could respond to the fires. Mr. Messer discussed the Fire Fighters Relief Fund. He said the board is supposed to approve of the disposal of property valued at more than $100, but had heard that the fire department was selling a piece of equipment valued at $5,500 for $1,000. Mr. Messer discussed some of the guidelines, he said that the guidelines state that fire fighters are physically fit and said that Tom Applegate is 100% disabled is not physically fit enough to be on the department. Mr. Messer said that Don Banwart had never received any training. Mr. Messer said he wanted the guidelines upheld. He asked that the illegal meeting (where it was decided to fire Mr. McKay) be voided and Eric be put back on the fire department and then call a meeting to ask the publics opinion verses the way it was handled, he also said he wants the Township Board members to not respond to fires. Mr. Messer said he would like to be able to announce meetings on the Counties website, the Commissioners told him that public announcements were free on the radio. Mr. Messer wants the Township to tract their meetings with minutes and wanted the County to post the minutes. The Commissioners said they didn’t have the authority to get involved. Jackie Messer discussed the open meeting violation, Harold told Mr. Messer to meet with Justin Meeks regarding this. Mr. Messer said that Eric was doing a good job with the fire department and talked about how he was able to recruit volunteers.

The Commissioners had a road closing session, present were the Commissioners and Louella Howard. Harold made a motion to adopt resolution 23-15 closing approximately 280 feet of an alley lying between lots 1 & 7, subdivision of lot 2, block 7, Hiatville and part of lot 2, block 7, Hiatville. Located in the unincorporated town of Hiatville, Pawnee Township, Bourbon County, Kansas, Lynne seconded, road closed.

At 10:50, Lynne made a motion to break and reconvene at 1:30 pm, Harold seconded, motion passed.

Ben Cole, Bill Martin, Joe Savage, Jim Harris, Kevin & Kenzie Thorpe, Melvin Routen, Donald Hutchinson and Steve Buerge, and Burlington Northern employees Gregory Feyerabend, Kaleb Smith, and Kenny Wasson                         Met regarding the complaints of Burlington Northern blocking Soldier Road. Mr. Feyerabend said Burlington Northern operates 23-32 trains per day through Hammond. There are 15 meet/pass locations – where the trains stop at the Hammond crossing. Mr. Feyerabend said when there are two on one trains (2 trains going one direction and one going the opposite direction) the crossing could be blocked more than 10 minutes. He said that dispatch dictates when and how the trains move & if dispatch doesn’t tell the crew that they will be meeting trains it could take longer than 10 minutes to clear the track. If the train blocks the track for more than 10 minutes they are required to cut the train in order to clear the track, but cutting the track could take longer than 10 minutes to get this done. If a train is cut more than 4 hours, Federal Railroad Association mandates that the train conducts an air test and they can’t move the train until the air test is done. He said by improving communication and educating this will hopefully eliminate the blocking of the tracks for more than the 10 minutes. Burlington Northern said that if there is a train blocking the tracks for more than 10 minutes, he asked that the Sheriff be called with the time and date the train was blocking the tracks and the Sheriff will notify Burlington Northern and Burlington Northern will discipline the employees that blocked the tracks for more than 10 minutes. Burlington Northern asked that the citizens not approach the train crew when there is a train blocking the tracks.

Harold said there are residents on Yale Road that have been landlocked, he told Burlington Northern that there needs to be a crossing installed there.

Harold made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Clint Anderson, Justin Meeks and Kendell Mason). No action was taken.

Rhonda Dunn, Lora Holdridge, Arnold Schofield and Shane Walker met with the Commissioners regarding doing Courthouse exhibits. Potential ideas for the first floor are a large Christmas tree, Judge Harry Fisher’s carriage, 1840’s post office desk, premium Fort Scott China, Military/ Veterans exhibits and a large panoramic view of Historic Street scenes. Ideas for the second floor are town histories of the towns/cities in Bourbon County as well as display cases. Ideas for the third floor are a display of the history of court and court rooms. Arnold Schofield said that the HPA would pay the cost of framing items, provide artifacts as well as move the artifacts and provide storage and display cases. The County would be responsible for the cost associated with painting and polishing the floors.

Harold made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for a matter relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the decision of such matter at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

The Commissioners will have a budget work session on August 13th at 1:00 pm.

At 3:25 Lynne made a motion to adjourn, Harold seconded and motion adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                ­________________________, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

08/18/2015, Approved Date

August 4, 2015                                                        Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Lynne made a motion to approve a transfer reimbursement of $398,460.70 from Road & Bridge Sales Tax to Road & Bridge, Harold seconded and all approved, motion passed.

Jim Harris reported that this week they are ditching on 267th as well as 245th & Jayhawk, they have milled the road by the bridge near Redfield, overlaying Native Road (Stringtown Road) as well as digging the hole for the Landfill building.

Harold talked to Jim about the Piney Bridge; Jim said that it is very muddy and that they have hauled shot rock there.

Lynne reported that David Killion with Kansas Rocks is trying to get power at their property, but can’t get landowners permission to use their right-of-way to get the power installed, Lynne asked if they could use the County’s right-of-way. Barbara suggested that Lynne get a map of landowners to try to talk to them about using their right-of-way.

The County received a reimbursement from KCAMP for the bumper guards for the Road & Bridge and the Sheriff’s department.

Barbara moved to sign the amended resolution 24-14 allowing the Correctional Center to work 12 hour shifts, Harold seconded and all approved.

Barbara moved to sign and send a letter of support regarding the grant proposal for transportation funding for 2016-2017, Lynne seconded and all approved.

The Commissioners interviewed Loyd Builders (out of Ottawa & in business for over 50 years) as potential Construction Managers for the new jail. Present for this were the Loyd Builders representatives Josh Walker Pre-construction owner, Calvin Aho Pre-construction project manager, Curt Wiesner Superintendent (all with many years of experience in the construction business) as well as Kevin Rost with Goldberg Group Architects, Bill Martin and the Commissioners. Loyd Builders will be building the assisted living home on Horton. They said if chosen for our project they will build the jail to last and if chosen they will discuss quality with the contractors before the work begins. They also focus on safety. They said they use local contractors as much as possible. They said the most challenging part of Bourbon County’s project is that there hasn’t been a site chosen, they said the site chosen will impact everything, especially the budget (depending on soil conditions and dirt work needed, etc.). They allow for inclement weather when scheduling.  They have built other jails, schools, healthcare facilities. Kevin Rost said they will work with the Construction Manager before the building starts to review the plans to make sure everything is built where it should be (doors, windows, etc.) in order to avoid change orders. They said will buy and bid locally when possible. They would bill the County monthly. They give deadlines to the sub-contractors and expect them to meet the deadlines.

The Commissioners interviewed Crossland Construction as a possible Construction Manager for the jail project. Present for this were Patrick Crossland (one of the owners of Crossland Construction) as well as Mike Strenth, Andrew Masters, Tim Carson, Jerry Duncan, and Dennis Burns with Crossland Construction, also present were Kevin Rost with the Goldberg Group, the Commissioners and Bill Martin. They said they self perform approximately 50% of the work (dirt work, concrete, etc.) and sub contract the rest out. They discussed the pre-construction process of building (getting the best value, permits, sites, utilities, getting sub-contractors either local or not local). They discussed the option of using pre-cast concrete and the values that this could offer. They said they prefer non composite vs. composite materials. They discussed how they work with the sub-contractors regarding schedules, safety, quality and communication. Crossland, if chosen could do the necessary tests on the soil & land to help estimate the cost of preparing the land. They said they thoroughly scope out the sub-contractors and work with them to help avoid change orders. They would bill the Company monthly. They said they hope to be the Construction Company for the jail and discussed their accountability on their projects.

Barbara moved to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:00 pm and Lynne seconded.

Universal Construction Company interviewed with the Commissioners as the possible construction manager for the jail project. Present for this interview were Universal members Cynthia Smith, Steven Smith, John Shortall, Joel Smith and Bob Brassart as well as Kevin Rost with the Goldberg Group, the Commissioners and Bill Martin. They have built detention and correctional facilities and schools. They said of their over $800 million dollars worth of projects their cost estimates are within 1% of the ending cost. They use a program called Pro Core, procure is a computer program that documents the entire project (pictures, bids, decisions, dates, etc.). They discussed the different awards they have received, some for safety. They estimate if chosen for the project that once started the project will take approximately 12 months for completion (they allowed for inclement weather when estimated the completion date). Universal Construction said they are certified CM professionals, have detention facility experience, have commitment to local participation, consider project cost control, the right project at right time for Universal and the County, and said they were the secure choice for the project. They said they will be hiring local people to work on the jail when possible and if they have a hard time getting local then they will branch out beyond this area to obtain workers. They bid out 100% of the work and would bill the County monthly for the lump sum that is agreed upon. They said they are very cost conscious on their projects and would like to be the one that Bourbon County chooses as the project manager.

After the interviews the Commissioners, Bill Martin and Kevin Rost discussed the different companies they interviewed. The Commissioners will make a decision on the Construction Manager on August 11th.

Rhonda Dunn presented to the Commissioners paperwork for UMB. UMB is going to be the investment account for the bond proceeds. The Commissioners, Rhonda and Kendell signed the documents.

Harold suggested that Eric Bailey needed to report back to the Commissioners regarding the progress of getting residents in compliance with the sanitation laws.

Lynne made a motion to adjourn at 3:42 pm, Barbara seconded and the meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

08/13/2015, Approved Date

st 2015


July 2015

July 28, 2015                                                                    Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Commissioners Oharah and Coleman present and the County Clerk.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Lynne reported that there were potholes on a bridge on 120th near Redfield; Jim Harris said they are getting ready to mill that road. Jim said that 235th & Native Road needs gravel, Jim said they would take care of that. Lynne reported on 77th & Quail Road there is a low water crossing that needs work.

Harold complimented the Road & Bridge department for the work done on 215th.

Jim said are overlaying Stringtown Road this week & that should take approximately 4-5 days. He said they are crushing at the Beth Quarry this week.

Harold took a report of a large tree in the road north of the West Liberty Church.

Lynne reported to Nate Taylor the Noxious Weed Director that there was seresa lespedeza on 95th. Nate said he would send a letter to the landowner.

Jim reported that Bourbon County helped the City of Fulton with culverts which cost the County $1,875.

Greg Vahrenberg with Piper Jaffray met with the Commissioners regarding the sale of the bonds for the new jail. Bill Martin and Ben Cole were also present. Mr. Vahrenberg reported that the outcome of the sale of the bonds was good. He said that Standard & Poors did a bond rating for the County and the County received an “A” rating. He discussed the bond insurance; this is a policy guarantee that if the County can’t pay the bond payments, the insurance company steps in to pay. He said the interest rates for the bonds were better than they initially expected. He said there were five bids for the bonds. BOSC, Inc was the winning bidder for the bonds with a true interest cost of 3.061045% with a purchase price of $6,927,890.90. He discussed the sales and use tax cash flow regarding the tax collected and how it’s expected to be spent towards the debt service and annual operating expenses. The collection of the 0.40% sales tax will begin on October 1st, 2015. Lynne made a motion to adopt resolution 21-15 authorizing the sale and delivery of the bonds, Harold seconded and all approved. Harold made a motion to appoint Lynne to sign (in Barbara’s absence) the disclosure compliance services proposal document, and the documents for authorizing and providing for the issuance of general obligation sales tax bonds.

Arnold Schofield met with the Commissioners. He said he had attended a Heritage Trust Fund workshop in Topeka, he said the Courthouse could be eligible for grant that is an 80/20 (20% County match) with a grant cap of $90,000. If the County is approved for the grant, it will not be available until 2016. He said the preliminary application is due by September 1st, 2015.

The Commissioners asked David Neville to get bids for the East steps, landing, railing, sandblasting and a ramp. David asked if the Commissioners wanted to get specs drawn up so each company that bids gets the specs, Lynne said that they were not going to get specs drawn up, but that David tell each company what they want a bid on.

Randy Holt with Union State Bank presented the lease documents for the purchase of three Sheriff Vehicles (Ford Explorers) and the cameras for a cost of $133,181 with an interest rate of 2.796% for five years with monthly payments of $2,381.71 beginning September 1, 2015. Later in the Commission meeting, Justin Meeks presented a letter stating he had examined the lease documents. Harold made a motion to adopt resolution 22-15 for the equipment lease purchase agreement between Union State Bank and Bourbon County for the purchase of three sheriff’s vehicles and equipment and to allow Barbara to sign the resolution at her leisure when she is available, Lynne seconded, motion passed.

Bobby Reed reported that he had three employees that are quitting; he said they were leaving due to the pay.

Rhonda Dunn and Gail Dalton met with the Commissioners; Gail Dalton will retire on July 31st after 30 years of employment.

Rhonda Dunn recommended that UMB (as a local bank) be the depositing bank for the proceeds from the bonds. Harold made a motion to deposit the proceeds of the bonds to UMB for investment and cash management, Lynne seconded, motion passed.

Rhonda Dunn reported that to date R&B Sales Tax had received $593,331.38 in 2015.

At 11:31 am, Harold made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:30 pm, Lynne seconded, motion passed.

Harold made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Allen Warren met with the Commissioners regarding the Riverfront Authority. He said they are in the process of applying for a grant for additional work to be done at the Riverfront Authority. They are building a 30’X50’ shelter area as well as a lookout tower at the Northeast corner of the Riverfront. He asked for a letter of support from the County to show that both the County and the City support this project. He said this is an $89,000 project with $17,000 of local money (which the Riverfront Authority will come up with). He said they will ask the County to do in-kind work there. Mr. Warren said in the future the Riverfront Authority will apply for a grant to add additional trails in the area. Lynne made a motion to write a letter of support from Bourbon County, Harold seconded, motion passed.

Terry Sercer met with the Commissioners with a rough draft of the 2016 budget. The first rough draft of the 2016 budget shows a mill increase of 13 mills. He suggested that the Commissioners visit with the department heads to clarify the requests they have made verses what they have spent to see if there are cuts that can be made to their 2016 budgets. Terry said that all departments used different percentages for raises; he suggested that the raises are all based on the same percentage. Terry told the Commissioners that the proposed budget needs to be published by 8/5/2015 with a hearing at least 10 days later, and a signed budget due to the Clerk by 8/25/2015.

Harold made a motion to adjourn at 3:17 pm, Lynne seconded, motion passed and meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                ________________________, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

08/18/2015, Approved Date

July 21, 2015                                                                    Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris presented a preliminary KDOT contract for Shafer, Klein and Warren and the Maple Road project. Barbara moved to sign the contract, Lynne seconded and all approved. The contract was signed by the Commissioners and the Clerk.

Jim reported that they are using the chip spreader and it is working well. Jim suggested that in the future Commissioners consider placing weight limits on roads to eliminate damage to the roads. The Commissioners discussed the road maintenance plan and keeping maintenance done as planned verses placing weight limits.

Lynne asked Jim to call Cindy Lashley regarding Centerville Cemetery; they need dirt for the cemetery.

Mike Younggren met with the Commissioners regarding his property at 115th & Indian road. Jim Harris said that there was a dispute on property lines between Mike Younggren and Glen & Vickie Post in this area. Jim asked Ag Engineering to survey this area to show the public right of way, and they surveyed and marked the public right of way. Mr. Younggren said he wants to put up a fence on his property and wants to make sure it gets placed where it belongs. Mr. Younggren said that the County cut a ditch and questioned how the waterway could be diverted by the County; Jim said they can’t divert the water unless there is a natural water way to divert it to, (Mr. Younggren said there has been a culvert blocked and it is causing the water to divert to a different area). Mr. Younggren told Jim that there is a culvert buried on 120th & Jayhawk.

Barbara asked Jim to look at a low water on Grand road.

Jim said they had blasted 40,000 ton at the Beth Quarry on July 20th.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session regarding non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Justin Meeks said he had reviewed the laws regarding the Correctional Center working 86 hour payperiods, he said legally they can do 86 hour payperiods. Barbara made a motion to change the Correctional Center (at Bobby Reeds request) to an 86 hour payperiod in 14 days, (any worked hours over 86 hours will be overtime, 86 and under will be paid at regular time) effective August 2nd, 2015, Harold seconded and all were in favor. Bobby said this should reduce the amount of overtime in the Correctional Center.

Barbara moved to go into a 10 minute executive session for non elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Bobby Reed, Alvin Metcalf, Bill Martin and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara moved to go into a 7 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included Justin, Jim Harris and the Commissioners). No action was taken.

The Commissioners opened the RFQ’s for the construction of the jail.   Crossland Construction from Columbus, Universal Construction from Lenexa and Loyd Builders from Ottawa turned in RFQ’s. The Commissioners thanked the three companies for their interest and said they are taking the RFQ’s under advisement.

Barbara moved to go into a 15 minute executive session regarding acquisition of land, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Members of the Bourbon County Fair Board Karen Endicott Coyan, Leann Leatherman, Mark Crystal and Laura & Darrel George met with the Commissioners regarding the 2016 Bourbon County Fair budget.   They thanked the Commissioners for all of the support the County gives to the Fair Board and said they appreciate everything the County does for them. They said any projects they can do themselves (without hiring the work out) they do in order to keep expenses to a minimum. They said that they are talking with Verizon about the possibility of a tower being placed on the fairground property. They requested $13,250 for their 2016 budget. They said if the tower is placed on the fairgrounds property and they get their requested budget, they hope to operate in the black in 2016.

The Commissioners discussed the needed repairs to the retaining wall on the South parking lot. Midwest Foundation Repair suggested placing 8 wall anchors total at an estimated cost of $5,900. Barbara moved to proceed with repairs to the South retaining wall at a cost of $5,900 with Midwest Foundation (to be paid out of the contingency other fund), Harold seconded and all approved.

Bourbon County Treasurer Rhonda Dunn presented a report on idle funds as of 6/30/2015. YTD the County has received $5,627.88 in interest on CD’s. The balance in the checking accounts on 6/30/2015 was $2,742,383.15. She said that the revenue received from sales tax is down for 2015. Rhonda said that not every bank can take the full amount of $6,850,000 from the jail bond funds when the County receives them. She said UMB and Commerce Bank (out of Kansas City) are both interested in being the bank for the placement of the money. She said some of the other local banks would like to take a portion of the money, but she doesn’t want to split the money up between banks. She said UMB is going to start charging the County for banking there, she said she plans to do a RFP for banking in order to avoid paying fees.

At 11:50 Barbara moved to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:30, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Jessica Allison with Compass Counseling met with the Commissioners regarding her previous request for County funds to provide counseling in 2016. She said she had called Justin Meeks office regarding offering counseling and has not received a phone call back from his office. She wants to be considered as an alternative for counseling services. She offers counseling part time (she saw 48 clients in 2014 and so far 27 clients in 2015), but would like to do counseling as her full time job. She said she can not offer psychiatric counseling and can not prescribe medicine. Barbara told her that they had not made a decision on this yet. Jessica said she would check back with the Commissioners on this later on.

Kevin Rost with Goldberg Architects met with the Commissioners. He is the project manager for the new jail. He reviewed the RFQ’s from the three companies that turned them in. He said the jail, once started, should take 10-14 months to construct. He said the size of the new jail is just under 22,000 square feet.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 20 minute executive session regarding acquisition of land, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Kevin Rost). No action was taken.

The Commissioners worked on 2016 budgets.

The meeting adjourned at 3:56

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss)Kendell Mason,
Bourbon County Clerk

08/04/2015, Approved Date

July 14, 2015                                                                    Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris reported that they have seven road graders running (there used to be eight road graders at one time) and when there is bad weather (rain, snow) for an extended period of time the road graders are getting behind, due to the amount of miles each of the graders have. He said he wanted to notify the Commissioners of, that eventually the Commissioners may want to add back the other motor grader.

Barbara and Jim met with Crawford County. Arrowhead Road is a shared road between Crawford and Bourbon County, the road is in bad condition, Bourbon County will mill up the road (from 69 Highway going east for two miles) and Crawford County will provide the base rock for the road.

Barbara made a motion to sign the change order for Home Center Construction for the landfill building, the change order reduced the price to $282,680, Harold seconded and all approved. Barbara signed the change order.

Jim reported that the road in the industrial park in front of Mid-Continental is bad and that the base of the road is bad. Barbara asked Jim to talk to Heather Griffin with the City of Fort Scott (to discuss this road).

Jim said they have been removing the overburden at the Thomas Quarry.

Sheriff’s deputy, Leroy Kruger said he was on an emergency call and hit a rock in the windrow on Kansas Road (Road & Bridge was working on the road). He bent a rim on the Sheriff’s vehicle. The Sheriff’s department wanted to know if Road & Bridge would pay for the rim. Barbara asked to see the bill when the Sheriff’s department receives it.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Bourbon County Appraiser Clint Anderson turned in a revised 2016 budget. He budgeted to change a part time position to a full time position.

Harold made a motion to change the part time personal property clerk to a full time position effective immediately, Lynne seconded and all were in favor. Motion passed.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 20 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (the session included the three Commissioners, Jim Harris and Justin Meeks), no action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property, Lynne seconded (the session included the three Commissioners and Justin Meeks), no action was taken.

Terry Woods a resident of 265th & Quivera told the Commissioners that the County cleaned out his ditch, but started 6’ from the ditch and didn’t clean the culvert, he said the rain washed all of the gravel out of his drive.

Harold said that the Fulton High School is being considered by the Kansas Historic Sites Board of Review for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. This is on the agenda for the Kansas Historic Sites Board of Review in the Kansas Museum of History in Topeka on August 8th, at 9:00 am.

David Neville presented a quote to install two wall anchors to the retaining wall in the South parking lot, Midwest Foundation Repair quoted $2,000 (additional anchors will be $650 each).

Lynne made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:30, Harold seconded motion passed.

Joseph Johnson complimented the Commissioners on keeping their word on Limestone Road and getting the road back together, he said Jim has done a good job of getting work done.

Darrell Howard discussed Eagle Road going west, as well as roads in the area that need work.

Carol Bingesser and Steve Sampson questioned how to get 209th Terrace paved. The road is approximately 1000’ long, the Commission suggested that all of the homeowners on the road pay for either chip and seal or asphalt. Barbara gave them Jim Harris’s phone number.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session regarding acquisition of real property, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Justin Meeks discussed the Attorney General’s office doing appellate work for Bourbon County from now until July of 2016 at a cost of $3,000. Justin’s salary will be reduced $3,000.

Barbara made a motion to adjourn at 2:58 pm, Lynne seconded and all were in favor, meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

07/21/2015, Approved Date

July 7, 2015                                                            Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Melvin Routon and Tony Karleskint met with the Commissioners. Mr. Routon said he felt that there needed to be a law or ordinance that the railroad has to have a break on the railroad crossing in order for the vehicles to get though the roads. He said that there have been trains blocking the railroad tracks in Hammond for 3-4 hours. There was discussion over the blocking of the roads hurting the business at the Hammond Feed Store. Barbara read Kansas Statute 66-273 which said trains are prohibited from blocking a public road for more than 10 minutes. Barbara suggested that he contact the Kansas Highway Patrol to notify them of the road blocking by the train. Joe Savage and Bob Larkin also commented about the amount of time that the trains are blocking access.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Jim Harris said he had contacted the Federal Funds Exchange Program and USDA for possible grants to help pay for the roads in the industrial park. Both said they had funds available for economic development on new growth, not existing roads. Jim said he thought that from Tri-Valley going south for approximately ½ mile needed overlay. There was discussion over possibly doing the road at the end of the season if there is enough money left to do this, otherwise; it has been tentatively put on the list of projects for 2016.

Larry Qurin said that on 115th and Locust Road there are a lot of potholes on the curve, Jim said they will put some gravel down there. He also said that where culverts where replaced on 115th, the roads are worse than they have ever been before.

Jim presented a quote from Hubert Thomas to remove 200’ X 400’ of the overburden at the Hiatville quarry, Barbara made a motion to approve Hubert Thomas to remove the overburden for $9,252, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Jim presented the quote for the Polymer Composite material for the City of Fulton for $1,955 for 300 foot, Harold made a motion to donate this material to the City of Fulton and pay for it out of the Road & Bridge fund, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Jim presented quotes for a rubber tire roller; GW Van Keppel Company quoted a 2014 Bomag for $51,795 and a 2012 Bomag for $46,850, Foley quoted a 2012 Caterpillar for $75,500. Barbara moved to purchase the 2014 Bomag from GW Van Keppel for $51,795 and to pay for it out of the Special Machinery Fund, Harold seconded and all approved.

Jim Harris presented his 2016 budgets. He requested $255,913 for Landfill, $192,795 for Bridge & Culvert, $20,585 for Special Bridge, $2,538,306 for Road & Bridge, $1,526,181 for Road & Bridge Sales Tax Fund and $152,033 for Noxious Weed.

Wayne Thorpe told the Commissioners that there is a ditch that isn’t draining properly between 240th – 250th on Native Road (on the South side of the road) and it is washing out a field. Jim said he would look at the area.

Jim and Barbara are going to meet with Crawford County regarding the roads near the TC Wildlife (Terry Kunstel previously met with the Commissioners about the road). Jim will schedule a time to meet with them.

Wayne Thorpe, Mandy Shoemaker, Kathy Valentine, Ron Brown, Preston Reeder and Joe Ludlum, representatives from the Bourbon County Soil Conservation District presented their 2016 budget. They requested $40,000 (the same as 2015) from Bourbon County. Kathy Valentine told the Commissioners that the work they do is for the future. A portion of the Soil Conservation Districts budget goes to the Marmaton Watershed district. Ron Brown said that in the future the lack of funding may lead to an increase in a budget request or a mill levy.

Lora Holdridge, the Register of Deeds, presented her 2016 budget. She requested $96,148.87 for 2016. She said she based wages on a 5% increase. She said she felt that the base pay for the Clerk, Treasurer and the Register of Deeds should all be the same; she said they all used to receive the same base pay. She said everything starts in her office. She said due to the deputy doing more than a clerk, she felt that her deputy should make $32,722 (based on the wage study).

Ben Cole, Alvin Metcalf, Bill Martin and Bobby Reed met with the Commissioners for the 2016 budgets for the Sheriff’s department and the Correctional Center. Bill said that the wages for the Sheriff’s department were figured with a 10%, 15% or a 25% increase (Bill said the Sheriff’s wages were figured with a 5% increase) he said this increase would help get his employees up to the recommended wages from the wage study done. He said he is requesting wages for 3 new deputies, but had applied for a 75/25% grant that would pay 75% of the salary of one of the deputies, Bill said the calls for service have increased over the years and the additional deputies are needed. Bill talked about a grant he had applied for that will be used for reporting (computer & software where reports will be made in the vehicles verses having to do the reports in office). Bill discussed uniforms and new vests that could help distribute the weight of the supplies a Sheriff Deputy carries in order to help prevent work comp injuries. Bill said that he had applied for a grant with the Department of Justice for body worn cameras. He said he had to purchase 25 cameras in order to be eligible for the grant. He said he has partnered with another County that will be getting some of the cameras; he said there will be mandatory training for the body worn cameras. The total amount requested for 2016 for the Sheriff’s department were $811,538 (with no raises), $861,675 with a 10% increase in wages, $884,616 with a 15% increase in wages, $930,161 with a 25% increase. Bill said there is nothing in his 2016 budget for Courthouse security.

Bobby Reed discussed the 2016 budget for the Correctional Center.  He requested wages for 2 additional officers (he said that when the new jail is built they would need these additional officers to help transport the inmates to the Courthouse for court, Alvin said these employees could also help eliminate some overtime. Bobby requested for 2016 $1,132,537.81 with a 9% increase in wages, $1,147,575.24 with a 12% increase in wages or $1,162,612.67 with a 15% increase in wages figured in. Alvin discussed the high turnover Bourbon County has in the Correctional Center; Alvin felt that a portion of the turnover is due to wages, hours worked and the safety of the workers. Barbara suggested exit interviews when an employee leaves in order to find out why so many employees quit in the Correctional Center.

Bill said he had met with individuals regarding the amount of time a railroad blocked a road; asked the individuals to keep record of when and what train is blocking the crossing. Bill said he will write a letter to the railroad that is blocking the crossing. Bill said he would also meet with the County Attorney regarding prosecuting when it comes to a railroad crossing being blocked for an extended period of time.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Kendell Mason). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to break for lunch at 12:10 pm and reconvene at 1:30 pm, Harold seconded and all approved.

Jerry Lyons (near Fulton) met with the Commissioners; he said there is Sericea Lespedeza in a field by his house.

Tracy Ridge with the Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Department met with the Commissioners to present their 2016 budget. They requested an increase from .88 to one mill for 2016.

Justin Meeks said he and Barbara will be meeting with Mercy Hospital regarding land that they have for sale as a possible site for the new jail. No decision has been made on a site for the jail yet.

Justin Meeks presented the 2016 budget for the Attorney’s office. He said he budgeted for an increase in his staff’s wages and would like to see an increase over the next four years. He requested $306,525 for 2016 for the Attorney’s budget. He said he wants to have the Attorney Generals office do the appellate work, but will report back to them on this next week.

Barbara moved to adopt resolution 20-15, authorizing the offering for sale of general obligation sales tax bonds, series 2015, of Bourbon County, Kansas (regarding the new jail facility), Harold seconded and all approved. The Commissioners and Kendell signed the documents.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 3 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Harold made a motion to adjourn at 3:05, Lynne seconded and all approved, meeting adjourned.


                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

07/14/2015, Approved Date

June 2015

June 30, 2015                                                                   Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Matt Noll met with the Commissioners regarding the Uniontown Baptist Church. He said they had built a new church, Johnny Walker is tearing down the old church and it has sold and will go back on the tax roll; he asked if the Commissioners would consider waiving the landfill fees for the part of the church that is being torn down. Lynne made a motion to waive the fees for C&D at the landfill for the Uniontown Baptist Church, Harold seconded and all approved, motion passed.

Matt Noll said that about a year ago the County installed culverts on Maple road west of 125th and the road is rough; Jim said he will look at the road. Matt said there are potholes on 195th South of Hackberry (on Lake Road); Jim said he would look at this.

Rhonda Dunn presented to the Commissioners a list of postage expenses per department, the Commissioners decided to have each department budget for their own postage in 2016. Rhonda Dunn told the Commissioners that the department heads had a meeting and discussed the salary survey that was recently done, she told the Commissioners that she thought that when the department heads turn in their 2016 budget they will see a variety of requests regarding wages. Rhonda suggested having benefits come out of each department’s budget so that the department is aware of what benefits cost, the Commissioners did not make a decision on this.

Jim said he would be meeting with Fred Savage regarding the request for Polymer Composite from the County for the drainage problem in Fulton.

Jim presented an application from AT&T for a 50’ bore for a residence at 2280 Hackberry Road, Barbara moved to approve the bore request, Lynne seconded and all approved. Motion passed.

Harold discussed Soldier Road, he asked Jim if they could do 2” of overlay instead of 3” on Soldier Road in order to get more footage done; Jim said yes they will do this.

Larry Goldberg with Goldberg Architects met with the Commissioners; also present were Bobby Reed, Ben Cole, Bill Martin and Justin Meeks. He discussed the design, bid build process for the jail facility. He discussed general contracting bidding vs. construction management for the jail facility. He said for general contracting the architect will put out the specs and plans and will ask for bids for the project. He said the construction marketplace varies and that steel prices could be higher or lower than projected which could affect the overall price of the project. He requested seeking proposals for a construction manager at risk. The subcontractors would sign a contract with the construction manager. He said the County could choose a general contractor with no jail building experience and may be ok with that, but he suggested choosing a construction manager with jail building experience. Mr. Goldberg said every portion of the project will be competitively bid. He said they are not necessarily looking for low dollar bids but for quality. He said the bids will come in for the project and the construction manager and Mr. Goldberg will evaluate the bids. There was discussion over where the site for the new jail would be. The Commissioners previously viewed several site options, one option they considered to be possibly the best; the land near the new hospital on 69 highway. They wanted to choose a site inside the city limits, with road access and not near a lot of residents. Bobby Reed (jail administrator) lives near the proposed site and was concerned about his property value if a jail facility was built near it, Mr. Goldberg said he had never seen property go up or down due to a jail, Bobby said he and his neighbors had a fear of being annexed into the city limits because of the jail, Mr. Goldberg said the site is already inside the city limits. He presented a 3-D visual as well as a drawing of the jail facility for the Commissioners to view. Harold made a motion that the Commissioners authorize the Goldberg Architect Group to proceed with the contract for the jail project, Lynne seconded and all approved. Barbara moved to sign the request for at risk construction management qualifications for the Bourbon County law enforcement center with interested bidders to submit their qualifications by July 21st, 2015 and the Commissioners will select a project manager on August 11th at 3:00 pm, Lynne seconded and all approved and signed.

Will Wallis turned in the 2016 budget for Emergency Management. He requested $66,148.78 (2015 budget is $67,800, he said he is saving a lot of money by getting fuel at the County barn) for 2016.

Shane Walker turned in the 2016 budget for I/T. He requested $179,597 (slightly less than 2015 which is $180,183).

Eric Bailey turned in the 2016 budget request for LEPP. He turned in two requests, one for $65,781 (2015 budget is $44,071) (which included $20,000 to replace the 2003 Jeep) and $47,281 (which did not include money in the budget for a vehicle).

Clint Anderson turned in the 2016 budget request for the Appraisers office. He said there was a part-time employee that has left and he wants to hire a full time employee instead of a part time. He said this person would do personal property as well as data entry (he said by doing this it will help the office keep up with work and hopefully eliminate the need to file extensions for due dates). He requested $269,596 for 2016 (compared to $261,362 for 2015).

Rhonda Cole turned in the 2016 budget request for District Court. She requested $237,293 for 2016 (2015 budget is $237,293).

Bill Brittain asked that the Commissioners donate to the Elks fireworks display. Barbara made a motion to donate $500 to the Elks for the fireworks display, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara moved to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Kendell). No action was taken.

Arnold Schofield met with the Commissioners. He said he will be attending a Heritage Trust Fund workshop in Topeka on July 21st, he asked that the Commissioners consider a $90,000 (or less) project that the Commissioners want to have considered for the Courthouse.

Lynne made a motion to break for lunch at 11:58 am and reconvene at 1:30 pm.

Barbara made a motion to adopt resolution 19-15 appointing Clint Anderson as the Bourbon County appraiser, Harold seconded and all approved.

Rhonda Dunn presented the 2016 Treasurer’s budget. She requested $102,712.76. She said she would like to see a different level of pay for the clerks in her office (clerk 1, clerk 2, clerk 3 – depending on the amount of work they do). She said she thought there should be more of a difference from the deputy pay to a clerk pay. She said some of the money for her employees comes from motor vehicle.

Rhonda Dunn said that the revenue for the Road & Bridge Sales Tax fund is down approximately 10% from what was projected.

Judy Wallis met with the Commissioners; she said she enjoyed working at the Courthouse and being the Appraiser. The Commissioners thanked her for her work.

Barbara made a motion to sign the application for the Federal Surplus Supply (application for eligibility), Lynne seconded and all approved and signed the application.

Lora Holdridge left the 2016 Register of Deeds budget for the Commissioners. She requested $96,148.87 for 2016 (2015 budget is $86,087).

Kendell Mason presented the 2016 budget for the Clerk and Election departments. She requested $100,889 for 2016 for the Clerk for 2016 and $89,161 for the Election budget for 2016.

Barbara moved to adjourn at 3:18 pm, Harold seconded and all were in favor, meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

07/07/2015, Approved Date

June 23, 2015                                                                   Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Jason Silvers with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Dave Martin with the City of Fort Scott met with the Commissioners. He discussed the entrance that will be placed in the industrial park; he said KDOT is paying the construction costs of an estimated $1.1 million. He said the inspection and engineering costs will be $168,000, BEDCO is paying $50,000, he asked if the City paid the remaining balance would the County pay for the Cities portion of the road construction from Humboldt to National Avenue. Barbara moved to proceed the effort of working with the City, the County will complete Humboldt to National Avenue and in turn the County will maintain the road in the industrial park, (the City will pay the remaining estimated $118,000 cost for the inspection and engineering in the industrial park), Lynne seconded and all approved.

Dave Martin discussed the road entrance into the Riverfront Authority entrance; he said the project should be complete within a few weeks. Harold told Dave that the vines on the trees in the park need to be removed or the vines will end up killing the trees; he said if the City has the vines cut, the County may be able to help spray the vines.

Dave Martin said that Rhonda Dunn had helped the City get grants for the sidewalk replacement on Wall Street, he said if approved the City will receive a grant for approximately $230,000.

Barbara moved to adopt resolution 18-15, a resolution of the governing body of Bourbon County, Kansas imposing a special four-tenths percent (0.40%) Countywide retailers sales tax and authorizing related matters, Harold seconded and all approved. The Commissioners signed the resolution. Greg Vahrenberg gave the Commissioners a brief summary over the sale of the bonds for the building of the jail.

Becky Crowder with the Austin Peters Group met with the Commissioners; also present were Bill Martin, Ben Cole, Bobby Reed, Alvin Metcalf, Rhonda Dunn and Lora Holdridge. She did a salary comparison between Bourbon County, other Counties and some Cities. She said overall Bourbon County pays their employees less than most compared. The survey that they did only compared wages and not benefits. Barbara pointed out how generous the benefits are with Bourbon County. Becky Crowder said she would compare benefits and present this to the Commissioners next week. Bill Martin asked that the Commissioners consider the survey when the departments start turning in their 2016 budgets (and consider the raises that the department heads ask for the employees).

John Green (Cindy Lane also attended the meeting, she will replace John Green when he retires) with SEK Area Agency on Aging met with the Commissioners regarding the 2016 budget. He discussed the services that they provide (attendant care, case management, respite care etc.). SEK Area Agency on Aging asked for $2,000 for the 2016 budget.

Fred Savage with the Fulton City Council met with the Commissioners. He said that the streets are in bad shape there, he said there are approximately 20 culverts that need replaced there. He wants to use 300’ of 10” polymer composite ($6.26 a foot) to replace the culverts. He asked if the County could provide the polymer composite. The Commissioners will have Jim Harris look at the culverts.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved, (the session included the three Commissioners). No action was taken.

Nathan Fawson and Allen Houser with Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center met with the Commissioners to request their 2016 budget from Bourbon County. They requested $76,345 for 2016. Mr. Fawson said that in 2014 they launched the new health home program; this coordinates health services for selected clients with severe a severe mental illness. He said that Osawatomie State Hospital is being forced to remodel their facility; this reduces the maximum number of patients from 206 to 146 that Osawatomie can have (SEK Mental Health has to look for alternate placement/care for the patients). He said if they were funded better, they could see patients quicker. He said they have a crisis team that can meet with patients immediately if needed. He said they receive funding for chemical abuse from liquor by the drink funds. Barbara said the Commissioners had been asked (by another facility) to consider giving County funds to them to provide mental health services as an alternative to mental health services. They said that the mental health appropriation that they receive is used for mental health services, the special alcohol funds they receive goes towards chemical abuse services. The Commissioners asked them to discuss the services they provide with the court services officers (to make sure they are meeting the needs of the clients).

Jessica Allison with Compass Counseling met with the Commissioners. She said she can’t do case management or psychiatry. She said she can provide (and wants to provide with County funds) mental health and substance abuse counseling. She said she is licensed through the State of Kansas.

At 12:10 pm Harold made a motion to suspend the meeting for lunch and resume at 1:30, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Tim Cunningham and Bill Fiskes with Tri-Valley met with the Commissioners to request their 2016 budget. They asked for $55,000 for 2016. They said their mission is to offer a wide range of service choices and provide opportunities for persons with disabilities to achieve the quality of community life they seek.

Barbara moved that the Landfill be open on July 3rd and closed on July 4th, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Rhonda Dunn presented a County tax data comparison to the Commissioners. This compared taxable value, value per capita, ad valorem tax, per capita, mill levy, and population for other counties as compared to Bourbon County. Of the Counties compared Bourbon County is fourth from the lowest for total valuation.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioner and Kendell). No action was taken.

Barbara moved to appoint Ken Anderson to the Tri-Valley board of directors for a three year term, beginning July 1st, Harold seconded and all approved.

Barbara moved to adjourn at 3:00 pm, Harold seconded, all approved, meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                   (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                  (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner                                                       

                                                 (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

08/18/2015, Approved Date

June 17, 2015                                                         Wednesday 10:30 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Bill Martin met with the Commissioners. The Commissioners received the resolution to impose the county-wide sales tax for the new jail. Bill asked if the Commissioners wanted to sign the documents on June 17th. The Commissioners and Justin discussed signing the documents, and in the end it was decided that they would sign them on June 23rd.

The Commissioners met to discuss the proposed landfill building. Barbara recommended that the County proceed with signing the contract (with modifications) for the building. Justin Meeks said that after he and Barbara met with the City of Fort Scott it would be in the best interest of the County to build the building. He said there are funding options available for the building. Lynne made a motion to proceed with the signing of the contract with Home Center Construction, Inc for the solid waste transfer station and to give Frank Young the approval to modify the contract, Harold seconded and all approved. Justin Meeks said that he felt that building the building would be beneficial for the entire County.

The Commissioners described the transfer station building that will be built. They said it will be a metal building with office space, the building will have a concrete floor with a semi under the building, people will dump their trash on the concrete, the County will use a loader to move the trash over a concrete wall into a semi, the County will compact and transport the trash to a landfill. This process should cut down the amount of trips that the County makes to other landfills (because they can put twice as much on the truck as they are currently hauling). This will also eliminate the need for a hopper (which the current hopper is in need of repair and expensive to replace).

Barbara moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:20 am, Lynne seconded and all approved.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

06/23/2015, Approved Date

June 16, 2015                                                                   Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Barbara reported that Mark Wade called regarding the Blake Quarry; he said they are getting the quarry secure.

Jim Harris asked for permission to sell 5 pieces of equipment/vehicles on Purple Wave and use the money to replace the Bomag roller and replace the truck for Elm Creek. Lynne made a motion to sell the following… a 1974 Caterpillar D3 Dozer that needs approximately $22,000 worth of repairs, a 1992 Bomag Rubber Tire Roller that needs approximately $5,000 worth of repairs, a 1990 Ford Tractor that is worn out, a 1993 3500 Chevy Truck that the motor went out of and a 1988 Chevy 1500 that the transmission is out of, Harold seconded and all approved.

Jim Harris reported that they should be done asphalting 240th today. He said they will be asphalting Limestone, Jayhawk and Native road. Jim said he was pleased with the asphalt process and said the oil prices are down this year compared to last year.

Jim Harris reported that they are clearing ditches at the Thomas quarry and Hubert Thomas is putting up a fence there.

Barbara read a thank you note from Marti Tuschnerer regarding work done near her home.

The Commissioners all looked at the first floor marble on the floor that has cracks in it. The insurance adjuster is going to look at it as well.

Bill Martin presented a quote from Ka-Comm., Inc. for the cages for the patrol vehicles, installation, supplies and moving the cameras inside the patrol cars for $20,863.30. He said when transporting inmates it is a safety issue not to have the cages in the vehicles. Rhonda Dunn presented a fund status report and told the Commissioners that in the General fund 027 (General Equipment Reserve) there is a balance of $6,125, in the General fund 039 (Equipment Reserve General) here is a balance of $100,176.25, in the 097 fund (Special Law Enforcement there is a balance of $14,136.01 (Bill said he plans to use this money towards 12 body cameras for the deputies, he said the Correctional officers could use the cameras as well). He said he is working with Neosho County who is also getting body cameras. Bill discussed the COPS grant he is applying for, he said originally he wanted to apply for 3 deputies through the COPS grant, but said if he got 3 through this grant the employees would have to be used as school resource officers, so he is going to request a COPS grant for one employee. He said if he gets the grant the COPS grant will pay 75% of the wages and benefits for the employee. Bill said the calls for services in Bourbon County have gone up over 25%. Lynne made a motion to pay for the cages out of 027 (General Equipment Reserve $6,125) and the remaining out of 039 (Equipment Reserve- General), Harold seconded and all approved.

There was discussion over the Thompson Machine Gun that the Sheriff previously discussed selling. There was discussion over placing the gun on display in a secure area instead of selling it. Bill said he is trying to get the department up to date and by asking to sell it, it would have helped fund some of the expenses. By paying for the cameras out of the General fund, it was decided the gun will eventually be put on display.

Barbara moved to sign the fireworks permit for TNT, Jakes, Jakes and Hales fireworks for 2015, Harold seconded and all approved. Barbara and Kendell signed the permits.

Barbara said she received an email from KDOT approving Shafer, Klein and Warren as the engineer for the Maple Road project.

Don Doherty discussed volunteer life insurance for full time employees and their family. He said he checked rates and Metlife had the best rates and the best policies. He said their policy would be a (one time offer, no health question asked) $100,000 life insurance policy (guarantee issue) for the employee. He said the policy would be portable and convertible. For a $100,000 policy for an employee that is between the ages of 40-44, the rates would be $13.80/month (after tax). Also available with Metlife is AD&D plans as well as the company will assist in will planning and other benefits. Lynne made a motion to allow Don Doherty to offer Metlife to the employees with a start date of September 1st, 2015, Barbara seconded and all approved.

Jessica Allison with Compass Counseling met with the Commissioners regarding mental health services. She said she wanted to discuss the mill levy support that the County provides for mental health services to. Currently the County pays SEK Mental Health for mental health services. She said she provides substance abuse assessment and counseling as well as mental health outpatient counseling for adolescents and adults. She said she would like to be considered as an alternate or additional provider for mental health services. She said she currently gets her referrals from Attorney’s, Court Services, and Community Corrections. She said she is providing mental health services, but not receiving funding from the County, she said her patients are private pay individuals. She said she will meet with the Commissioners again in a month to follow up on the possibility of offering services.

Ben Cole and Bill Martin met with the Commissioners. Ben said he wanted to bring to the attention of the Commissioners that he will have employees that will loose vacation time that they do not have time to use. Ben said due to being short employees and not having coverage, he has to turn down vacation requests. No decision was made on the issue.

Ben Cole, Bill Martin, Bobby Reed and Alvin Metcalf met with the Commissioners. Bobby said he wanted to go to 12 hour shifts in the Correctional Center. He said by going to a 12 hour shift this would allow his employees to have every other weekend off as well as more time off and know what days off they will have. He said they would not get any overtime unless they work over 86 hours in a two week period. If implemented, Bobby wants to start this the 1st pay period in August. Bobby hopes to keep employees longer by offering better shifts. Bill discussed the wage & salary survey that the Austin Peters Group did, they were given a disk with the results on it to review, (The Austin Peters Group will be meeting with the Commissioners on June 23rd). Bill said he would like to see Bourbon County be more competitive on the wages they offer to keep employees here.

At 12:10 Barbara moved to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:30, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Appraiser, Judy Wallis said Clint Anderson (the replacement Appraiser, Judy’s last day will be June 30th) will be starting employment the week of June 20th, she said she looks forward to working with him. She said she will let him do the 2016 budget. She said Leah Riley with personal property in the Appraiser’s office is retiring, she said she normally 25 hours a week, she suggests making this a full time position again. Judy said she had certified real estate and personal property values to Kendell the Clerk; she said the preliminary values are flat. She said agriculture values are up, farmstead and residential values are flat, oil is down, personal property is about the same, watercraft is down, commercial values are up due to new construction, but the projects are on the NRP program.

Barbara moved to go into a 15 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged on the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded and all were in favor (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara asked Justin Meeks to review the resolution pertaining to Mental Health services. Barbara made a motion to give Justin Meeks to talk to individuals regarding mental health and the possibility of contracting with other mental health providers, Harold seconded and all approved.

Justin Meeks discussed the dog resolution he is altering. He said he had talked to Veterinarian Dr. Gorman regarding suggestions on a dog resolution; Dr. Gorman recommended not making it breed specific on the vicious dog resolution.

Justin Meeks brought up the culvert permitting process that the Commissioners are altering, but no decision was made.

Justin Meeks discussed the contract for the solid waste building; he said other entities are exploring different revenue sources on trash services, he said the funding mechanism for the landfill may change. Justin said he and Barbara will be meeting with the City of Fort Scott to discuss the Landfill on 6/17/2015. Barbara said the Commissioners are trying to be proactive for the citizens of Bourbon County regarding the landfill. The Commissioners will meet at 10:30 am on 6/17/2015 to discuss the landfill further.

Harold made a motion to adjourn at 3:05 pm, Lynne seconded and all approved.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

06/23/2015, Approved Date

June 9, 2015                                                                    Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Bill Martin said he had applied for a COPS grant for the officers, he asked Barbara (as the Chairman) to go to the website to verify the information.

Justin Meeks said he needed to visit with Bill Martin regarding the dog ordinance before the Commissioners sign a new resolution on dogs.

The Commissioners, Jim Harris, Justin Meeks and engineer Frank Young discussed the proposed Landfill building. Different Counties fund and run their landfills differently. Jim said Crawford County has a privately ran landfill, Jim said he was afraid that if Bourbon County went with a private landfill and the rates got too high that individuals would dump around the County to avoid paying landfill fees. Barbara said she felt that Bourbon County is providing a service by having a landfill. Justin said in order to get a loan from a bank, the landfill has to make enough money to pay for the landfill building, and currently the landfill (with the current rates) does not make enough to pay for the proposed landfill building. Frank Young suggested checking with KDHE to see if there are grants available to help fund the proposed landfill; Jim said he checked 12 months ago for grants, and there were none available. Frank said the Commissioners could sign the proposed contract for the landfill building and then he could put a change order (by removing items to be done by the contractor) in to reduce the total cost of the landfill building to $300,000 (currently the cost of the landfill building is $343,850). There was discussion over collecting a property tax to help pay for the landfill building, Harold said he didn’t want to place this expense on the landowners/homeowners in the County. Justin said he thought the contract needed an addendum added that locked the County into the contract, “based on available funding”. Rhonda Dunn talked to the Commissioners about the money has available, but she said the money available is earmarked for other funds. There was discussion over funding the new building by raising the gate fees at the dump and possibly adding a property tax to collect the money to pay for the building. Jim said there is money in the landfill budget for equipment and that we may need to pay for the equipment out of a different fund and use that budgeted equipment money for the landfill. Justin said he had heard that the City of Fort Scott is considering adding a trash service to the water bill.

Jim presented a code of conduct contract for the KDOT Maple Road grant, Barbara moved to approve and sign the contract, Harold seconded, motion passed.

Paul Ballou (fire chief with the City over Fort Scott), Tracy Reed (from the City of Fort Scott dispatch) and Will Wallis met with the Commissioners. Paul presented a tow company rotation to be used for the City and County. The rotation is to be used when a call goes out for a tow. This could divide the tows up fairly for the tow companies. Barbara moved that Bourbon County enter into the wrecker rotation policy along with the City of Fort Scott to ensure uniformly and fairness in wrecker call outs, Harold seconded, all approved, motion passed and the Commissioners signed the contract.

Paul Ballou said that they are making the final upgrade to dispatch. He said that Garland was the worst area in Bourbon County for dispatch communication due to a poor signal; he said he thought that was due to the terrain in that area. He said Garland was put on their own repeater (in Garland) and per Garland’s request, they got their own frequency. He said there is still a problem with LEPC, city fire and law enforcement signal is still week in the Garland area. Because they operate on their own frequency, it isolates them from law enforcement, fire departments and the police department. Paul presented a list of calls that have gone out to the Garland fire department this year (2015) showing the response time for the calls. Tracy said that Garland can hear the calls that are going out to them and that the City could hear them when they went to the calls. In a previous Commission meeting William Wallis suggested a County-wide radio check be conducted to see if people are hearing calls when they go out; however, after looking at the call sheet that listed the calls that went out and were answered by Garland, Will said a radio check may not be needed. Mr. Ballou said they work with Garland, “equally as important” as other outlying departments and fire districts. He said each department is required to have a mutual aid agreement on file. Paul said overall communication in the County for dispatch has improved.

Terry Sercer and Rhonda Dunn met with the Commissioners, Terry said that if the County has a budget surplus in the General fund the money could be spent on the landfill building, but the budget would have to be amended to do this.

Terry Sercer presented the 2014 Bourbon County audit. Terry talked about all of the statutes that the County was in compliance with in 2014; there was one violation in the Road & Bridge Sales Tax fund where their expenses exceeded their budget. He said it is considered a significant weakness for the same auditing firm to do the audit and prepare the financial statements. Rhonda asked if she prepared the financial statements, would this save the County money. Terry said there were no weaknesses in the inmates fund or the County Attorney diversion funds.

At noon, Harold made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:15 pm, Lynne seconded and all approved, motion passed.

Justin Meeks, Ben Cole and Bill Martin met with the Commissioners regarding vicious dogs. Justin said that the County was contacted by an entity (regarding someone that was bit by a dog) regarding dogs, and the current resolution regarding pit bulls is not acceptable. There is a statute that protects landowners against vicious dogs. If a dog bites someone in the County, the dog would have to be quarantined (to check for disease) and the County does not have a place to quarantine a dog, so the dog would have to be placed in a vet for quarantine (the pet owner would have to pay this expense). If a dog was at-large they would have the right to destroy the dog immediately. Ben said in order to determine if a dog is a pit bull, the vet would not classify the dog as a pit bull without doing a $400 blood test. There was discussion over changing the resolution; this will be discussed again later on.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Barbara seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Barbara seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Kendell and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Harold made a motion to go into a 7 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged on the attorney-client relationship, Barbara seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Justin discussed resolution 17-15 regarding purchases for $20,000 or more for the County requiring bids. Lynne moved to accept the resolution, Harold seconded, after discussion Lynne made a motion to resend the motion regarding accepting resolution 17-15, Harold seconded. Justin is going to add additional text to the resolution.

Harold said that Fred Savage asked for 300’ of 10” (costs estimated $6.20/foot) polymer composite for the City of Fulton so they can use as culverts. No decision was made.

Justin Meeks discussed chapter 19, which is a statute that did allow for a County-wide fire district. Justin said this chapter 19 has changed, and will no longer allow for a County-wide fire district. Connie May from Garland Fire Department, said the issue of making a County-wide fire district came about regarding a safety issue, she said there are no safety issues regarding calls, she said they have never missed a call and that if they go on a call and need mutual aid, they ask for it. Garland falls under township trustee governance, meaning the trustees in Drywood and Scott townships must vote to ask for an audit of the fire districts financial records. There was discussion over whether the Garland Fire Department had done an audit; Connie said the audit is the responsibility of the Township and that it had not been done. Justin suggested that an audit should be done. There was discussion over mill levy increase for the fire department in the past, Connie May stated that they hadn’t increased the mill levy for a long time. Connie stated that she does not expect an increase in the 2016 budget.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 7 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the Commissioners, Kendell and Justin Meeks).

Barbara made a motion to hire Clint Anderson as the new County Appraiser for Bourbon County, with a start date to be determined, Harold seconded and all approved, motion passed.

Harold made a motion to adjourn at 3:05 pm, Barbara seconded, meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

06/16/2015, Approved Date

June 4, 2015                                                                    Thursday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Harold, Barbara and Kendell present. The purpose of the meeting was to conduct interviews for the Appraisers position.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded, (the session included the Interviewee, the Commissioners, Kendell and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 40 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded, (the session included the Interviewee, the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded, (the session included the Interviewee, the Commissioners, Kendell and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 40 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded, (the session included the Interviewee, the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded, (the session included the Commissioners, Kendell and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

The meeting adjourned at 11:53 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                ________________________, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

06/16/2015, Approved Date

June 2, 2015                                                                    Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Barbara, Harold and Kendell present.

Loretta George with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Mitch Welch a resident of 1137 145th Redfield met with the Commissioners regarding the Blake Quarry. He lives next to the Blake Quarry and said the day the County was blasting they notified him of the blast. He gave the County permission to place a seismograph in his yard, but said he had questions concerning the blast. He brought (to the Commission meeting) a large rock that he said landed in his yard from the blast. He questioned who would be responsible for repairs to his mower if he hits a rock (from the blast) in his pasture when mowing his hay. He said when he purchased his house a few years ago, the road in front of his house was nice, but said now due to truck traffic (from the quarry) the road is in rough condition. He asked if anything would be done to improve the condition of the road. He questioned how far away a blast could be from a resident. Harold said when doing a blast they are limited to how much they can shake the ground, he said that is why there is a pause in between blasts (to reduce the shaking). Mitch questioned if there were damages to his house from a blast (sheetrock, etc.) who would pay for the repairs. The Commissioners asked him to come back to the Commission meeting at 1:00 when Jim Harris would be available.

Terry Wood, met with the Commissioners previously and said there hadn’t been anything done about the culverts being blocked at 265th & Quivara. He said the culverts are blocked there and the recent rain washed all of his gravel out of his drive. Barbara contacted Jim Harris and he said they had looked at the culvert and it is on the list to be repaired. He questioned if the gravel that was washed out would be replaced, Harold said he thought it could be replaced.

Stacy Lindsey with KOAM TV, called to talk to the Commissioners regarding the 1928 Thompson machine gun that the Sheriff wants to sell. Local historian, Arnold Schofield, talked to her about the gun. Mr. Schofield said this is a unique gun that was issued by the Governor of Kansas. It was issued to Kansas Counties that bordered Missouri in the 1930’s to protect against bank robbers. He said this is a valuable piece of Bourbon County and Fort Scott history. Mr. Schofield said the County also has complete documentation from the Government where the gun was issued to Bourbon County. He thought there were probably very few of these weapons left, especially with the documentation. He hoped the Sheriff and the Commissioners can find another way to fund expenses the Sheriff has. He said he has seen two other guns similar to this one sell for $55,000-$75,000. He said the gun Bourbon County has is in near mint condition. He said as a historian, you can’t put a price on history. He said he has concerns when a piece of history leaves. He suggested that the County keep the gun and either place on display in the new jail or exhibit in the Courthouse. Barbara said she was not aware of the weapon until the Sheriff brought the subject up. She said the Sheriff thought the gun would bring approximately $20,000.

Len Lehmann, a representative of Empower Retirement met with the Commissioners. He said KPERS chose Empower Retirement to administer the KPERS 457 plan beginning July 1, 2015. He discussed KPERS and Social Security not being enough to fund retirement and the need to supplement retirement with additional savings. He wanted to offer Bourbon County the services of Empower Retirement for KPERS 457 for the County employees. The Commissioners asked Mr. Lehmann to contact the County in a few weeks to see if they would allow Empower Retirement to offer benefits to County employees.

Arnold Schofield thanked the Commissioners for the progress that is being made on Jayhawk road.

Arnold Schofield discussed the Courthouse with the Commissioners. He said the Courthouse is 86 years old and is eligible for nomination to the National Register. He presented a questionnaire to the Commissioners and a description of the National Register. He talked about the process to place the Courthouse on the National Register. He asked the Commissioners to authorize him to fill out the questionnaire. He said after the National Register reviews the application, if the Courthouse is approved, they would send a nomination package to be filled out. He said a building can be placed on the National Register due to historical and/or architectural reasons. He said if a building is placed on the National Register due to architectural reasons, no major alterations can be made to the architectural structure of the building. He discussed the grant money available from the Heritage Trust Fund; he said a property has to be on either the National or State Register in order to receive grant funds from Heritage Trust Fund. He said that the Fort Scott National Historic Site, Union block building, Moody Block building, the Fort Scott Public Library, Congregational Church, Iron Bridge East of Fort Scott and the Long Shoals Bridge are on the National Register. He said Fort Scott does not have a residential historic district.

At 11:50, Barbara moved to suspend the meeting and reconvene at 1:00 pm, Harold seconded.

The Commissioners reconvened at 1:00 pm with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Mitch Welch came back to the Commission meeting to talk to Jim Harris about the Blake Quarry. Jim Harris said they place a seismograph to measure the shock wave from the blast. Mitch asked what the results of the seismograph from the last blast were; Jim said he didn’t have the numbers yet. Jim said when blasting they will do 5 long blasts, 2 blasts and then 1 more (to reduce the shock wave). He said they will probably blast once a year at the Blake Quarry. Jim took the rock that Mitch brought in to show to the blasting company. Mitch questioned if there was damage to his house, who would be responsible, Jim said if the blast did the damage; the County should be responsible for the repairs. Jim said he could send employees out to pick up rock out of his field from the blast. Jim said he will notify Mitch each time they plan to blast (for safety). Jim said they could re-asphalt the road in front of Mitch’s house from where the County trucks are tearing up the road to help with dust control.

Terry Kunstel part owner of T&C Wildlife Lodge of 2483 Arrowhead Road met with the Commissioners. He said the road is a shared road between Bourbon and Crawford County. He said was nice for a few years, but now there are large potholes. He said it is embarrassing to him for his clientele to have to fight the road to get to his lodge. He questioned if there was anything that could be done to improve the road. The Commissioners want to meet with Crawford County Commissioners to see if the road can be improved.

Arnold Schofield talked to the Commissioners again about the National Registry. He said he discovered that several years ago a national historic district was established in Fort Scott, which included the Courthouse. Since the Courthouse is automatically on the National Registry (due to being in the national historic district) therefore, the County can apply for the Heritage Trust Fund grant. He gave an example that if the County had a $90,000 project, the County would have to pay $10,000 and the Heritage Trust fund would pay $80,000 (if approved). He said that no one in Bourbon County had ever applied for the Heritage Trust Fund and that the Heritage Trust Fund likes to spread the money around, therefore he felt Bourbon County would likely be approved for the Heritage Trust Fund. He said there are people in Topeka at the Historical Society that could help with tax credit.

Rhonda Dunn discussed the Landfill with the Commissioners and Jim Harris. She said the Landfill had been collecting sales tax, but should not have been. She said no sales tax should be collected for a service. She said she and Jennifer will be working together to notify the State that the County will no longer be collecting sales tax at the Landfill. Rhonda told Jim that they need to quit collecting sales tax at the Landfill.

Barbara opened the fish food bid for Elm Creek Lake. Miller Feed & Oil submitted a bid for 32% floating fish food for $724.50 per ton. Barbara moved to accept the bid from Miller Feed & Oil and to purchase one ton initially, and then to purchase in ½ ton increments, Harold seconded and all approved.

Jim Harris presented a proposal for engineering services for Shafer, Klein and Warren for the Maple road project. He asked for permission from the Commissioners to send this proposal to KDOT for review. Barbara made a motion to allow Jim to send the proposal to KDOT for review, Lynne seconded, motion passed. Jim said KDOT will review the proposal and if they approve they will send a contract.

The Commissioners will discuss the contract for the solid waste transfer station on June 9th at 9:00 am.

There will be a public meeting with Justin Meeks in the Commission room at 1:00 pm on June 9th regarding dogs in the County.

Barbara moved to go into a 10 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged on the attorney client relationship, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara moved to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Kendell). No action was taken.

The Commissioners will meet at 8:30 am on June 5th, in order to do interviews for the Appraiser position.

Lynne moved to adjourn at 2:55 pm, Harold seconded, all approved.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                ________________________, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

06/16/2015, Approved Date         

May 2015

May 26, 2015                                                                    Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Harold told Jim that he had looked at the Beth crossing and said that the ditch on the west side needs cleaned out.

Barbara reported that on 125th in Mapleton there is a 45mph speed limit sign falling down as well as a large pothole on 125th.

Jim Harris reported they are crushing at the Blake Quarry and hopes to be crushing at the Thomas Quarry within 30 days.

Jim Harris reported that B.E.D.C.O. will pay for the culverts at Kevin Allen’s property in the industrial park; the County will do the work.

Jim Harris presented an application for a permit for a driveway culvert for Brandon Goodall at 411 Kansas in Uniontown for a new house, Lynne made a motion to approve the permit, Harold seconded and all approved.

Jim presented an application for Craw Kan to bore at 1523 125th, Lynne moved to approve the permit, Harold seconded and all approved.

The Commissioners thanked and complimented Jennifer and Krista in the Road & Bridge department for the flowers that were placed along the south sidewalk of the Courthouse.

Lynne asked that Jim have the small trees sprayed on 75th and 80th street when the weather dries up.

Barbara took a phone call from a person that questioned how the sheriff’s department could sell something that was government issued (referring to the antique gun that the sheriff plans to sell). Barbara said she plans to ask Justin Meeks this question. Mike Feagins called and questioned the selling of this gun as well.

Deborah Stewart a resident at 674 255th in Garland met with the Commissioners regarding the milled area being rough on 245th. She discussed the culvert needing replaced going into her driveway. She also talked about the culvert being buried at 245th & Grand Road, she said the water is pooling. She said the road between Grand and Fern Road on 255th is soft. Barbara reported these issues to Jim Harris.

Don Miller a local historian talked to the Commissioners about a book he is working on regarding Fort Scott.

Marlin Schroeder told the Commissioners that the maintainer man had cut into the road in front of his driveways from Devon going West on the South side of the road. Barbara reported this to Jim Harris.

Hunter, a member of B.A.C.A. gave a B.A.C.A. pamphlet to the Commissioners; they reported that they will be spending time in the Courthouse.

Rhonda Dunn reported that the County had been getting free checking through UMB Bank; however UMB will start charging the County approximately $600 a month. Rhonda said she will be shopping around to see if she can get something cheaper.

Larry Paddock was elected in April 2015 to the Fulton City Council, but was previously elected to the Freedom Township Trustee.   He said he could not serve in both positions, so resigned from the trustee position in order to serve on the city council. Mr. Paddock and two other members on the Township board recommended the appointment of Janice Seested for the trustee position.

Barbara moved to accept the letter of resignation from Lawrence Paddock as the Freedom Township Trustee, Harold seconded and all approved.

This left a vacancy on the township board, Barbara moved to appoint Janice Seested to the Freedom Township Trustee board, Harold seconded and all approved.

Kendell presented to the Commissioners the Non-State Public Employer Contract regarding the Counties insurance through the State Health Plan. Barbara moved to sign the contract to continue coverage for 3 years with the State Health Plan, Lynne seconded and all approved. Barbara and Kendell signed the contract.

Harold nominated Barbara to serve on the Bourbon County Economic Development Council; however, Lynne said he would like to serve on this board; therefore, Barbara declined the nomination. Harold nominated Lynne to serve on the Bourbon County Economic Development Council, Barbara seconded and all approved.

Barbara moved to go into a 15 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioners and Kendell). No action was taken.

At 11:57 am, Barbara moved to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:00 pm, Harold seconded and all approved.

Rhonda Dunn reviewed the April month end budget reports with Jim Harris. Bridge & Culvert had spent 4.82% of the annual budget, Landfill spent 12.42% of the annual budget, Noxious Weed spent 63.85% of the annual budget, Road & Bridge spent 24.84% of the annual budget, Road & Bridge Sales Tax fund spent 8% of the annual budget, Special Bridge spent 76.17% of the annual budget (salary was taken out of this budget, but should come out of Bridge & Culvert instead).

Barbara took a phone call from Kyle Eisenhunt he felt that the gun in the Sheriff’s department should not be sold, due to the fact that it is a historical item.

Justin Meeks said he had reviewed the vicious dog resolution. He presented an updated dog resolution for the Commissioners to review, Justin said the current resolution needs updated. Justin also presented a new bidding process that he recommended the County start using. The Commissioners will review both of these and discuss on June 2nd.

Barbara told Bill Martin and Ben Cole that the Commissioners had heard several comments from people against the selling of the antique gun. The Commissioners questioned Justin Meeks if there would be anything preventing the selling of a gun that was donated by the Government. Justin said he would research this. Once the weapon ships for auction, Bill said he would make the public aware of the time of the auction.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 30 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney client relationship, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session consisted of the Commissioners and Justin Meeks).

Don Banwart, Darryl Bloomfield, Roberta Bloomfield, Will Wallis, Dennis Krom, Louella Howard, Delwin Mumbower, Connie May, Richard Cullison and Lester Waring met regarding the fire districts in the County. Justin Meeks said he had researched local fire departments. He said Garland fire department was established in 1968. He said there were issues in 2013 with the fire department, but thought those issues had been resolved. He said the fire districts in Bourbon County follow chapter 80, and that does not give the Commissioners authority to enforce what is going on in the fire districts. Justin said that Scott and Drywood Township would have to go through procedures to get an audit done on the Garland fire department. Justin said regarding KOMA and KORA, someone has the right to view documents of the fire department, but the department has a right to charge for these documents. Justin said the fire departments could be ran according to chapter 19 which the Commissioners would be in charge of board members, but chapter 80 (the current plan) does not give the Commissioners authority to enforce what is going on. Justin said that the County has no authority to change fire district boundary lines; he said if someone wants to change boundary lines, there is a procedure that has to be followed. Don Banwart said in 2004 the Commissioners did assist in the changing of the boundary lines. Don Banwart discussed the response time for certain fire districts; Delwin Mumbower said response time could vary depending on volunteer lines and personnel availability. Don Banwart said that Garland is not on the same radio frequency; therefore the other departments do not know when a call goes out to Garland and don’t know if they need mutual aid on the calls. William Wallis said that Garland needs to do a radio test exercise to make sure all of the calls can be heard. William Wallis told Connie May that Garland fire department needs to notify dispatch when they are unavailable to take calls. Barbara said she would like to commend each and every fire department in Bourbon County, she said safety and communication is key, she said she understood that the departments run on volunteers. She said the Commissioners would like to know more about uniformity, she said she understood that all departments have different issues. She said that Garland needs to test their radios. Justin Meeks reported that he would research Chapter 19 and would report back to the Commissioners the 2nd week of June. He said he would also research the 2004 resolution regarding fire departments.

Barbara moved to sign the EMPG fund application, Harold seconded and all approved. Barbara signed the application.

Barbara moved to adjourn at 3:46 pm, Lynne seconded, meeting adjourned.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss)Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

06/02/2015, Approved

May 19, 2015                                                                    Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Barbara made a motion for all of the Commissioners and Jim Harris to leave the Commission meeting to view the work done by the telephone company at the industrial park, Harold seconded, motion passed.

The Commissioners returned from the industrial park at 10:20 am. Jim Harris said that he would be meeting with Riddell Construction regarding work they did at the industrial park. Apparently there was rock left in the ditch from where they did work.

Lynne made a motion for Barbara to sign the 2014 audit from Terry Sercer, Harold seconded and Barbara signed. Terry Sercer will present the audit at a later date.

Terri Johnson stopped by to say hello to the Commissioners.

Brian Comstock met with the Commissioners regarding a road closing he requested. The legal of the road he wanted to close is approximately 300 feet on 185th road between the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 33 and West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 24, and Range 24. He said he would like to close this road in order to gate the property at his property line. Harold asked him if there were any reasons the County shouldn’t close this road, Brian said not that he knows of. The Commissioners told Brian that if the road is closed then the maintenance for the road will be his responsibility. Barbara moved to permanently close approximately 300 feet on 185th road between the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 33 and West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 24, Range 24, Harold seconded, motion passed and the Commissioners signed the application. Barbara moved to adopt resolution 16-15 to close approximately 300 feet on 185th road between the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 33 and West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 24, Range 24, Harold seconded all approved and the Commissioners signed the resolution.

Robert Findley requested that the County place no shooting signs at Pavey’s Ford, Jim said he would order signs to place there.

The Commissioners took a break for lunch at 11:30 and reconvened at 1:00 pm.

The Commissioners discussed an oil leak at the County barn. Jim said they will put a berm in this area, so that if there should be an oil spill in the future it will not run off onto the neighbor’s property.

Jim Harris reported that they had hired all of the mowers for 2015.

Barbara said that a company installed fiber optic in the industrial park and left rock in the ditches there. She questioned whether inmates could pick up the rock; Bill Martin said it depends on personnel available and the weather. Jim Harris said he was going to meet with the contractor that did the work and if they do not clean up the rock then the County could pick up the rock and then get the County Attorney involved.

Bill Martin said that the County has a 1921 original government issued machine gun (issued to the Sheriff’s department in 1933). He asked for the Commissioners for permission to sell the machine gun. He said he found a clearinghouse auctioneer that estimates the gun to be worth $20,000-$25,000. Bill said he would like to use the money received from the sale of the gun for cages for the cars, digital hand-held cameras and field cameras. Bill said he plans to take the money (from the sale) and place in a separate account and spend the money as he sees fit. Barbara said that it is County property so the money could help other departments too. Bill Martin said the property is part of law enforcement so the money should stay with law enforcement. Bill Martin said he wanted the money to go into the Sheriff department’s account but doesn’t want the revenue to affect his budget. Barbara told him that they never know what budgets are going to be, so they can’t say this wont effect his budget. After discussion, the Commissioners decided the money could go into a separate account for the Sheriff’s department use.

Jim Harris and the Commissioners reviewed the changes Jim made to the contract to be used for contractors to install culverts.

Jim Harris reported that he had sent Shafer, Klein and Warren a letter requesting them to submit a proposal for engineering and construction for the Maple Road property. Once the proposals are received, the County and KDOT will review the proposals.

Harold made a motion to allow Kendell to discuss with Don Doherty switching the County provided life insurance for the full time employees, Lynne seconded. Motion passed. Currently the County provides Companion Life Insurance to the full time employees, the County may switch to Kansas City Life to save approximately $1,200 annually.

The meeting adjourned at 2:31 pm.



                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

05/26/2015, Approved Date

May 12, 2015                                                          Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Bud Blythe met with the Commissioners; he said he and his family had purchased Rosie’s Cabin in Uniontown. He wants a liquor license to sell alcohol at the cabin, but his attorney Blake Hudson said that the County requires a business to have at least 30% of food sales in order to receive a liquor license; his attorney said the County could adopt a resolution that would not require the 30% food sales requirement. The Commissioners are going to talk to Justin Meeks about this.

Barbara reported that off of Horton on 215th there are potholes and brush that needs cleaned up. Jim Harris said they will be starting to patch potholes this week. Jim said they will be milling Condensory Road as well as blasting at the Blake Quarry.

Terry Wood a resident on 265th reported that a culvert is blocked near his property which caused rain water to wash out the gravel in his drive. Jim Harris said he would look at the culvert.

Jim Harris presented chemical quotes. The quotes were for 50 pounds of Perspective and 100 gallons of 2-4D Amine. Van Diest bid $5,010, CPS bid $5,010 and RRSI bid $5,043 (Noxious Weed Director, Nate Taylor recommended Van Diest). Harold made a motion to purchase the chemicals from Van Diest, Lynne seconded and all approved, motion passed.

Jim Harris presented for review a permit application (from Shafer, Klein and Warren) for a permit for an access entrance to a County public right of way (an application to use for contractors to install the culverts). The Commissioners and Jim reviewed the permit application and made revisions. Jim will have the revisions made and present to the Commissioners at a later date.

Frank Young with Ag Engineering met with the Commissioners regarding the bids that were taken for the Landfill building. The low bidder for the project was Home Center Construction out of Pittsburg, Kansas. Frank contacted Home Center Construction and asked them to reduce some of the cost of the project in order for the County to proceed with the contractor. The contractor reduced their total bid (by reducing the work being done) to $309,080. Frank said in order to stay under $300,000 the County could have the building built as a shell with insulation only and not have the company provide the scales which would bring the cost to approximately $285,680. There was discussion over funding this project with either lease purchase payments or general obligation bonds. Frank Young recommended that the Commissioners declare Home Center Construction the low bidder and award them the project with the understanding that the Commissioners would issue change orders, the company would produce their bonds and then the Commissioners would sign the contract and then Frank Young would delete any items to be done to reduce the cost of the project. Lynne made a motion to approve Home Center Construction as the contractor for the landfill building with the option to make changes, Harold seconded and all approved, motion passed. Barbara said she felt that it is a good service to provide Bourbon County residents with a landfill/transfer location.

Barbara made a motion to sign the agreement with Hubert Thomas for a quarry on his property, Harold seconded and all were in favor, Barbara and Kendell signed the contract.

Don Doherty with Northwestern Mutual presented a less expensive option for employee life insurance that the County pays for. No action was taken.

Darrel Bloomfield, Don Banwart, Will Wallis and Roberta Bloomfield from Drywood Township met with the Commissioners. Mr. Banwart said he and Mr. Bloomfield received a letter from the Garland Fire District #2 (regarding filling a vacancy on the board for Garland Fire District #2). Mr. Banwart said he had asked the Garland fire district where money and funding was going but that he never gets an answer. Mr. Banwart said the mill levy was raised a lot by the Garland fire district board. Mr. Bloomfield is in the understanding that the budget cannot be raised more than 2 mills without an election. Mr. Bloomfield said every time they have a meeting he asks to see the books but is denied. He says Connie May laughed at him when he asked her to see the books. They cannot get any information from the board. They both feel that information is being withheld from the township. Mr. Banwart suggested that the easiest way to solve the issue is for Scott Township to take over the entire Scott Township, and Garland Fire District #2 cover all of Drywood Township. Mr. Banwart wanted to make a suggestion to make Scott Township the governing body of Garland Fire District #2. Will Wallis said that Scott Township has to respond every time a call goes out to Garland because of the mutual aid agreement. Wallis agreed that moving boundaries and getting rid of the Garland fire board will resolve these issues. They came back at 2:00 pm when legal counsel was available.

David Neville reported a broken window in the Sheriff’s side of the building. He also said mulch was spread everywhere and the bathroom was flooded on the Sheriff’s side. Harold Coleman told David Neville to review the cameras.

The Commissioners took lunch at 12:00 and reconvened at 1:00.

John & Jackie Allison reported that there is brush in the ditches and the road is in terrible condition from 1701   195th street West to Hwy 7. The Allison’s also reported a sewage issue on 175th where sewage is running into a ditch; Barbara called Eric Bailey to come to the meeting to discuss the sewage issue on 175th street just South of Soldier. Eric came to the meeting and got the address of the property said he would look at it. Barbara said she would get a report ready for Jim about the road complaint.

Bill Martin came in with a 3D model of what the jail will look like. He left it for the commissioners to view.

Darrell Bloomfield, Don Banwart, Debbie Hurd, J.R. Parker, Delwin Mumbower, Lou Howard, and Roberta Bloomfield came back to talk about the Fire District board issue with the County Counselor present. Mr. Bloomfield said that he believes that he as a member of the Township board should have access to the books for the Garland Fire District. Meeks said that he can have access, but if they have a cost associated with it then he has to pay the cost. Mr. Mumbower said that there is no other department aware when Garland gets a fire call because they changed their radio frequencies over a year ago. Meeks told them he would research whether the fire districts governance should be with the township or as an independent board. He said he would also research what role the Commissioners should play in moving the district’s boundaries. This was scheduled to be discussed further on May 26th.

Kevin Allen called and said that he was not satisfied with the work that was done in his ditch. He said there are still huge rocks in his ditch. Barb is going to call Jim and tell him that Kevin is not satisfied with his work. The Commissioners and Jim are going to go look at the ditches next Tuesday the 19th at 9:00.

Meeting adjourned at 3:40 pm.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

05/19/2015, Approved Date

May 5, 2015                                                                 Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and Maggie Wolf from the Bourbon County Clerk’s office.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Tom Hill requested that the potholes on Ironwood Road be filled; Jim Harris said he would have that done.

Jim Harris reported that he had been comparing prices on tractors to be used for mowing. He said a new tractor would be approximately $45,000 versus used for $30,000. He presented pictures of a used 50758 M 2012 John Deere tractor. Barbara made a motion to purchase the tractor for mowing (to be paid for as follows $10,000 from the insurance reimbursement money and $20,000 out of the special machinery fund), Lynne seconded, all were in favor, motion passed.

There was discussion over Jayhawk Road; Janie Schwein asked if they could water the road every week while they are working on it, she said that the dust is ruining her house and giving her horses colic. Jim said his crew is doing all they can to speed up the asphalt process.

Barbara made a motion to sign the Federal Fund Exchange Agreement, Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Steve Williams reported that 65th and Soldier Road needs looked at by Jim Harris.

Justin Meeks and Bill Martin met with the Commissioners regarding posting speed limit signs on Jayhawk Road in the construction area. Bill Martin said he is short staffed but that he would do what he could. Barbara said she wanted Bill Martin to be part of the team to enforce the reduced speed limit. Lynne made a motion to temporarily (until construction is done in mid June) reduce the speed limit to 20 mph for safety on Jayhawk Road from 230th going East, Harold seconded and all were in favor, motion passed.

The Commissioners left for lunch at 11:30 and reconvened at 1:00 pm.

Rhonda Dunn met with the Commissioners regarding flooring in the old Register of Deeds office. The Drivers License department will be moving to the vacant office. The Commissioners viewed the office, Barbara made a motion that new flooring be installed in the office, Lynne seconded and all were in favor, motion passed.

Harold made a motion to sign the on-call service agreement extension #2 with Shafer, Klein & Warren, Lynne seconded and all were in favor, motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 2:50 pm.

                                           THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                           OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                           (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                          (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                           (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

05/19/2015, Approved Date

May 4, 2015                                                                 Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners present. Maggie Wolf, from the County Clerk’s office and Tammy Helm from the Fort Scott Tribune were also present.

Frank Young from Ag Engineering opened the bids for the proposed Bourbon County Landfill building. The bids for the building and the ground work were as follows…

Crossland Construction, Columbus, KS bid $578,670 total

Steve Bright bid $440,439 (base bid)

Tri-State Building, Pittsburg, KS bid $475,583 total

Home Center Construction, Pittsburg, KS bid $343,850 total

The Commissioners asked Frank Young to analyze the quotes. The Commissioners will vote to reject or accept the bids on May 12th at 10:00 am.

Harold made a motion to accept Shafer, Kline & Warren, Inc for consultation and as the engineer for the Maple Road project, Lynne seconded, all were in favor, motion passed.

Barbara moved to go into a 20 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded, (the session included the three Commissioners, Jim Harris and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

The meeting adjourned at 11:48 am.

                                  THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                  OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                  (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                  (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                  (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

05/19/2015, Approved Date  


April 2015

April 28, 2015                                                                   Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Brian Wade thanked Jim Harris for cleaning the culvert in the area of where he lives so that the water will run under the road instead of over the road. Mr. Wade also said that the County drivers hauling rock in the area of Soldier   Road, as well as 255th Road are driving too fast and not getting over when meeting vehicles. He questioned whether one of the County vehicles hit a dog in this area. Jim said that the County drivers are qualified drivers and that the speed limit is 55 mph unless posted and will talk to the drivers about slowing down and getting over for vehicles.

Barbara moved to go into a 5 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (the session included the three Commissioners, Kendell and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Barbara said she heard a complaint regarding work done on 240th (South of Jayhawk) will not last; Jim said he is meeting a representative from Van Keppel on 240th to get their opinion of the work done there.

Jim said the employees are being trained to use the Chip Spreader.

Barbara said that East of Mapleton on the State Road a private individual hauling gravel spilled the gravel on the State Road; Jim said he sent a County truck to the area to clean the gravel up.

Lynne said that 105th needs gravel.

Jim discussed the tractor that burnt up in December 2014; he said a used tractor will cost approximately $33,000 vs. a new one for $35,000. The Commissioners asked Jim to get bids for review.

Jim presented a contract for reimbursement from KDOT for rock reimbursement for a road used for a detour from a bridge replacement. Barbara moved to sign the agreement with KDOT for the rock reimbursement for detours used on the County roads during a bridge replacement on 31 Highway, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged on the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Jim Harris and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged on the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Jim Harris and Justin Meeks). After the session Barbara made a motion to allow Jim Harris contact Hubert Thomas regarding the proposed rock quarry on Hubert Thomas’s property, Justin will update the contract, Lynne seconded and all were in favor.

The Commissioners will meet on May 4th at 10:00 am for the bid opening on the Landfill building; they will also meet at 10:30 to review the KDOT/Bourbon County Maple Road project.

Rhonda Dunn gave the Commissioners an idle fund report. She said currently there is $2,483,174.33 in UMB in the checking fund. She also said there is $1,940,174 in CD investment values. She discussed the $9,192,424.17 in securities pledge.  

Rhonda Dunn discussed with the Commissioners the flowerbeds on the Courthouse lawn. The departments in the Courthouse will be re-doing the flowerbeds. The Commissioners agreed to donate a total of $500 out of the General Fund, Barbara and Harold will also be donating personally to the flowerbed funds and encouraged other individuals to donate personally.

Rhonda Dunn said that the old Register of Deeds office on the second floor is empty and that she would like to move the driver’s license department to the front office of this room. The Election equipment will be stored in the vault area of this room.

Lynne said he viewed the attic space in the Courthouse and said there is not room for insulation there.

6th Judicial District director Cathy Cooper met with the Commissioners. She discussed the juvenile programs and said they are keeping all of the current programs as well as adding three tobacco preventive programs. She discussed the adult programs and asked that the Commissioners approve signing the 2016 fund year comprehensive grant application. Lynne made a motion to sign the 2016 fund year comprehensive grant application, Harold seconded and all approved. Barbara signed the grant application.

The Commissioners reviewed a letter from Frank Young with Ag. Engineering regarding a letter of support for two watersheds in Bourbon County. Harold made a motion to write and sign a letter of support for the County to support the building of two watersheds in Bourbon County, Lynne seconded and all approved.

David Neville presented two bids for fertilizing and seeding the Courthouse lawn; Cedar Creek Landscape Management, Inc. bid $1,390.00 and WL spraying & Landscaping Inc. bid $1,691.00. No decision was made on this. Lynne asked David to get an estimate for a sprinkling system for the Courthouse lawn.

Barbara made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:00 pm.

At 1:00 pm the Commissioners went back into session with Harold and Barbara present.

Ralph Reed questioned what was going to be done with 240th; Barbara said it had been milled. Mr. Reed asked for gravel on 245th, Barbara reported this to Jim Harris.

Justin Meeks said the Appraisers position had been advertised in the Kansas County Appraisers Association. He discussed the bidding process for Bourbon County; he suggested that the County may want to adopt a new resolution with a standard policy for all departments to use.

Justin discussed the gravel that the County is going to donate to Economic Development and said the County is able to donate the gravel.

The meeting adjourned at 2:51 pm.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                               (ss) Lynne D Oharah, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

05/05/2015 , Approved Date

April 21, 2015                                                                   Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Harold, Barbara and the County Clerk present. Lynne called and was placed on speaker phone in order to participate in the meeting.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Marge Albright questioned the Commissioners why they had moved the meeting to only one day a week instead of two; Barbara said they had done this to accommodate Lynne (due to health issues he will not be able to attend Monday and Friday meetings). Marge Albright said they should cut their wages in ½ if only working one day a week, (the Commissioners explained that they would likely be working one full day vs. two half days). Marge Albright said “why not resign if he can’t fulfill his duties?” she said they should put out what is wrong with him if he can’t be here and that there have been a lot of complaints about him. Barbara asked how Marge Albrights’ road was, she said it’s rougher than it’s ever been and said she wished they wouldn’t remove the snow off of the road, since she has 4 wheel drive.

Barbara said all of the Commissioners may be attending a customer appreciation luncheon on May 1st at Security 1st Title; no County business will be conducted.

The County will be advertising for bids for fish food at Elm Creek Lake (they will take bids for 1000 pound increments, due to the fact that they may drain the lake and the Commissioners don’t want excess food).

Doug Miller said he has been removing the scrap metal at the Landfill and he and the County each get ½ of the money from the scrap metal; Barbara made a motion to allow Doug Miller to continue to remove the scrap metal at the Landfill with the County and Doug each getting ½ of the money and authorize him to sell any scrap signs at the recycling company from April 1st, 2015 – April 1st, 2016, Harold seconded, motion passed. Kendell typed a letter for Doug stating this.

Jim Harris talked to the Commissioners about a salt storage bin. Jim said it’s cheaper to buy the salt in June vs. winter months. Barbara made a motion to purchase a salt storage building (to store salt to treat the roads during inclement weather) for $10,443 and to pay for it out of the Road & Bridge Sales Tax fund, Harold seconded and motion passed.

Brian Wade questioned why the County had not cleaned out the ditch on Soldier and 245th; he talked to the Commissioners about this issue in March, 2015. Jim said he currently does not have a road operator in this area and that due to rain the ditch has not been cleaned out.

Jim Harris presented to Barbara an agreement between the County and KDOT for reimbursement of the cost of gravel on the roads that were used as detour roads, Barbara and Kendell signed the agreement.

Jim said he had a complaint about the work being done on Limestone Road; Barbara said sometimes in order to fix a road the road will get worse before it gets better.

Jim presented a change to for the Thomas quarry agreement; Hubert Thomas wants 800 tons of base rock each year as additional royalty’s payment added to the agreement. Barbara said the Commissioners need to talk to Justin about this.

The Commissioners will have a special meeting on May 4th in order to open the bids for the Landfill building.

Harold may attend the KDOT meeting at City Hall on April 22nd at 10:00 am.

The Commissioners told Jim about road complaints around the County, 2542 Hackberry (Jim said the culvert is draining there and they are going to blade the road), 919 245 water is draining towards residents garage (Jim said this road is on the ditching list), 2400 Limestone   Road needs rock.

Barbara made a motion that the County provide (the City will haul the rock) 2,697 ton of rock to Win Vent for economic development; Win Vent is adding onto their building and adding 15 new jobs, Harold seconded, motion passed.

Bill Martin and Ben Cole met with the Commissioners. Bill presented a spreadsheet with four estimates to lease purchase 3 sheriff vehicles (Ford Explorer- Police Interceptors). Mid-West Superstore bid $109,443 (base price) -$133,181 (loaded with video cameras, patrol riffle, shotgun, gun rack, radar, and installation), delivered to Fort Scott, three other dealers bid the following… Shepherds Team bid $110,679 (base price) – $134,417, Olathe Ford bid $113,159 (base) – $136,897 (loaded), Shawnee Mission Ford bid $113,826 (base) – $137,564 (loaded). Bill asked for approval to move forward with the purchase. Bill said the money that is received from selling the current vehicles will go towards the payment for the new vehicles. Bill said they had ordered and paid for a transport van from Shepherds for the SEKRCC in November 2014, and still have not received the vehicle; Bill and Ben said they also had issues with the trucks that the County purchased from Shepherds. Bill said he feels that Dave Shepherd is a good friend, but as a consumer he is not very happy with these issues. Barbara and Harold felt that the County needs to try and resolve these issues with Shepherds and to try and do the business local if possible. Barbara said she thought Bill and her should visit with Dave Shepherd in order to try and resolve the issues. After Bill left, Barbara called Dave Shepherd to try and schedule a time to meet with him; Dave Shepherd told Barbara that he thought it was important for the Sheriff to go where he would be happy. Bill and Ben came back to the Commission meeting to talk to the Commissioners. Bill said that he wanted it on record that he thought two elected officials talking about County business is an ethical issue and he wanted to excuse himself from meeting with Dave Shepherd when Barbara meets with him. Barbara made a motion to go with the low bid from Mid-West Superstore, Harold seconded the motion, motion passed. Barbara told Bill that she had called Dave Shepherd, and Mr. Shepherd said he wanted the Sheriff to be happy.   Bill said he had sent letters to four lending institutions in Fort Scott regarding the financing of the vehicles, he said Landmark declined to quote an interest, UMB did not respond to the request. Union State Bank bid 2.79% for 60 months, City State Bank bid 2.88% for 60 months; Harold made a motion to go with Union State Bank for financing, Barbara seconded, motion passed.

At 11:52 am, Barbara made a motion to go to lunch and to reconvene at 1:00 pm, Harold seconded, motion passed.

The meeting went back into session at 1:00.

Eric Bailey gave the Commissioners an update regarding residents and septic regulations. Eric said he had met with residents in mid-March and then met with them again in the first part of April; the residents he talked to are going to put in concrete composting pits that are approximately four foot by six foot, the pits can be sealed tight and the septic waste can be mixed with saw dust. Once the waste is composted the resident will place the compost on the fields. Eric said he will revisit with the residents in one month to make sure the residents are in compliance.

Justin Meeks met with the Commissioners. He presented Kendell with the Duck Blind lease agreement; he said he will have the Appraisers job advertisement ready this week. Justin said at this time the County would not be donating the bridge to Allen County.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged on the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

The meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairman

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                ________________________, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

04/28/2015, Approved Date

April 17, 2015                                                         Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Commissioner Coleman and Albright present. The County Clerk was also present.

The Commissioners had a tie breaker due to two ties in the April 7th, 2015 election. Sally Johnson and Terry Nading tied for USD 235 school board member at-large position, the Commissioners flipped a coin and Sally Johnson won. There was a tie between write-ins for Mapleton City Council between Troy Stoughton, Ronald Burton, Homer Wisdom, Leroy Hall, Sharon Robinson, Mike Blevins and Arlene Shafer; the Commissioners drew a name to break the tie and the winner was Arlene Shafer. The Commissioners signed the certified election results.

John Hill presented the lease paperwork from City State Bank for the John Deere Wheel Loader. Harold made a motion to authorize Barbara to sign Resolution 15-15 for the lease purchase of the wheel loader for $357,339 at 3.24% interest for 9 years with semi-annual payments of $23,357 starting in 2016, Barbara seconded. Kendell and Barbara signed the paperwork.

Commissioner Lynne Oharah called into the Commission meeting; he plans to be back at work next week. Barbara moved to change the Commission meetings from Monday and Friday to Tuesdays from 9-noon and from 1-3 due to health reasons for Commissioner Oharah; if someone wants to see the Commissioners they need to schedule a meeting time on the agenda preferably during the morning session, Harold seconded and motion passed.

There will be a burn association meeting on April 20th at the 4H building, one or more of the Commissioners may be attending this meeting, but no County business decisions will be made.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged on the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Rebecca Crowder with The Austin Peters Group, Inc. met with the Commissioners regarding a salary study for County employees; also present for this meeting was Bobby Reed, Bill Martin, Ben Cole, Alvin Metcalf and Justin Meeks. The Austin Peters Group, Inc did a survey in 2006 for Bourbon County. Bill Martin asked this company to do another survey for Bourbon County and said he will pay for this ($3,000) out of his budget. Barbara said that the County had already paid KAC $175 to do a salary survey and questioned what the difference would be between the two surveys. Rebecca Crowder said when they do the survey they will question Counties as well as Cities. She said they survey would take approximately 3-4 weeks to complete. She asked if the Commissioners had anything they would like to have surveyed on employees that they were not already covering (she said some people have asked for comparison on entities that pay for compensation on … being certified, addition compensation for cell phone usage or use of personal vehicles) the Commissioners are going to consider what they would like to have included in the survey.

Bill Martin told the Commissioners that since the new jail had passed on the April 7th election he felt that they need to look at potential properties for the new location of the jail as well as to have work sessions for the jail project in order to keep the project moving forward.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged on the attorney-client relationship, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

The meeting adjourned at 11:35 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                ________________________, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

04/28/2015, Approved Date

April 13, 2015                                                                   Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Commissioners Coleman, Albright and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Barbara took a phone call from a resident in Devon; they wanted some children playing signs installed. Barbara told them the County would not pay for the signs, but would install them if the resident provided them.

Gary Ganan a resident of 2402 Locust   Road told the Commissioners that when the asphalt was installed there it covered the end of the culvert and when it rains it floods his garage.

Rhonda Dunn met with the Commissioners and Jim Harris regarding budgets. At the end of March Bridge & Culvert had spent 9% of their 2015 budget, Landfill had spent 18% of their budget, Noxious Weed spent 61% of their budget, Road & Bridge had spent 20% of their budget, Road & Bridge Sales Tax had spent 1% of their budget and Special Bridge had spent 69% of their budget. Rhonda reviewed the budget reports for the County.

Barbara moved to appoint Rhonda Dunn to the Election (April 7th, 2015) Canvass board due to the absence of Commissioner Lynne Oharah, Harold seconded, motion passed.

The Commissioners held the election canvass and reviewed the provisional ballots from the April 7th, 2015 election. Those present for the canvass were the Commissioners, Larry Gazaway, Tammy Helm, Bobby Reed, Ben Cole, Jim Harris, Rachel Thompson, Jingles Endicott, Hazel Swartz, Maryanne Swartz, Rhonda Dunn, Roberta Ard, Maggie Wolf and Kendell Mason. There was a tie for the USD235 position at-large; the Commissioners will break any ties and make the results final on April 17th.

The meeting adjourned at 11:45 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                ________________________, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

04/28/2015, Approved Date

April 10, 2015                                                                   Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Barbara, Harold and Kendell present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris presented a quote for Blake quarry from Hubert Thomas to remove the overburden area of approximately 150’ X 225’ for $8,062.50. Barbara moved to begin the removal of the overburden at the Blake quarry with Hubert Thomas for $8,062.50, Harold seconded, motion passed.

Harold told Jim that an area between 245th & 255th on Soldier road needs ditching.

Jim discussed the need for a replacement dozer at the Landfill. Harold made a motion to purchase the 2012 CAT D6K dozer for $131,796; $40,000 will be reimbursed from the insurance company and the rest will be paid for out of Landfill, Barbara seconded, motion passed.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners, Kendell, Jim and Deb Schoenberger). No action was taken.

Barbara read a thank you note from Clarksburg cemetery for the road work that the Road and Bridge crew did in the cemetery.

The Commissioners may be attending a KDOT meeting on April 16th at Chanute. No County business decisions will be made.

Holly Powers with SKW met with the Commissioners regarding the culvert application permits. Jim Harris gave Holly an example of a culvert application that Johnson County uses, he asked that Holly review the contract and use it as a template to do the culvert application permits for Bourbon County. Jim   recommended allowing licensed, bonded contractors to install culverts. There was discussion over utility companies; Harold said that if a utility company cuts into the road they should pay a fee; if they only bore they should not have to pay a fee. Jim will discuss with other Counties what they use for permits. Holly is reviewing and revising contracts for Bourbon County.

Holly Powers said that Shafer, Klein & Warren is reviewing the Maple Road project as being a possible contractor for the job.

Barbara made a motion to appoint Penny Barnes, Dale Johnson and Allen Warren as the County’s representatives to the Bourbon County Riverfront Authority, for a period of three years each, Harold seconded. Motion passed. Barbara thanked Bob Love for his service on the Riverfront Authority.

Gary Deloney stopped by to say hello to the Commissioners.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Barbara seconded (the session included the Commissioners). No action was taken.

Justin Meeks presented to the Commissioners details on acquisition of property and bidding when purchasing property. He said he would have a revised duck blind contract available next week. Barbara asked if a letter had been sent to Allen County regarding the bridge that they asked that Bourbon County donate to them; Justin said he is working with Rhonda Dunn on a committee regarding using the bridge for a walking trail in Bourbon County. Justin talked to the Commissioners regarding the open Appraisal position in Bourbon County; he said the work could be contracted out for 6 months if needed. Justin said they would advertise the vacancy in a periodical as well as on a website.

The meeting adjourned at 11:47 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                ________________________, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

04/17/2015, Approved Date

April 6, 2015     (Corrected)                                                      Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Commissioners Albright and Coleman present. Deb Schoenberger was also present.

Jim Harris presented an application for AT&T, they want to bury a cable 36” deep and bore across the road at 1431 215th Street. Barbara made a motion to waive the fees, Harold seconded, motion passed.

Jim Harris presented an application for Christy Beltram at 1970 Locust Road who wants a culvert installed; Barbara made a motion to install the culvert, Harold seconded, motion passed.

The Commissioners agreed to transfer a total of $51,533.24 from Road & Bridge Sales Tax to the Bridge & Culvert, Landfill and Road & Bridge funds.

Barbara made a motion to purchase a used 14 foot john boat, trailer and 9.9 Yamaha motor out of the Special Machinery fund for $2,500, Harold seconded, motion passed.

Ernie Michaels questioned the Commissioners about who put stakes by the water tower on 54 Highway, it was not done by the County; Barbara checked with Rick McDaniel from Rural Water, they placed the stakes because they are taking bids on mowing there.

The Commissioners will be attending the dedication of the Laroche Baseball complex at the Dave Reagan stadium on April 7, 2015. No County business will be discussed.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 20 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (the session included the Commissioners and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

The Commissioners opened the bids from banks for the lease purchase of the John Deer wheel loader for a price of $357,338. The banks were asked to bid a 9 year lease. Union State Bank bid 3.695% for 9 years, UMB bid 3% for 7 years and City State Bank bid 3.24% for 9 years. Barbara made a motion to finance through City State Bank for 3.24%, Harold seconded, motion passed (the first payment will be due April 1st, 2016.

Emergency Manager William Wallis said he had received his Kansas Certified Emergency Managers Certification (80 hours). He said he will have a booth at the Home Show on April 10th & 11th and hopes to get residents set up with Code Red.

William Wallis wants to establish a burn plan; he said Lou Howard and Delwin Mumbower stated that some people are not able to contain their burning. There will be a Burn Association meeting on April 20th at 6 pm at the 4H building for farmers and ranchers to give some feedback on burning.

Burlington Northern will be hosting a session on July 11th regarding Wall Street.

Allen and Jackie Warren stopped by the Commission meeting.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded, (the session included the Commissioners, Deb Schoenberger and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

The meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm.

                                      THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                      OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                      (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                      (ss)Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                      _______________________, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

05/26/2015, Approved Date

April 3, 2015                                                                    Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Harold, Barbara and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Harold took a phone call that reported 2 loads of uncovered trash that spread debris all over the road near 235th & Poplar, Harold reported this to the Sheriff.

Jim Harris reported that the insurance company will pay $40,000 for the dozer that was damaged at the landfill. Foley has a 2012 CAT for $131,796; Jim reported that the County could build the pad and lagoon (for the new building at the landfill) with this new machine and could save approximately $40,000 by doing the work themselves. No decision was made.

Bob Love said that he had been on the Riverfront Authority since 2007 and asked if the County could replace him as a board member with Allen Warren. He said Allen has been an active member and recommended him to replace Mr. Love. Mr. Love said he would stay on as a committee member.

Kendell presented an application for David & Tina Proctor for Real Property Relief Application, (a program where if a resident’s home is destroyed by earthquake, fire, flood, storm or tornado the Commissioners could issue a credit or abatement for a portion of the house taxes). The Proctor’s lost their home in a fire in October 2014. Harold made a motion to issue a credit to the Proctors for 25% of the homes value for 2014 (which is a credit totaling $347.45), Barbara seconded, motion approved.

The Commissioners talked to Justin Meeks, Justin is revising the duck blind lease for Elm Creek Lake and said he will get Kendell a copy of the revised lease.

The meeting adjourned at 11:45 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairman

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                _______________________, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

04/10/2015, Approved Date                            


March 2015

March 27, 2015                                                                 Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Jim Harris presented a permit for a road opening with a legal description of SW quarter (SW4) SW quarter (SW) and 2 acres in se corner of NW quarter (NW) SW quarter (SW4) of section 35, township 24 range 22; Barbara moved to ask Kendell to notify the adjoining landowners, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Jim Harris presented a contract from AT&T for Housley Communication to bore 36” deep at 2449 Jayhawk Road, Barbara moved to waive the fee and approve the contract for AT&T to bore 36” deep at 2449 Jayhawk Road, Harold seconded and all approved.

Jim Harris presented the contracts (Justin Meeks reviewed and approved the contracts) between Bourbon County and Hubert Thomas and the Blake’s for quarries on their land. Barbara made a motion for the County to sign the contract with Hubert Thomas to open a quarry on his land, Harold seconded and all approved. Barbara made a motion to open a new pit on the Blake property, Lynne seconded and all approved. The Commissioners signed both of the contracts.

Harold made a motion to approve the permit for Soldier Road Conoco to sell cereal malt beverages (off premises), Lynne seconded and all approved. Barbara and Kendell signed the permit.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Kendell). No action was taken.

Rhonda Dunn said the County has an insufficient fund account that shows an amount of approximately $8,000 (due to incorrect recording), she asked to adjust the balance to a more accurate figure of approximately $379; Barbara moved to allow Rhonda to make the adjustment to the correct balance, Harold seconded and all approved.

Brian Wade thanked the Commissioners for the gravel that was placed on 245th and Soldier Road, but asked why the County didn’t clean the ditch out; he said the road is lower than the ditch between 245th & 265th. Barbara reported this to Jim Harris.

Judy Wallis met with the Commissioners. She said the Appraisers office is mailing valuation notices today. She discussed the valuation increase for agriculture land. She said agriculture land increased an average of 13%. She said this average increase is based on the price per acre, per soil type, per use type.

Judy suggested that the Courthouse turn the planting of the flower beds on the Courthouse lawn into a contest between the different offices. She will discuss this during the next department head meeting.

Laura Moore with SEK Regional Planning Commission met with the Commissioners. She discussed the ones that had benefited from the CDBG (annual competitive grant), the Empress building in Fort Scott, the Uniontown fire station, housing projects in Fort Scott and Fulton, Mapleton and Bronson received funding for asphalt and overlay projects, Uniontown and Bronson received water grants, overall over $3.6 million in grant funds has gone to different projects in Bourbon County. Rhonda Dunn discussed the Wall Street improvement project; Laura Moore said she is actually meeting with the City of Fort Scott to see if there is any funding available to help with this project. She discussed the economic development grant, and said that in order to qualify for this grant a business has to be creating jobs or retaining jobs. She discussed the revolving loan funds (for gap funding).

James (Jim) Nixon with Diebolt, LLC in Laharpe, Kansas (888-444-4346) met with the Commissioners. He discussed the custom homes and post frame metal buildings. He said their buildings withstand up to 90 mph winds. Harold discussed the building that will be built at the Landfill. The Commissioners will talk to Mr. Nixon when they are ready to take bids on the project.

John Townsend met with the Commissioners regarding Elm Creek Lake. He said that Elm Creek Lake was never finished; he said that when it was being built the rains hit and the lake was never finished. He said the South end should have actually gone clear to the road. He said he felt that long term if the project was finished it would benefit the area.

Bobby Reed, Bill Martin and Shane Walker met with the Commissioners. Bobby said that 8 years ago Homeland Security bought 43 scanners to be used for fingerprinting. Bobby said that the annual maintenance contract on this machine was $2,700 and is now $6,500. The computer for this machine was replaced last year. Last week the roller went out on the machine and the repairs for the scanner will cost between $18,000 and $20,000 and to purchase a whole new machine will cost $22,400 (with a lower the maintenance fee). Bobby said that the maintenance fee was not paid last year and Bill Martin said they do not have the money in their budget to pay for this repair or replacement. The Commissioners will discuss this again on March 30th.

Justin Meeks met with the Commissioners. He said he had reviewed the statute regarding the Appraiser. He suggested the County advertise the vacant position immediately. Justin said he had reviewed the City of Fort Scott’s culvert application process. He said the City lets the landowner purchase a culvert, the City would install the culvert and the culvert then becomes the property of the City. The County will review the culvert application process on April 6th.

Justin Meeks said he had received a phone call from Mark Watson regarding a road issue in the Pawnee area; he said he will talk with Jim Harris about the issue and follow up with Mr. Watson.

Justin Meeks presented a duck blind policy for the County to use; the Commissioners asked that Justin Meeks add items to the lease agreement before the County starts using it.

Justin said he had hired an assistant County Attorney which will be starting April 13th.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property and consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged on the attorney client relationship, Harold seconded and all approved, (the session included the three Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Barbara moved to adjourn at 12:20 pm.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

03/30/2015, Approved Date

March 23, 2015                                                                 Monday 9:00 am


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris reported that he had the Maple   Road grant paperwork (90/10% grant- 10% County portion if the County chooses a KDOT approved contractor to do the work). Lynne made a motion to allow Jim to proceed with the grant paperwork, Barbara seconded and all approved.

The Commissioners discussed the quarry sites in the County. Lynne made a motion that the County move back and open a new location at the Blake Quarry to make chips and gravel, Harold seconded and all approved. The Commissioners will have Justin Meeks review the contract for the Blake Quarry.

Kevin Allen met with the Commissioners. He said he was in the Courthouse regarding his commercial vehicles.

Darrin Petrowsky with KDOT met with the Commissioners. He said the County had not completed the required work for the reimbursement of the funds from KDOT for the bridge replacements on 39 Highway. He said KDOT started the K3 (South of Uniontown) bridge replacement on March 23, 2015; he suggested that the County prepare the estimate of costs for the detour route. He said there is currently no reimbursement money available, but suggested the County do the reimbursement estimate should there be money available later on. Mr. Petrowsky discussed the different projects going on around the County, such as the Riverfront road. He said the 150 miles of the “preservation projects” for 2016 has been cut down to 75 miles due to budget cuts. He also said there are four bridge projects (in Bourbon County) being delayed due to budget restraints. Mr. Petrowsky discussed the April 15th KDOT (County Commissioners and Highway Officials of Southeast Kansas) meeting in Chanute, all of the Commissioners may attend this meeting, no County business decisions will be made.

Bill Martin brought some signs to the Commissioners to display that said new jail? Vote April 7th.

Barbara gave Justin Meeks a contract regarding the lease at the Blake Quarry for his review. She gave him the proposed changes from SKW regarding the culvert application for Bourbon County so that he can review it.

Justin Meeks said he ha spoken with KCAMP regarding duck blinds. He said he will change the wording for the lease agreement and will have that ready March 27th.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 14 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved, (the session included the three Commissioners and Justin Meeks). After the session, Barbara moved to allow the County Attorney to use at his discretion the County Attorney funds regarding hiring a senior assistant County Attorney, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved, (the session included the three Commissioners, the County Attorney and the County Clerk). After the session Barbara moved to approve amended resolution 24-14, which changed the County Counselors annual salary from $22,583.60 to $32,725.14 and changed the Assistant County Counselors salary from $14,261.28 to $4,118.74, Harold seconded and all approved.

The meeting adjourned at 12:41 pm.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

03/30/2015, Approved Date

March 20, 2015                                                                 Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Holly Powers with Shafer, Klein & Warren met with the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Jim Harris. She discussed the culvert application process that the County currently has. Currently, if a resident wants a new culvert installed they have to pay for the initial cost for the materials and installation; if a resident already has a culvert the County is responsible for the repair and maintenance expenses. Mrs. Powers said if the County wanted to allow contractors to install culverts; the people that install would need to have the proper insurance as well as a contractors license on file and be bonded (if the County allows someone to install; it would need to be installed to the County standards). Mrs. Powers said she would email the Commissioners a new culvert application process to the Commissioners for their review. Barbara discussed the utility companies doing work around the County. Mrs. Powers suggested charging enough to the utility companies to cover the cost of the person’s time doing the permit as well as to cover the cost of the wages for someone to inspect and witness the work being done. Mrs. Powers discussed charging a different amount for cutting verses boring a road. Mrs. Powers said that the County has an on-call contract with Shafer, Klein and Warren that will end in May 2015; Barbara made a motion to renew the on-call contract in May with Shafer, Klein and Warren, Harold seconded and all approved.

Rhonda Dunn discussed the sales tax for Kansas, she said that Kansas is a destination State and that sales tax is based on where a product is delivered. Example, if a product is sold and delivered to Hammond, the sales tax rate that is charged is Hammond’s rate, not where it was sold from.

Jim Harris reported that an employee turned over a dozer at the Landfill this week; Foley Equipment is going to give an estimate if it can be repaired. KCAMP is going to pay for a rental dozer.

Jim Harris reported that they had done test drilling for a rock quarry this week; he said the test drill done at Uniontown did not produce good rock; however the test drill done at Hubert Thomas’s property produced good rock. Jim will present the contract between the County and Hubert Thomas to Justin Meeks for his review.

Bill Martin and Bobby Reed met with the Commissioners regarding the proposed new jail. There has not been a site chosen for the new jail (if passed), Bill said another County had an election for a new jail and didn’t choose a site until after the proposed jail passed at the election. Bill said the site that is chosen needs to not be landlocked.   Barbara discussed with Bill 6.04 acres that is for sale on South Main. The Commissioners will be attending a SEK meeting on March 25th in Crawford County. The Commissioners will meet with Larry Goldberg (the architect chosen for the jail if it passes) on March 25th at 2:00 pm at the Courthouse.

Bill Martin presented a bill for $717.10 from Graphic Resources for the brochures and maps regarding the proposed jail. Lynne made a motion to pay for this out of the General fund, Harold seconded and all approved.

Bobby Reed said he has a pod (that holds 5 inmates) in the jail that has been shut down due to the shower being broken and the toilet leaking; so he can only house 36 inmates instead of 41 until he is able to get a plumber here to fix the problem.

Barbara and Lynne will be attending the Chamber of Commerce dinner on March 26th; no County business decisions will be made.

Judge Gerald Hart stopped by the Commission room to say hello.

Rhonda Dunn presented a bill for $3,000 from CIC to do the training for the Neighborhood Revitalization Program. The City of Fort Scott currently administers this program. Lynne made a motion to pay $3,000 to CIC out of the General fund, which will be reimbursed by the City of Fort Scott, Harold seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to sign a letter of support on behalf of the Bourbon County residents regarding the Western building and the Kansas Housing Resource Corporation tax credit program, Lynne seconded and all were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

03/23/2015, Approved Date

March 16, 2015                                                                 Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris reported that they will be burning at Elm Creek Lake this week. The Commissioners decided to take sealed bids for the mowable hay at Elm Creek Lake. The bids will be opened March 30th at 10:30 am.

Jim Harris presented a contract to do a test drill on Rick Wisenhunt’s property Southwest of Uniontown as a possible rock quarry site. Barbara moved to sign the agreement to do a test drill this week on Rick Wisenhunt’s property, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara called Holly Powers with Shafer, Klein & Warren. Holly will attend the Commission meeting at 9:00 am on March 20th, 2015 to discuss the possibility of changing the culvert application process as well as the fees to charge for public utilities.

Jim said that he measured Soldier Road, he said where he measured the width from shoulder to shoulder is 21 ½ feet. Some residents in the past have talked about how narrow the road is there.

Arnold Schofield thanked the Commissioners for the progress on Jayhawk Road.

The Commissioners discussed SB 171, which if passed would move the current spring elections to fall even year elections.

All of the Commissioners will be attending the SEK County Officials Meeting on March 25th in Crawford County. No County business decisions will be made.

Barbara read a letter from KDHE, there has been a change in the Project Manager for the Wade Aluminum property; all correspondence needs to go to Daniel Newman with KDHE.

Barbara read a request from a Bourbon County resident who asked that the County not spray chemicals near their residence due to an illness.

The Commissioners, Bill Martin and Ben Cole discussed the proposed new jail location. A location has not been chosen.

Joe Ludlum and Debbie Comstock representatives from Farm Bureau met with the Commissioners regarding agriculture in Bourbon County. Joe discussed agriculture as being an international business. He said that as of the 1/1/2012 census, there were 53,000 head of cattle in Bourbon County and a little over 14,000 people (48% of those people lived in rural areas). Also, as of the last census there were 928 farms consisting of 327,000+ acres (96,000+ cropland, 185,000+ pasture and the rest used as hunting acreage. He said that March is Agriculture Month, this week is Agriculture Week and asked that the Commissioners proclaim March 18th as Bourbon County Agriculture Day. Barbara moved that the Commissioners proclaim March 18th as Bourbon County Agriculture Day, Lynne seconded and all approved. The Commissioners signed the document. Mr. Ludlum encouraged the County to move forward with the road maintenance near the sale barn (partially grant funded). He said that on March 14th, there were 3,160 head of cattle that went through the sale barn; he discussed the amount of money that this business generates.

Barbara made a motion to approve amended Resolution 13-15 regarding the transfer of the Wade Aluminum property upon the completion of the contract, Harold seconded and all approved. The Commissioners signed Resolution 13-15.

Justin Meeks met with the Commissioners. He discussed the bridge that Allen County asked that Bourbon County donate to them. He said he had talked with the City of Fort Scott, the Riverfront Authority and H.P.A. regarding this bridge. The Commissioners were not ready to make a decision regarding this bridge.

Justin said he will report back to the Commissioners on March 20th about the duck blind rentals at Elm Creek.

Don George with the Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism met with the Commissioners. He presented a renewal contract for Cedar and Elm Creek Lake in Bourbon County. They pay Bourbon County $12,360 per year for the Community Fisheries Program. Barbara moved to sign the Community Fisheries Program with the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, for a 10 year agreement, (should the lake be closed for any length of time the money they pay will be prorated), Lynne seconded and all approved.

Mr. George talked to the Commissioners about the competitive grant ($40,000 max available from KDWP). He will be meeting with the Commissioners about applying for the grant.

The meeting adjourned at 11:53 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barabra Albright, Chairperson

                                               (ss)  Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, County Clerk

03/23/2015, Approved Date

March 13, 2015                                                       Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Marvin Williams discussed with the Commissioners the culvert install process in Bourbon County. He said his son had a culvert put in by the County and the County charged him $647.50 (for the cost of rock, culvert and using County taxpayer equipment). He said two contractors quoted between $600-$650 to install the same culvert. He asked if the County charges the same as a contractor does this make Bourbon County a monopoly. Barbara said the reason Bourbon County does the install is because of the liability issue. Harold said that when the County does the work it becomes their property, Mr. Williams said it has always been the Counties property. Mr. Williams said the County charged the incorrect sales tax rate for the work done on his son’s house. Mr. Williams said he would like for the County to go back to the old way of installing the culverts. He said that if the County installs a culvert where someone is building a new house (and the County doesn’t charge what it is currently charging), the County would receive the money back from the increase in taxes a new property would generate. The Commissioners asked what Jim Harris recommended for the culvert installation process for the County; Jim said he recommended that the County develop guidelines and regulations, tell the contractor the type and size of culvert needed as well as develop a good inspection system and allow contractors to do the installing. Barbara will contact Holly Powers with SKW about the permits that the County uses.

Jim Harris presented a drilling agreement to do a test drill on Hubert Thomas’s property at 170th & Birch   Road. Harold made a motion to sign the agreement to do a test drill at 170th & Birch Road on Hubert Thomas’s property, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Jim Harris presented a log of the test boring that was done at the Blake Quarry in 1999. He said according to the test boring done, there is still good rock there. He asked that the Commissioners consider re-entering into an agreement with the Blake property owners as a possible quarry site.

Barbara talked to Jim about the Clarksburg Cemetery; they need gravel, Jim said he would contact Carol Davis about the Cemetery.

Lora Holdridge presented to the Commissioners bids for the paint and carpet replacement in the old vehicle tag office on the 1st floor. Sherwin Williams quoted $901.35 for paint for the two rooms. Ruddick’s quoted $2817 for carpet tile or $2,782.48 for Broadloom carpet. Lora said she estimates the total cost for paint and flooring to be $3,755. Barbara made a motion to proceed with getting the work done and take the money from the General fund, not to exceed $3,755, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Bill Martin presented an example of the fold over 11X28 signs encouraging voters to get out and vote when the new jail is on the ballot. For 250 signs it will cost less than $500. Barbara made a motion to purchase the signs and pay for them out of the General fund, Harold seconded and all approved.

Bill Martin reviewed the dates for the upcoming jail meetings; 3/16, 3/17, 3/24 at Uniontown, 3/23 contractors meeting, 3/25 Rotary @ Fort Scott, 3/26 open jail for tours, 3/31 public meeting at Ellis, 4/1 soapbox on KOAM, 4/2 Kiwanis Fort Scott. Contact Bill Martin for questions regarding the meetings. Bill said there will be a website regarding the proposed new jail.

Barbara opened the one sealed bid for a possible new jail site. J.S. Real Estate LLC turned in a request for proposal for 4.8 acres on South Clark (just south of 5-Corners) for $94,998.32. Kendell told the Commissioners that Jennifer Karr called and owns property that may be a possible site for a new jail.

Carl Eyman with KWORCC met with the Commissioners regarding the premium and loss information (for workers compensation) for Bourbon County between 2009-2014. He said that the premiums for workers compensation will go up in 2016. He said that Road & Bridge has had more claims, but that Law Enforcement has had claims that cost the most. He reviewed the amount and types of claims that the County has had. The Commissioners suggested that KWORCC meet with the department heads regarding the prevention of workers compensation claims.

The Commissioners, Eric Bailey LEPP, Tom McNeil, Marieta Meech, Ken Clary, Shane Walker, Larry Martin, Sid Shadden and Frank Madison met regarding sanitation issues in Bourbon County. Harold asked if part of the sanitation code that has been in place since 1998 could be changed, Eric said that a variance could be written for the codes, but they would need to update the entire sanitation codes. Eric discussed the 6 sewer systems allowed in Bourbon County, public wastewater system, alternative wastewater system, septic system with laterals, waste stabilization pond (lagoon), waterless toilets (privies), or a holding tank. Eric said he thinks that more people will go to an alternative wastewater system. There was a question if porta-potties are allowed in Bourbon County; Eric said yes if they are in compliance with regulations. Eric said he has made contact with individuals that have been accused of not being in compliance with the sanitation codes in Bourbon County. He said he will be meeting with these individuals as well as others all around the County to make sure they are in compliance. Eric said he would keep the Commissioners updated of what he finds out. He said this problem will not be fixed overnight. Eric said that he could issue a $200 daily fine to individuals not in compliance. Barbara Albright said that there needs to be consistency and it will require Eric to monitor this; she said the County has had a policy since 1998 and the County needs to make sure everyone is in compliance. Tom McNeil said there is no way to monitor an alternative system. Tom McNeil questioned the Commissioners how many years are they going to allow residents to not be in compliance with sanitation codes he said that there is approximately 400 residents not in compliance and that several years down the road there will be a lot more residents that will need to be monitored making a bigger problem. Harold Coleman said this is a health issue and wants this addressed as well as everyone in compliance. Harold said an individual talked with him that was a meat inspector in Colorado and discussed cattle that had the measles, the measles were tracked back to the feed lots where the workers had been using the feed troth as a toilet. Marieta Meech suggested setting a time limit to get individuals in compliance. She said this issue was brought up in 2012 and nothing has been done. Eric Bailey said if anyone has concerns or questions regarding sanitation they should call him.

Marieta Meech told the Commissioners that there are potholes for 1 ½ mile on 195th off of Soldier Road. She said the roads there are not being graded regularly. She also discussed the fact that Soldier Road continues to get narrower and that it’s getting dangerous.

Justin Meeks said he had tried to contact Justin with KCAMP regarding duck blinds; however Justin was not available. He will contact them again on March 17th.  

Harold made a motion for Barbara to sign a notice to the Osage Township Board regarding an application to sell cereal malt beverage at the Soldier Road Conoco, Barbara seconded and all were in favor. Barbara signed the application.

Lynne made a motion to change the sanitation inspection fees, anything installed prior to September 26, 2014 would be an inspection fee of $10, any new construction after September 26, 2014 will be $50.

The meeting adjourned at 11:59 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairman

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

03/16/2015, Approved Date

March 9, 2015                                                                  Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Harold reported standing water in the road on 205th near the Fish Creek Bridge.

Jim reported that they are working on Jayhawk   Road this week as well as hauling gravel around the County. He said Bourbon County is hosting the Kansas County Highway Meeting on April 25th.

Darrell and Jeannie Parker asked the Commissioners about Stringtown Road (Native Road); Jim said this road is on the list to be done this year, he said they are doing Jayhawk, 240th and then will move to Stringtown   Road.

Randy Rockhold the superintendent from USD 235 met with the Commissioners. He said that USD 235 has a softball and baseball complex in Uniontown. He said the ballparks are owned by USD 235; however the fields are used by the community for summer recreation. They want to add lights to the fields and have the lights; however, he said they need assistance with the poles and electrical work to install the lights (approximately $50,000 worth of assistance). He said he knew the Commissioners had supported programs like this in the past. The Commissioners will continue to discuss this issue later on. Mr. Rockhold complimented the USD 235 staff and the community; and said he felt the lights would be a great benefit to their community. He discussed the opportunities that the USD 235 students have in taking trade classes that are paid for such as construction trade, truck driving and nail technology.

The Commissioners held a public hearing regarding the sale of the Wade Aluminum property. No one opposed the sale of the land. At 11:00 am after no one opposed to the sale of the land Barbara made a motion to close the public hearing, Harold seconded and all approved.

Otis Thomas with Liberty Labels and Ben Cole met with the Commissioners regarding yard signs for the jail project. Mr. Thomas said the cost for an 11×14 sign with the stake would be approximately $2.00 each. Mr. Cole said they were considering ordering 250 signs. The Commissioners gave the approval to order the signs. Mr. Thomas said he would have a sample available for the Commissioners on March 13th of what the yard signs will look like.

Eric Bailey the County Sanitarian met with the Commissioners regarding Bourbon County Sanitation. He said there are 6 sewer systems that are allowed in Bourbon County… Public Wastewater System, Alternative Wastewater Systems, Septic System with Laterals, Waste Stabilization Pond (lagoon), Waterless Toilets and a holding tank. Eric discussed the disposal of domestic waste. He said per KDHE you can dispose of domestic waste at a municipal wastewater treatment plant, land apply domestic waste (with additional duties and record keeping requirements) (land applying options are injecting waste in the soil, surface apply and plow or disk within 6 hours or ph treat by thoroughly mixing 50 pounds of lime into 1000 gallons of waste and then surface apply), or compost as to the KDHE environmental health handbook. He said someone may apply for a waiver of requirement through him to which would be submitted to KDHE for approval or denial. Eric said he has been in contact with KDHE as well as the County Attorney regarding area residents that have been accused of not following the septic regulations. He said he will be meeting with the accused individuals to see if they are following sanitation guidelines.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for attorney consultation with possible litigation, Harold seconded (the session included the three Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Eric Bailey). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to adopt Resolution 13-15 for the County to dispose of property determined to be surplus, not required for public use, or unmarketable, Lynne seconded and all approved and signed the resolution.

Barbara moved that the Commissioners sign and return the signed copy of the agreement between Bourbon County and Hester Transportation regarding the transfer of the Wade Aluminum property, Lynne seconded and all approved and signed the agreement. Once Hester Transportation completes the cleanup of the site following KDHE guidelines the County will transfer the property to Hester Transportation.

Justin Meeks said the City will present a letter of intent regarding the County maintaining the roads in the industrial park.

Justin Meeks said he is still waiting to hear from KCAMP Insurance regarding the duck blind hunting at Elm Creek. He said he would follow up with KCAMP to see if KCAMP is aware of the duck hunting there.

The meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, County Clerk

03/13/2015, Approved Date

March 6th, 2015                                                                Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Harold talked to Jim Harris about Wagon   Road; Jim said they were going to do some ditching when the weather dries out.

Jim presented a quoted from Thomas Construction Inc. to remove the overburden at the Beth Quarry (200’ X 500’) for $37,500. Jim said the County could be reimbursed through the Federal Fund Exchange Program. Harold made a motion to approve Thomas Construction Inc. to remove the overburden at the Beth Quarry for $37,500, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Travis Clinesmith met with the Commissioners regarding the John Deere 844K-2 tier3 Wheel Loader. Jim previously presented quotes for 3 different wheel loaders. Mr. Clinesmith said that the first payment could be made one year after the purchase order date. He said he could talk to John Deere about loaning money for the lease purchase, he said that the interest rate through John Deere is currently 3.5% with annual payments of $47,953.53 (the first payment due in April of 2016. Jim said his preference between the loaders is the John Deere based on the options. Lynne made a motion to proceed with the purchase of the John Deere 844K with a purchase price of $357,338, with the first payment due in March 2016, trading in the Komatsu and will get loan quotes from local institutions, Harold seconded and all approved.

Barbara presented a request from the City of Fort Scott. The City of Fort Scott did some required KDHE cleanup for a property on West 6th   Street; the City asked if the County would waive the $5,557.38 worth of landfill fees from this cleanup. Barbara made a motion to waive the $5,557.38 worth of fees, Harold seconded and all approved.

Barbara discussed the departments that were getting fuel from the barn (purchased at a bulk rate); she discussed the savings by purchasing fuel there. Lynne suggested that the County purchase a $25,000 card system to be used for fuel; Barbara didn’t think a $25,000 card system machine was necessary.

Rhonda Dunn presented Resolution 12-15 to void $425.59 worth of outstanding checks from 2012; Barbara made a motion to approve resolution 12-15, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Lora Holdridge met with the Commissioners regarding her 2014 budget. She said that in 2014 she turned back in approximately $2,600 of her budget. She asked permission to use this money to purchase carpet and paint. The Commissioners asked that she bring back dollar figures on Friday, March 13th.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the 3 Commissioners). No action was taken.

The meeting adjourned at 10:28 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

03/09/2015, Approved Date

March 5, 2015                                                                  Thursday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session for a budget session with the department heads, Lynne, Barbara and the Clerk attended the meeting.

Rhonda Dunn reviewed the budget status reports with each department.

Bill Martin, Bobby Reed, Alvin Metcalf and Ben Cole were present to review the Sheriff and Correctional Center budget status. In 2014 the Sheriff’s department collected over $20,000 for out-of-state vehicle inspections, the Sheriff’s department received over $10,000 of this money. At the end of February the Sheriff’s department had used 12.7% of their budget. Bill said in 2014 the Commissioners had approved him ordering one new vehicle and in 2015 his budget was approved to order 2 vehicles; he questioned where the carryover money from his 2014 budget went, Rhonda said the carryover from the Sheriffs department had been moved to the General Fund. Bill said he is getting 4 different quotes for the vehicles and will be getting bids for the loans; he said he will present this to the Commissioners once he receives the information. He estimated the vehicles to cost approximately $90,000. Bill said he would be asking for 2 vehicles in the 2016 budget. Bill discussed the Courthouse security issue; he said the County is going to be faced with expenses to make the Courthouse safer. He said that if the County has two public entrances it would require two metal detectors as well as employees to monitor the entrances. At the end of February the Correctional Center had used 11.75% of their 2015 budget. Bill said after the April Election he plans to have the company that did a salary survey in 2006 re-do a survey for Bourbon County employee wages at a cost of $3,500 (he said he would pay for the survey out of the money received from the vehicle inspections). Barbara said the County had already paid money to KAC to participate in a survey regarding wages. Bill said he was still going to pay this other company to do the survey. Barbara said why would you pay money to do this again? Bill said he felt the more surveys available the more the Commissioners pay attention.

Lora Holdridge met with the Commissioners regarding the budget status for the Register of Deeds office. As of the end of February the Deeds office had received over $3,000 in recording fees. As of the end of February the Deeds office had spent 12.33% of their budget. Lora said she gave over $2,600 back in 2014 out of her budget, she asked permission to order approximately $2,000 worth of carpeting out of her remaining 2014 budget for the back office in the old tag office. Barbara told her that she would need to make this request in a regular Commission meeting.

Judy Wallis met regarding the Appraisers office. She said her carryover in 2014 was partially due to a person that retired in January and didn’t replace this person until June, as well as she had an employee off on medical leave. She said in 2015 she is saving money on gas due to the fact that the price of fuel is down and she is getting fuel from the barn which is cheaper since the barn gets fuel in bulk. As of the end of February she had spent 14.34% of the Appraisers budget for 2015.

The Commissioners and Kendell reviewed the Clerk & Election budget. As of the end of February 2015 the Clerk’s office had spent 13.41% of the 2015 budget and the Election office had spent 9.44% of the 2015 budget.

The Commissioners and Kendell reviewed the I/T’s budget. As of the end of February 2015 the I/T department had spent 8.47% of the 2015 budget. Shane said most of the I/T expenses happen at the end of the year.

Jim Harris met with the Commissioners regarding his budgets. As of the end of February the Bridge & Culvert had spent 5.25% of their budget. The landfill was at 18.29% for receipts for 2015 and at 10.42% of expenses for 2015. Noxious weed was at 31.61% for receipts and at 5.20% for expenses for 2015.

Road & Bridge was at 29.52% for receipts and at 12.14% for expenses for 2015.

Road & Bridge Sales Tax was at 17.01% for revenue and .94% for expenses.

Special Bridge revenue was at 16.75% for revenue and 54.65% for expenses.

Special Road Machinery has approximately $79,000 cash remaining for 2015.

Eric Bailey met with the Commissioners regarding LEPP. As of the end of February LEPP had spent 13.99% of their budget.

Rhonda Dunn reviewed the collected taxes, she said as of 12/31/2013 they had collected 55.5% of the taxes due and as of 12/31/2014 they had collected 58.6% of the taxes due.

Will Wallis met with the Commissioners regarding his department. Emergency Management Performance Grant fund budgeted $15,000 for 2015, the Community Emergency Response budgeted $13,082 for 2015.

Emergency Management had used 9.40% of the 2015 budget.

The meeting adjourned at 11:39 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                               (ss)  Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                              (ss)  Lynne Oharah, Commissioner



Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

03/06/2015, Approved Date

March 2, 2015                                                         Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Loretta George with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris met with the Commissioners. He presented a document to participate in the Federal Fund Exchange; he said there is currently $499,512 available for Bourbon County. Barbara moved to sign the participation form, Harold seconded and all approved. Barbara signed the document.

Jim said they have two trucks that spread brine (salt and water mixture) on the roads over the past weekend due to the snow 4-6 inches of snow the County received. He said the roads are currently in good condition.

Mr. Comstock talked to Lynne about 95th & Hackberry going west, he said the road needs gravel; Lynne reported this to Jim.

Jim and the Commissioners discussed whether the County should purchase a loader; Barbara asked Jim to list out what equipment he feels will need to be purchased in the next few years. The loader the County has still works, but there was discussion over what happens if it breaks down (and the loss of the trade in value).

Barbara questioned the road that KDOT wants to build South of Fort Scott. Jim said he feels that the County should receive a formal request from the City and KDOT asking for approval to build the road as well as a formal request for the County to accept the maintenance responsibility once the road is built.

Judy Wallis reported that she had applied and received an extension to mail the valuation notices until April 1st. She said all hearings have to be done by May 20th, and that she will certify values to the Clerk by June 15th. She also said that June 12th would be her last day of employment with Bourbon County.

On Friday, March 6th at 10:00, all of the Commissioners will be leaving the Commission meeting for the day to attend the funeral of Justin Meeks father Joseph Meeks; no County business decisions will be made.

Barbara and Kendell left the Commission meeting to attend a funeral.

Lora Holdridge met with Harold and Lynne, she said she was able to give money back to the general fund in 2014 and asked if this money could be used to purchase new carpet in the vault area of the old tag office where she if moving the Register of Deeds office to. Harold told her she would have to wait for a decision and that it would not be an immediate decision.

Harold told Lynne about a road complaint that was made in Lynne’s district by Paula Peacock on 145th & Range   Road.

Jim Meech asked the Commissioners what decision had been made regarding the Amish situation. Harold told him that decisions were being made and that there would be another meeting about it on March 13th at 10:30 am. Mr. Meech also had a road complaint regarding Soldier Road near Hammond; he said the road grader keeps narrowing the road.

There was discussion over selling the Wade Aluminum property; Justin Meeks said that if the land is valued at less that $50,000 the County would not have to advertise the selling of the land; however just to be on the safe side to advertise the land. There will be a public hearing regarding selling the Wade Aluminum land on Monday March 9th at 10:30 am.

The meeting adjourned at noon.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

03/06/2015, Approved Date

Feb 2015

February 27, 2015                                                             Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Harold, Lynne and the County Clerk present.

Loretta George with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Greg Schick met with the Commissioners regarding a follow up to his previous visit. He met with the Commissioners regarding the amount of time it takes to see prosecuting results from the Attorney’s office. He asked if the Attorney had hired a replacement Attorney. The Commissioners said yes the Attorney had hired a part-time Attorney. He said he was going to suggest that if they hadn’t hired anyone yet; maybe they could hire an outside Attorney to delegate some of the work out. Mr. Schick said he has been broken into multiple times and discussed the repeat offenders that are stealing from him. Mr. Schick said he had a lot of people thank him for coming to the Commission meeting about the response time to get things done through the Attorney’s office. He said he would like to see the system work a little speedier.

Jim Harris reported that the County’s chip spreader and oil spreader will be sold on 3/26/2015. He said he found a 1997 chip spreader with 2000 hours at Etnyre (in Illinois) for $32,000. He asked permission to send a 10% refundable down payment for this machine. Harold made a motion to authorize Jim to send a refundable down payment of $3,200 (from the Special Machinery Fund), Lynne seconded, motion passed.

Jim said they are still looking for a site for a rock quarry. He said Steve Shepherd owns property at 95th & Range Road, Jim asked permission to have the County Attorney draft a hold harmless agreement to do a test drill on the property. Lynne made a motion to have the Attorney draft a hold harmless agreement to do a test drill at 95th & Range Road, Harold seconded, motion passed.

Jim reported that Kenny Blake (Blake Quarry) was in agreement for the County to crush more rock there. Jim discussed that bore #5 shows that there is 28 feet of good rock there. The Commissioners will discuss this possibility at a later date.

Jim and the Commissioners discussed the wheel loader; Jim said that in 2014 the County spent $19,000 for repairs to the wheel loader.

Harold discussed getting rock for himself from the Beth property that is owned by the Beth’s not the County.

Harold said there is 150 miles of hard surface roads in the County. He said the County can’t afford to maintain all of them. He said that once they deteriorate that possible they should be turned back into gravel roads.

Harold made a motion to change the speed limit to 45mph from 54 Hwy going north to the County barn, Lynne seconded, motion passed.

Bill Martin met with the Commissioners regarding the tri-fold handouts regarding the need for a new jail. He discussed changes to the handout.

Local residents (Jodi & Dale Harper) questioned whether the County had trimmed trees around Maple and 205th, Jim said no the County hadn’t but the power company had some trimmed. They said the company that did it left chips and ruts and the ditch can’t be mowed now because of it. The Commissioners suggested that the Harpers contact the power company.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded (the session included the two Commissioners, Kendell Mason, Bill Martin, Rhonda Dunn and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Kenny Clary, Tom McNeil, Sid Shadden and Larry Allen met with the Commissioners. Tom McNeil said that there has been discussion around the County once again regarding the Amish Community and the way they dispose of waste. They said they have heard comments that it is not fair to have County codes (septic tank regulations) if they are not going to be enforced all over the County. Harold said that the County can not change the KDHE requirements and that there are minimum requirements from KDHE that he didn’t think the Amish was following. Harold discussed the land application option for waste disposal, but didn’t think the requirements are being met by them. Harold suggested requiring the ones without septic tanks to install a holding tank to meet the requirements. The Commissioners are going to discuss this issue again in two weeks.

Justin Meeks presented a contract agreement for the Commissioners to review. He said if the Commissioners are in agreement to the contract, they can sign Monday when Commissioner Albright is present as well. The Contract was in regards to the selling of the Wade Aluminum property. Justin said that Hester Transportation (the purchaser) had already signed the contract. Lynne made a motion to give Justin Meeks permission to contact Charles Gentry to get the title work started on this property, Harold seconded, motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 11:45 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS


                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

03/06/2015, Approved Date

February 23, 2015                                                             Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Loretta George with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session consisted of the three Commissioners and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Jim Harris presented an application for a permit for a new driveway culvert for Luke Thomas at 1242 240th. Barbara moved to approve the permit, Harold seconded and all approved.

Barbara told Jim that Doug Hurd reported a culvert that needs evaluated on 250th & Limestone Road; Jim said this road is on the list for maintenance.

Wayne Breiner stopped by to say hello to the Commissioners.

Frank Young from Ag Engineering opened the bids for the low water bridge replacement for a bridge on 255th North of Yale Road. Rogers and Sons bid $172,075 and Thomas Construction bid $172,549. Mr. Young recommended that Rogers and Sons be declared the low bidder. Harold made a motion to accept Rogers & Sons bid for $172,075, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to pay the $300 membership dues for the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Jim presented a letter from Allen County Public Works regarding Thrive Allen County. They are in need of a long bridge to complete a trail project in Allen County. They are interested in a bridge in Bourbon County. They asked if Bourbon County had any plans and if not would Bourbon County donate the bridge on 35th   Street south of Yellowstone Road to Allen County.   They said the bridge would complete and compliment their project. Frank Young suggested that if the bridge is not being used, the County should get rid of the bridge (in order to avoid future expenses to maintain the bridge). If Bourbon County donates the bridge, Thrive will move it at no cost or liability to Bourbon County. Barbara gave Justin Meeks a copy of the request for his review.

All three of the Commissioners will be attending the SEK County officials meeting on March 25th at Crawford County; no County decisions will be made.

The Commissioners listened to proposals for a 2015 wheel loader. Berry Tractor (Steve Richard) offered a 2015 Komatsu WA500-7 Tier 4 with a 5 year or 6000 hour warranty for $405,176 less a trade in of a 2000 Komatsu WA600 for $51,800, for a total due of $353,376. Murphy Tractor (Travis Clinesmith) offered a 2015 John Deere 844K-2 Tier Int. 4 with a 5 year or 6000 hour warranty for $402,338, less a trade in of a 2000 Komatsu WA600 for $45,000, for a total due of $357,338. Foley Equipment (Archie Moffet) offered a 2015 Cat 980M tier 4 with a 5 year or 6000 hour warranty for $479,837, less a trade in of a 2000 Komatsu WA600 for $85,000, for a total due of $394,837. Each of the companies went over the different features of their machines.  

Rhonda Dunn presented a 2014 budget status describing transfers that will be done; Barbara moved to accept the presented 2014 year end transfers (regarding Resolution 28-14) pending legal and audit approval, Harold seconded and all approved.

Rhonda Dunn said the State is considering changing how the renewal notices regarding vehicles are sent out. The State is considering changing a postcard that says renewals are due, but doesn’t give detail on the vehicles due. She said the State is wanting the County to send out notices with details of the vehicles that are due for tags, she said this should be done by the State, not the County; she said she doesn’t feel the County should pay to mail these notices out.

The meeting adjourned at 11:57 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner



Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

03/02/2015, Approved Date

February 20, 2015                                                             Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris and Nate Taylor met with the Commissioners regarding purchasing a UTV and trailer. Lynne made a motion to purchase the John Deere 525I for $10,670 from O’Malley Equipment and the trailer from Fort Scott Trailers for $1,550, Harold seconded and all approved.

Jim Harris presented a permit for Housley Communication who is doing work for AT&T at 1913 Locust Road, they will do a bore 55’ long and 36” deep. Lynne moved to approve the request and waive the permit fee, Harold seconded and all approved.

Jim presented an estimate to repair the wheel loader; Berry estimated that the repairs the wheel loader will eventually need to be $213,000. The wheel loader has approximately 33,000 hours on it. Jim will have salespeople visit with the Commissioners on February 23rd to discuss the price of a replacement wheel loader.

Jim discussed the test drilling that was done for a potential rock quarry on Dean Bailey and Gene Bailey’s property. He said there was no consistency of rock on Dean Baileys property, on Gene Baileys property the rock layers were more consistent; however not the quality they were hoping for. The County will continue to look for a site for a rock quarry. Barbara suggested that Jim talk to Neosho County about possibly buying rock from them to be used in the far Southwest corner of Bourbon County. Jim said there is a possibility that more blasting could be done at the Blake quarry.

The Commissioners discussed the Bourbon County solid waste management plan worksheet. Barbara moved to adopt resolution 09-15 (the solid waste management plan worksheet), Lynne seconded and all approved. The Commissioners signed the resolution.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded the motion (the session included the 3 Commissioners, Kendell and Jim). No action was taken.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded the motion (the session included the 3 Commissioners, Kendell and Jim). No action was taken.

Bill Martin and Ben Cole met with the Commissioners regarding the public meetings for the proposed new jail. There is a contractors meeting scheduled for 7 pm March 23rd at FSCC, a public meeting on March 24th at 7 pm at Uniontown High School, the jail will be open for touring on March 26th, there will be a public meeting on March 31st at 7 pm FSCC, a public meeting on April 1st at 7 pm at FSCC and April 1st the morning radio show. There was discussion over scheduling additional meetings with different organizations in the area. Bill said they will request to be on the agenda at the council meetings for Bronson March 9th, Fulton March 2nd, Uniontown March 10th, and Garland March 10th. Bill said there may be a cost associated to printing the tri-fold pamphlets. He said they will be sitting up a Face book page for people to comment on the jail. Barbara presented documents from the Goldberg Group Architects, PC. If a new jail is built, the Goldberg Group feels that there may be a potential net revenue of $313,432; Bill said he would like to see the County use this money to help pay off the new jail sooner.

Barbara moved to adopt resolution 11-15, dealing with tax sales, “a judicial foreclosure and sale of all real estate tax liens be held and the Bourbon County Attorney and Gilbert E. Gregory are appointed for the purpose of preparing the necessary petitions in order to have a tax sale of all real property which as been sold to the County for taxes and which has remained unredeemed after such sale”, Harold seconded and all approved. The Commissioners signed the resolution.

Justin Meeks discussed Wade Aluminum; he said a survey was completed and is at the State; however he hasn’t gotten a legal description in order for it to be included in a new contract.

Barbara moved to re-adopt resolution 10-15 authorizing and providing for the calling of a special question election in Bourbon County, Kansas, for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the county the question of imposing a special 0.40% countywide retailers’ sales tax for the purpose of financing the costs of constructing and operating a new jail facility and of all improvements appurtenant thereto; and authorizing the issuance of sales tax general obligation bonds to finance such costs, including necessary financing costs, Harold seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioners). No action was taken.

Lynne asked that David Neville present a list of maintenance repairs he feels needs done to the Courthouse. The following items were on the list… replace windows and doors, waterproof exterior, replace boilers and air conditioners, replace plumbing and fixtures, changes to building for security purposes, floor coverings and painting, electrical updates, sidewalk and parking lot repairs, handicap parking updates, east porch repair and elevator updates.

The meeting adjourned at 11:41 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairman

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioners


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

02/23/2015, Approved Date

February 19, 2015                                                             Thursday 9:00

The Bourbon County Commissioners met in open session for a work session regarding the leak at Elm Creek Lake. Present for this work session was Don George with Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, local historians Arnold Schofield and Fred Campbell, Elm Creek Caretaker Todd Foxx, Frank Young with Ag. Engineering Associates, Susan Galemore with SEKRPC, Public Works Director Jim Harris, local Contractor Hubert Thomas, Ron Brown with Bourbon County Soil Conservation District, William Wallis Bourbon County Emergency Manager, Barbara Albright, Lynne Oharah, Harold Coleman and Kendell Mason.

The discussion of the meeting was to discuss the leaks at Elm Creek, to try and figure out where the leaks are coming from, how to fix and how to pay for the repairs. Jim Harris reported that there is a hole in the ground where you can hear water running and approximately 300 feet north of this there is water coming out of a rock wall.

Frank Young reported that the City of Eureka had a similar problem, they were able to fix their leak by sending divers underwater to dismantle the valve and repair by making a new pipe out of an old pipe (by installing a liner in the pipe). Frank suggested the cheapest way to find the cause of the leak is to drain the lake. He suggested excavating part of the dam near the leak, repairing and filling with clay. He said these leaks are a nuisance, but not a danger.

Hubert Thomas said he is working on a project for someone and is currently installing a 300 foot liner, which is very expensive. He felt draining the lake would be the best starting point for the lake.

Ronnie Brown said that years ago a valve was opened up on the lake to allow water to feed other bodies of water; but not any longer. He said they previously looked into a RC&D grant for the lake, but very little money was available then. He said he would check into this RC&D again.

Don George said years ago there was a similar problem at Elm Creek Lake. He said they went down to the valve box, opened a cap and discovered that a part on the bottom of the stand had come off, this was repaired and the valve worked fine. Mr. George said there is funding available of up to $40,000(possibly in July). He said it is a competitive grant which requires a match. He said the more the County contributes the more they may be able to receive. He said it may be possible to combine other grants and donations in order to get a larger grant from KDWP. He said the best time to drain the lake would be during the summertime.

This lake was built as a water supply and recreation lake, not built for flood control.

Fred Campbell said that there was a terrible drought in 1936. He said the farmers had no source of water. Elm Creek Lake (a.k.a Hiatville Lake) was completed around 1938 or 1939. He said the lake was built by W.P.A. and that the workers were paid $1 a day for working on the lake and every two weeks the W.P.A. employees would also receive commodities. He said farmers would bring barrels and fill them and families would swim there. He said there were willow trees all around the lake and it was a duck hunter’s paradise as well as a good place to fish.

Arnold Schofield said this lake is a crown jewel for Bourbon County and if repaired and maintained then in 20-30 years it will still be a crown jewel. He said there is a funding source available for the lake, but not immediately. He said everyone in Kansas pays a tax to the Heritage Trust Fund; this generates millions of dollars each year. He said the Heritage Trust Fund can only be used to maintain buildings, facilities and homes on the National Register. He said that in order to apply to the National Register the County would need to fill out the appropriate paperwork through the State and take photos of the property. He said once on the National Register the County (Elm Creek Lake) could apply for up to $90,000 in grant money (match).  He said the process to be placed on the National Register takes 10-12 months. He said the stipulation to being on the National Register is that you can’t change anything that was original to the architect of the building and work to be done has to be approved through the National Register. He said at the present time there is no property on the National Register in the County.

Susan Galemore a grant writer with SEKRPC talked about grants that may be available. She said RC&D may have some small amounts of grant money available. She said the main requirement for a CDBG Grant is that the project has to be a main water source, which Elm Creek is not. She said USDA may have loan funds available, but not grant money.

In the end everyone agreed that the lake needed to be drained in order to start the process to figure out the cause of the leak.

The meeting adjourned at 10:40 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

02/23/2015, Approved Date


February 17, 2015                                                             Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session for a 2014 budget carryover work session. All of the Commissioners were present.

Rhonda Dunn presented to the Commissioners reports showing the 2014 budgeted amounts, the ending 2014 cash balance and the 2015 carryover amount. Bridge & Culvert had a cash balance of $9,073, Landfill had a cash balance of $115,929, Noxious Weed had a cash balance of $12,898, Road & Bridge had a cash balance of $225,107, R&B Sales Tax had a cash balance of $179,679, Special Bridge had a cash balance of $3,270, Special Road Machinery had a cash balance of $275,556 and General Fund had a cash balance of $165,439.

The work session adjourned at 10:20 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commission

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commission


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

02/23/2015, Approved Date

February 13, 2015                                                             Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Randy Vilela a contractor from Crawford County met with the Commissioners regarding the Landfill. He had a signed contract with the City of Fort Scott to do demolition work for the City of Fort Scott. He asked if the County would charge him in-County rates instead of out-of-county rates since he is doing work for the City of Fort Scott.   Lynne made a motion to make the exception that if an out-of-county company (with a signed contract) is doing an in-county job (for c&d materials); dump at in-county rates and allow Jim to make the decision for the companies, Harold seconded and all approved. Mr. Vilela said they completed a job recently and asked if the County would retro-active this decision for the job that they just completed; Barbara made a motion to retro-active this for Mr. Vilela for this past week, Harold seconded and all approved.

Greg Schick met with the Commissioners. He questioned who does the hiring in the County Attorney’s office, the Commissioners said the Attorney hires there. He asked who approves the budget and wages for the Attorney, the Commissioners said they do. Mr. Schick said he has not experienced the expediency he should have with the Attorney’s office and said this has been an ongoing issue. He suggested increasing the wages to attract better qualified employees (regarding the Assistant and part-time Assistant Attorney position that is open). Mr. Schick said he had paid to have a house wired recently and someone broke in a stripped the new wire out. He said he felt it was the same individuals that had previously been arrested and are out on bond waiting to be prosecuted. He said he has talked to the Attorney’s office about his case and was told they have cases that are 5 years old that have not been prosecuted yet. He thinks this is negligence, he understands that things take time, but says this is a problem. He said he doesn’t mind paying increased taxes to attract qualified employees that are willing to prosecute. Mr. Schick said he didn’t feel the current employees aren’t qualified, but that better wages attract better qualified. He said he was done with excuses and would like to see the Commissioners act on all of this immediately.

Jim Harris asked permission to sell equipment on Purple Wave. Harold made a motion to allow Jim to sell on Purple Wave a 1995 chip shredder, a 1987 International oil distributor truck and two 5’ side mount mowers, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Jim Harris presented chemical quotes. Barbara moved to accept Red Rivers bid for Low Drift for $1,502.50, Van Diest bid for 2-4D for $1,167.00 and CPS bid for Roundup, Remedy and Pastureguard for $44,688.00; Harold seconded and all approved.

The Commissioners will have a 2014 year end budget work session on February 17th at 9:00 am. They will have an Elm Creek work session on February 19th at 9:00 am.

Greg Vahrenberg with Piper Jaffray, Larry Goldberg with GGA, Bill Martin, Bobby Reed, Ben Cole and Brad Stewart met with the Commissioners regarding the proposed new jail. Mr. Goldberg said the estimated total cost for building a new 21,000 square foot, 74 bed jail facility (which could go to a 90 bed facility) as well as a utility building is $6,708,200 and the estimated annual payments for 20 years would be $447,600. He said the estimated operational budget for a new facility would be $1,072,908 and that the potential net revenue could be $381,477. Mr. Vahrenberg reviewed the sales and use tax history for Bourbon County. Between 2006-2014 the sales/use tax collection ranged from $1,545,597.53-1,861,048.13. He reviewed the annual revenue from a .40% increase in sales and use tax and reviewed the General Obligation Sales Tax Bonds. Mr. Vahrenberg said that the cost of the bonds of $6,775,000 include paying construction cost for a new facility, operational costs and the cost to remodel the current space of the current facility (remodeling for office or storage space).  Mr. Goldberg said he would like to do the architectural plans for a new facility as well as do the architectural plans for the remodel of the current facility. Lynne said he would like footprints of the current jail; he will get Blue prints of the current facility. Mr. Goldberg said he would like to attend civic organizations to speak to them, do a news interview, go speak to retirement homes (for individuals that are not able to attend other meetings) as well as meet with local contractors. He said he would like to meet with local financial institutions and people interested in investing in the project (regarding buying the bonds). Barbara moved to adopt resolution 10-15 calling for a sales tax question to be on the ballot on April 7th, 2015, the language of the resolution will include the cost to repurpose the current facility and the house bill number, Harold seconded and all approved.

Bobby Reed said he had advertised a job vacancy in the jail, received applicants, but had not hired for the position yet.

Resident Penny Harris said she and her husband Greg run a spraying company, she said there are trees in the County that are hanging over the road causing damage to their equipment. She also said there is a low water crossing off of Birch and HWY 3 that is hard to get equipment across. Lynne said he would talk to Jim about this.

Justin Meeks reviewed a draft agreement between the County and Hester Transportation LLC. Justin and Charles Gentry reviewed the agreement. Hester wants to purchase land from the County. Justin will have changes made to the agreement and present it to the Commissioners on February 20th.

Justin Meeks said he believes that Neil Burckart is no longer interested in purchasing the land that is City/County owned.

Justin Meeks suggested that the City and the County have a formal written letter stating that the County will maintain the roads in the industrial park.

Justin Meeks said he is still waiting on a phone call from Justin at KCAMP regarding the duck blind rentals at Elm Creek Lake.

Barbara moved to approve paying the 2015 membership dues ($420) to Kansas County Commissioner Association, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara moved to claim April as Fair Housing Month for Bourbon County, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Lynne moved to adjourn at 12:03 pm, Harold seconded and all approved.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason,

Bourbon County Clerk

02/23/2015, Approved Date

February 12, 2015                                                    Thursday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session for a work session regarding the proposed new jail; all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Justin Meeks and Bill Martin were also present. Representatives from the Goldberg Group Architects, PC firm (Joe and Troy) stopped by to introduce themselves to the Commissioners.

There was discussion over what should be done with the current jail if the County builds a new one. There was discussion over using it for storage, offices, conference rooms, or tearing it down. Barbara suggested that the County needs to incorporate the cost of either remodeling (for storage, offices, conference rooms, etc.) or tearing down the current facility; so the County doesn’t have to ask the voters later for money to either re-model or tear down the current jail.

The Commissioners will discuss this again on Friday, February 13th, 2015.

The meeting adjourned at 10: 20 am.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss)Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

02/13/2015, Approved Date

February 9, 2015                                                               Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris presented a permit from Housley Communications doing work for AT&T. Lynne moved to approve the permit (bore 55’ across @ 3” deep) and waive the fees for Housley Communications for new service at 1421 215th Street, Harold seconded and all approved. The Commissioners signed the permit.

Jim presented quotes for culverts. Judy’s Iron & Metal, Inc. quoted $36,339.51 and Welborn Sales, Inc. quoted $34,047.36. Lynne moved to accept the quote from Welborn Sales, Inc. for $34,047.36 to be paid for out of Special Bridge, Harold seconded and all approved.

Lynne said he had visited with Brian Williams regarding building a fence. Mr. Williams said he would get a survey to find out where the property line is.

Bob Coffman questioned the Commissioners about the duck blind rentals at Elm Creek Lake. He said he has hunted for over 30 years. Mr. Coffman wanted to pay for the duck blind that he rents at Elm Creek Lake, but was told the Commissioners are setting up rules for the duck blind hunters.   Mr. Coffman suggested the Commissioners talk to the duck hunters that use Elm Creek for input on rules to use there. Barbara told him that they are waiting to hear back from the County Attorney who is waiting to hear from the insurance company regarding the liability with duck blind leasing at Elm Creek Lake.

Barbara presented a video from the regarding a KAC legislative update. The video briefly discussed bills that are being discussing at the State level. The Commissioners discussed Senate Bill 98 regarding the charges for open records. Rhonda Dunn said she would be attending Kansas County Treasurer meeting later in the week and will be discussing bills that could impact the Treasurers Association. The Commissioners plan to follow bills that are being introduced and passed that could impact the County.

Wilma Graham the Clerk of Redfield and L.D. Feagins the Mayor of Redfield met with the Commissioners regarding the roads in Redfield. They wanted to get Redfield on the list for the hard surface road program in 2015. They said they were happy the County assisted in the chip and seal project in Redfield in 2014. Redfield supplied the materials and the County did the work. They said the employees that did the work were new and they didn’t feel the work was done properly. They said they asked that all of the streets be done in Redfield and only ½ of the streets were done and it cost them as much to do ½ as it has to do all of them. They said a culvert was installed there that has begun to sink down. The Commissioners are going to have Jim Harris contact them so they can discuss the work with him.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved, (the Commissioners were present for the session). No action was taken.

The Commissioners called Larry Goldberg regarding the cost of the proposed jail. Bill Martin was present for this meeting. Mr. Goldberg said since the quote was given for the price of the new jail, the price of concrete has increase and the price of structural erected steel has increased from $2,400/ton to $3,600/ton. This brings the estimate from $6,507,000 to $6,708,200. Mr. Goldberg said the prices are expected to drop in the spring. Bill Martin said he had been trying to tell the Commissioners that the longer the Commissioners waited to make a decision the cost would increase. Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Vahrenberg with Piper Jaffray will be meeting the Commissioners at 9:45 am on Friday, February 13th, 2015 to discuss the jail project further. The Commissioners reviewed the proposed resolution regarding calling for a special question election for the County to impose a sales tax for the financing of the jail. Barbara called Mr. Vahrenberg regarding changes to be made to the resolution.   The Commissioners left at 1:05 for lunch and returned to open session at 2:00 pm. The Commissioners and Bill Martin reviewed and made changes to the tri-fold handout describing the current jail and proposed jail. The Commissioners will have a work session regarding the jail at 9:00 am Thursday, February 12th, 2015.

Verdon Dauben told the Commissioners that there are potholes at 2327 Maple Road.

The meeting adjourned at 2:51 pm.

                                                THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

02/13/2015, Approved Date

February 6, 2015                                                                Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Jim Harris and Nate Taylor presented chemical quotes for Bare Ground Frequency and Bare Ground Perspective. Red River bid $17,939.80, Van Diest bid $17,937.60 and CPS bid $18,823.80. Harold made a motion to accept the low bid from Van DIest for $17,937.60, Lynne seconded and all approved. Nate Taylor presented pictures of the “Tree of Heaven” an invasive species in Bourbon County.

Jim Harris reported that they had completed the test drilling on Dean Bailey as well as Gene Bailey’s property. He said they are waiting on results.

Jim Harris said he and Lynne had visited regarding the Wheel Loader at the rock quarry. Jim said it has over 33,000 hours on it. Jim said he will contact dealers to get quotes.

Harold told Jim that there are culverts in Hammond on Nancy Lindell’s property that need cleaned out. He also said that the road at 225th & Tomahawk going west needs gravel (if it is a public road).

Don George with Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism met with the Commissioners regarding the leak at Elm Creek Lake. He said until they know what is causing the leak it is unknown what the expected repairs will cost. He said there are grants available from the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, one grant that may be available is C.F.A.P. (Community Fisheries Assistance Program) for up to $40,000. The application deadline for their grants is May 1st. Mr. George recommended writing a grant with expenses for the worse case scenario there. The Commissioners discussed other individuals and businesses regarding ideas and grants they should consider. Mr. George recommended having a work session to discuss this issue and to try and find money available to assist in paying for the project. The Commissioners will have a work planning session regarding the leak at Elm Creek Lake on February 19th at 9:00 am. They plan to invite (and possibly others) Arnold Schofield, Fred Campbell, Ronnie Brown, Don George, SEKRPC, John George, The Elm Creek Caretaker (Todd Foxx), Justin Meeks, Will Wallis, Hubert Thomas, Frank Young, Jim Harris and the Commissioners.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all were in favor, (the session included the three Commissioners and Judy Wallis). No action was taken.

Barbara moved to approve and sign the request for proposals for property owners willing to sell property to the County for the proposed law enforcement center, Harold seconded and all were in favor.

The Commissioners and Bill Martin reviewed and made changes to the draft of the tri-fold regarding information about the Bourbon County jail project.

Barbara gave Bill Martin and the other Commissioners a copy of the revised house bill from Marty Reed allowing the County to collect up to 1% (conditional on vote) to pay for the new jail facility if it passes.

Bill Martin said he is getting figures for the request of three vehicles for the Sheriff’s office. He will present them at a later date.

Justin Meeks met with the Commissioners regarding the contract on the sale of the Wade Aluminum property. He said he is working with Charles Gentry on the contract and will bring the documents to the Commissioners for signing at on February 13th, once signed he will give notice to KDHE and the State of Kansas.

Lynne said the gate that was placed on a County road by a property owner had been moved and is no longer on County property.

The meeting adjourned at 12:06 pm.

                                                            THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                            OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                           (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                            (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                            (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, County Clerk

02/09/2015, Approved Date

February 3, 2015                                                           Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commissioners met in open session for a 2015 road planning work session. All of the Commissioners and Jim Harris were present for the work session. No decisions were made.

The work session adjourned at 10:45 am.

                                 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                                  OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                                 (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                                  (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                                  (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, County Clerk

02/06/2015, Approved Date

February 2, 2015                                                                Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris reported that they are hauling gravel on Kansas Road as well as replacing a rock bridge on Limestone Road.

Lynne told Jim that Highway 65 & 105th needs gravel. Barbara asked for an update on the culverts in Pawnee area on the railroad right-of-way; Jim said they put in the culverts (that the railroad provided) two weeks ago as well as cleaned out culverts down the road, so the water should flow better in the area.

Jim said they will move the drill to the Bailey’s property on Tuesday to do a test drill (as a possible quarry site) starting on Wednesday.

The Commissioners will have a 2015 hard surface road planning work session on February 3rd at 9:00 am.

The bids for the low water bridge on 255th will be open on February 23rd at 9:30 am.

Jim said they are still working on Elm Creek to try and fix the leak there. He said they are going to try pumping water at the East end of Elm Creek (by the spillway) and pump water out of the lake until they no longer hear water running. Barbara suggested talking to Don George with Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks regarding a possible grant to help pay for the repairs there.

The County maintains the roads in the Industrial Park. Lynne questioned why the City of Fort Scott did not include the County earlier on the planned new road there. Lynne said the City wants the County to commit funds on the Industrial Park; the County wants the City to commit funds for the project off of North National on Maple Road. The Commissioners consider both projects to be economic development projects.

Jingles Endicott met with the Commissioners regarding the Evergreen Cemetery. He said the one lane road in the cemetery needs maintenance and asked if the Cemetery paid for the materials would the County provide the labor there.   No decision was made on this.

Barbara moved to accept the publication to for the request for proposals for the purchase of 4 acres of land for the possible site of a new jail, Harold seconded and all approved.

Dana Dunn with P1 Group met with the Commissioners. Also present for this meeting was Ben Cole, Bobby Reed and Bill Martin. He suggested that if the new jail passes on the April ballot then the County should put together a 5 year improvement plan (windows, heat/air, insulation, etc.) for the Courthouse and current jail to preserve the building. The County has budgeted money for capital improvements for the Courthouse.

The Commissioners, Ben Cole, Bobby Reed and Bill Martin reviewed the tri-fold pamphlet to be used to present to the public regarding the need for a new jail facility. Changes were made to the tri-fold draft. Barbara will make the changes to the email.

Bill Martin asked that if HMN Architects contacts the County to be a part of the building of the jail that the County let Bill know. He said this company built the jail in Jefferson City and he has heard negative comments about the company and their work.

Barbara moved to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded and all approved (the session included the three Commissioners, Bill Martin, Ben Cole, Bobby Reed and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

There was a gate placed closing a public road on 45th. Bill Martin and Lynne Oharah talked with the individual who placed the gate and asked that the gate be removed by 2/4/2015; if the gate is not removed, Justin Meeks will give the Commissioners direction regarding the next step.

Barbara moved to give Justin Meeks permission to visit with the City regarding building the road in the Industrial Park, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Lynne moved to give himself and Justin Meeks permission to talk to the City of Fort Scott regarding the broadband infrastructure, Barbara seconded and all approved.

The meeting adjourned at 11:57 am.

                                                            THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                            OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                           (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                            (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                            (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, County Clerk

02/06/2015, Approved Date


Jan 2015

January 30, 2015                                                      Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris presented a contract for the 2015 annual bridge inspection from Schwab Eaton. Barbara made a motion to approve the bridge inspection with Schwab Eaton for the inspection of 50 bridges and inspect/update of the 12 bridges that require an update to the plan of action for reported scour, the work will not exceed $7,200, Harold seconded and all approved and signed the contract.

Jim presented to the Commissioners a list of bids for a UTV and trailer for the Noxious Weed department. The Commissioners will wait to decide on this purchase until 2014 year end has been completed.

Jim questioned the Commissioners regarding purchasing equipment. It was previously decided that no County employee should carry a check to make a large purchase. Justin Meeks later advised on the issue.

Jim reported that they are milling on Jayhawk Road as well as pulling shoulders on 215th. Barbara said she knew that when progress is being made on roads and in order for the work to be completed it inconveniences people in the area that use the road. Jim said they did not get the drill moved to the Baileys property yet, but will move next week.

Barbara said she contacted the bank that made the loan on the Rubber Tire Excavator, Jim has suggested trading this in on a purchase, but the County still owes money on it; Barbara said she is waiting on an answer from the bank on how to handle this.

Barbara said she and Jim Harris had visited with the City of Fort Scott regarding the Maple Road project. The original study on Maple Road included the City Limits; however the grant only included the County portion of the road. Jim said he should have a contract from KDOT on the project soon and once he does they can meet with the City to move forward with the project.

Harold discussed the permitting process for culvert application that the County uses. He questioned whether a contractor could purchase a permit and culverts from the County and install the culverts with the County inspecting their work. The Commissioners will discuss this further with Shafer, Klein and Warren regarding the policy.

Barbara took a phone call from John Shortall regarding construction management. Eventually they will give a presentation to the Commissioners regarding construction management.

Barbara talked to the other Commissioners regarding a road that is being built in the industrial park. The road is going from 69 Highway to Campbell Road and is estimated over $1 million. The City is assisting in paying for the project; Barbara asked if the County would be interested in helping pay for the project. No decision was made.

The Commissioners received a phone call from a Commissioner in Pratt County, Kansas. Pratt County said that Northern Natural Gas is leasing land and using as gas storage facilities from landowners in Pratt and Rice County. She said the company has been taking wells out of production and using the wells as a storage facility. She said HB2132 will be discussed at an energy committee meeting on Monday February 2nd at 9:00 am. HB2132 will do away with the “rule of Capture”. The Commissioner said that the company is pressurizing the gas and pushing the gas further down the line is causing landowners to loose money and Counties to loose tax revenue.

Rhonda Dunn presented the 4th quarter report of idle funds. Her report showed the amount in checking accounts and funds in CD’s. She said she has securities in place of over $15 million to cover the over $11 million in funds the County has. Rhonda said the idle funds made $10,000 in interest in 2014.

The Commissioners will have a 2014 year end closing work session on February 17th at 9:00 am.

Barbara moved to approve a wire transfer, pending final approval, to Diamond Trail Sales for $90,000 for the purchase of two trucks, Harold seconded and all approved.

Lynne talked to Justin Meeks about a property owner at 65th & Unity who has an easement that has been used for years. Justin said he would check into the matter.

Harold made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the 3 Commissioners and the County Clerk). After the session Lynne made a motion to adopt revised Resolution #24-14 Salary Resolution for Bourbon County Employees, Harold seconded and all approved.

The meeting adjourned at 12:38 pm.

                                                            THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                            OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                           (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                           (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                           (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, County Clerk

02/02/2015, Approved Date

January 26, 2015                                                      Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris discussed Maple Road and the grant that the County is going to be getting for work done there. Jim said he had been discussing this project with KDOT; Jim said he they are waiting on grant documents to sign and should have the contract within a couple of weeks. The grant is for work on Maple Road and will stop at the city limit. Lynne made a motion to allow Barbara to meet with the City of Fort Scott (David Martin) to go over the plans regarding Maple Road, Harold seconded and all approved.

Jim reported that this week they will be milling on Jayhawk on 240th going East, pulling shoulders on Stringtown Road, pulling shoulders on 215th and pulling shoulders on Soldier Road. He said they will be moving the rock drill to the Bailey’s property (proposed site for a rock quarry) on January 29th.

Jim and the Commissioners reviewed the preliminary plans for a building at the Landfill. They discussed the heat/air for the building, but no decision was made.

Nate Taylor the Noxious Weed director met with the Commissioners. He said there are three main areas he will focus on in 2015, the intersections, the bridges and the guardrails. He said there’s a new noxious weed (Teasel) and a new noxious tree (Tree of Heaven, which grows 10-15 feet a year) in Bourbon County. Nate said he plans to cover more acres in 2015 than was covered in previous years. He said the State of Kansas is considering doing away with the cost share plan regarding chemical sales; currently the County sells chemicals @ 75% of the cost). Nate presented the 2014 Noxious Weed report. Lynne made a motion to approve and accept the 2014 Noxious Weed report, Harold seconded and all were in favor. All of the Commissioners signed the report.

Jim talked to the Commissioners about the carryover from the 2014 Noxious Weed budget. Jim and Nate asked for approval to use this money to purchase a UTV and trailer to use for spraying chemicals. The Commissioners asked to wait until they see final 2014 budget balances.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (the session included the 3 Commissioners and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

The Commissioners discussed the Solid Waste 5 Year Management Plan; the Commissioners approved the plan September 19, 2014 but did not pass a resolution at that time. Barbara moved to adopt Resolution 09-2015, the Solid Waste Management Plan 5 year Worksheet, Harold seconded and all were in favor. The Commissioners signed the Resolution.

Charles Leifer a local resident who is an international humanitarian met with the Commissioners. He said he donates wheelchairs around the world; however he would like to donate them locally, but is not able to obtain liability insurance to donate them locally. He said he donated school desks to Africa for a school there.

Kevin Allen met with the Commissioners. He talked about his ditch in the industrial park and questioned when it would be done. Jim said this project is on the top of the list, but said they needed to wait until the ditch dries out. Kevin said he had been in business for 20 years and never asked for one thing, he asked the Commissioners to re-consider doing the culverts as an in-kind project. Kevin said the culverts at his business are smashed and an out of town contractor left large rock in the ditch after doing work there.

Terri Johnson met with the Commissioners; there was a landowner that placed a gate closing access to a County road. Justin Meeks was present for the meeting that discussed Tim Bradbury the property owner who placed the gate, the Commissioners asked if anything had been sent to the person that placed the gate. Terri Johnson suggested that Lynne contact the individual first telling him to remove the gate and if that doesn’t work the Attorney will send a letter to the individual. Barbara moved to allow Lynne to contact the individual to advise that the gate needs to be removed, Harold seconded and all approved.

Terri told the Commissioners Justin Meeks email address.

Justin Meeks (when available) will attend the Commission meetings on Monday’s and Friday’s at 11:30 am to offer counsel.

Barbara presented to Justin and Terri a copy of an email which discusses the senate bill the County is going to ask to be amended to allow the County to collect a sales tax to be used to pay for a new jail if the election passes. Barbara is going to proceed with contacting legislatures to get Bourbon County on the amended bill KSA 12-187.

Justin Meeks said he had talked with David Martin and Heather Griffin regarding the sale of the property that was previously a landfill. The both the City and the County own a portion of this land. Justin said the City is on hold regarding selling their portion of this property. Justin said he will follow up with the City of Fort Scott regarding the property negotiations.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (the session included the 3 Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Terri Johnson). No action was taken.

Basil “Ed” Freeman met with the Commissioners. He said he has property at 2152 60th Street. He said there is an easement there going across someone else’s property. He said there is a County road that has not been maintained that has been used as a driveway since at least 1999. Lynne said he would have Shane Walker print a clearer map identifying the land; and then if needed counsel may have to get involved.

The meeting adjourned at 12:01 pm.

                                                  THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                  OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                 (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                  (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                  (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, County Clerk

01/30/2015, Approved Date

January 23, 2015                                                                Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commissioners met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris presented 3 permits for approval. The first one was for Brian and Rebecca Williams for a culvert entrance at 1720 & 185th. Barbara moved to approve the permit for Brian & Rebecca Williams, Harold seconded and all were in favor. The Commissioners signed the permit. The second permit was for Housley who is doing work for AT&T to do a bore for a service line at 255th & Poplar; Barbara moved to approve the permit and waive fees for Housely to do a bore (36” deep) at 255th & Poplar, Harold seconded and all were in favor, the Commissioners signed the permit. The third permit was for Housley doing work for AT&T to do a bore at 240th & Grand Road; Barbara moved to approve the bore (36” deep) and waive the fees for Housley at 240th & Grand, Lynne seconded and all approved, the Commissioners signed the permit.

Jim Harris presented to the Commissioners a copy of the final preliminary drawing of the new building for the Landfill. The Commissioners will discuss this again on Monday.

Jim Harris said he felt that the County failed the gravel roads in 2014 due to the time spent on asphalting. He requested permission to purchase two trailers and trucks to be used to haul gravel. He estimated them to cost approximately $170,000 and said they could be paid for out of the machinery fund with out financing. Harold made a motion to authorize Jim to search for the trailers for a max of $37,000 each and trucks for a max of $50,000 each, Lynne seconded and all were in favor.

Lynne said he felt that the rubber tire excavator process was too slow and questioned how Jim could speed up the ditching process. Jim said it took one month to do both sides of a mile road. He suggested trading the rubber tire excavator for a used motor grader. He said he hoped the motor grader could do a mile of road a week of ditching. Jim presented prices for used motor graders. Foley has a 2008 12m Cat grader (Jim recommended this one) with approximately 2,500 hours with the trade in of the rubber tire excavator of $79,000. Victor L. Phillips has a 12m Cat grader with approximately 3,700 hours on it with the trade in of the rubber tire excavator for $85,000. Lynne moved to allow Jim to approach UMB to make the purchase from Foley by transferring the loan and collateral on the rubber tire excavator from UMB, Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Darrell & Roberta Bloomfield, Dennis Krom, Lester Waring and Richard Cullison met with the Commissioners and Justin Meeks. Mr. Bloomfield said the Drywood Township had formed a petition requesting information from the Garland Fire Department. Garland Fire Department wants to charge the Township $1,132 for the information requested. The Township said there are things being done by the Fire Department that are not ok by the Township board; such as not bidding out the work that was done to the Fire Department. The Township said they are seeking guidance on this open record request. Dennis Krom said all of the people that had signed the petition were resident tax paying landowners. The petition was presented to Justin Meeks for review. Darrell Bloomfield said the Township has to post all of their meetings; however they never know when the Fire Department meetings are. Darrell said they attended the budget hearing for the Fire Department, and the members pretended to adjourn and then started voting on issues when people were leaving the meeting. Barbara suggested that this resolves around a communication issue. Dennis Krom said he knew how much money was in reserve when they took over the Fire Department and then they increased the taxes (he questioned where the reserve money was). Justin Meeks said he would visit with Terri Johnson and review the KORA request and if he needs to he will write letters.

Ken Desieghardt and Rick Nobles with Patron Insight, Greg Vahrenberg with Piper Jaffray & Co., Lawrence Goldberg with GGA Architects, Justin Meeks, Bill Martin, Bob Reed, Julie Miller and Ben Cole were present for a meeting regarding a new jail. Patron Insight did a phone survey of 400 randomly selected (living inside and outside the city limits) registered head of household voters. The survey showed the strengths/weaknesses of Bourbon County as well as how likely the people surveyed would support a new facility. 64% were likely to favor building a new jail. 43% of the participants had heard discussion of a new jail. The top three factors influencing voting decisions were fees paid to other counties for out of county housing, current design and monitoring process for the inmates (current safety issues) and the revenue possible by housing out of county inmates. Overall 60 plus percent of those surveyed were in favor of a sales tax increase of either ¾ cent, 5/8 cent or ½ cent sales tax. Bill Martin encouraged the Commissioners to move forward with the new jail and requested that the Commissioners choose the Goldberg Architect group so they could assist in meeting and forums to campaign for a new jail and to have the issue on the April 7th, 2015 ballot. Justin Meeks said he had reviewed a contract which was a service only contract allowing them to move forward in the election process. Lawrence Goldberg said if the issue passes on the ballot they would develop blueprints and bid the work to contractors as well as supervise the construction of the project. Greg Vahrenberg said the County needs an architect on board when campaigning to provide information. One of the first things that needs done is the County needs to request that statute KSA 12-187 be amended in order to allow the County to collect a sales tax to pay for the facility. Then the County can move forward with putting this issue out to the voters on the ballot. Lawrence Goldberg said originally they were considering building a 120 bed facility, but now considering building a 90 bed facility, the facility if approved will be 21,000 square foot facility at a total estimated project cost of $6.3 million, with an estimated annual payment of $398,600. Mr. Goldberg estimated the annual potential revenue from a new jail of $138,913. Mr. Goldberg presented a pamphlet discussing the need for a new jail, the design of a new facility and the reason renovating the current jail will not work. Bill Martin said he had been working on a new jail facility since June of 2012, he said he was previously told by the Commissioners that they would not move forward on a new jail because the Sheriff at the time as not involved in the jail process. Bill said he had done everything that the Commissioners had asked him to do and he is now asking the Commissioners to move forward and make a motion to approve the Goldberg Group as the architect. Barbara said she felt the first thing the County needs to do is ask that the statute be amended to allow the County to collect the tax. Barbara made a motion to proceed with asking Piper Jaffray to get the language necessary for a resolution to amend KSA 12-187 with a cap of 1% sales tax as an option for funding the project, Harold seconded and all approved. Harold made a motion to accept the Goldberg Group as the architects for the project, Lynne seconded and all approved. Harold said he felt presenting quick and accurate information to the voters will give the jail a better chance of passing. Barbara said she appreciated the architect listening to the concerns and coming back with a 90 bed facility.

The Commissioners will most likely have a jail work session once a week; no date for the first work session has been set. Bill Martin suggested having the work session during the evenings to allow people that work during the day to attend the meetings.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 20 minute executive session for non-elected personnel, Lynne seconded and all approved (the session included the 3 Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Jim Harris). No action was taken.

Lynne made a motion for the Commissioners to sign and date the KWORCC loss prevention report, (which the County passed), Barbara seconded and all approved. The Commissioners signed the report.

Fire District #3 presented a list of members appointed to two year terms to the Fire District; for Uniontown Mike Vanzant was appointed as trustee and Alvin Beerbower as the alternate, for Fulton Dale Cathey was appointed as trustee and Delwin Mumbower as the alternate, for Devon Shawn Wyatt as the trustee and Delwin Mumbower as the alternate. Barbara moved to approve the trustees and alternates, Harold seconded and all approved.

The Commissioners signed the contract with GGA (Goldberg Architects).

The meeting adjourned at 1:10 pm.

                                                  THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                  OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                 (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                  (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                  (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, County Clerk

01/26/2015, Approved Date

January 20, 2015                                                Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commissioners held a 2015 road planning work session. Barbara Albright, Lynne Oharah and Jim Harris were present for the work session. No decisions were made.

The meeting adjourned at 10:06 am.

                                                     THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                      OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                      (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                      (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                      (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

01/26/2015, Approved Date


January 16, 2015                                                                Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Barbara, Harold and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

The Commissioners discussed the Neighborhood Revitalization Program, present for this discussion was Dave Martin, Rhonda Dunn, Justin Meeks and Heather Griffith. The City of Fort Scott has previously handled the NRP program, but has been working with the County to allow the County to administer the NRP program. Barbara moved that the County agree to the proposed revisions to the Neighborhood Revitalization Program and sign the agreement when it is presented, Harold seconded.

Rhonda Dunn discussed the visioning committee and “wake up wall street” regarding the entrances to the City of Fort Scott. She said there are properties just outside the city limits that the County may want to consider codes enforcement for (possibly within a one mile range of the city limits). Dave Martin said there are zoning regulations within the 3 mile radius of the City but no codes enforcement. Harold mentioned that most counties around Bourbon County are zone, but Bourbon County is not. Rhonda said she felt that this would be a good opportunity for the County to support the City in the clean up of the entrances to the City.

Barbara made a motion to proceed with the signing (agreement was reviewed by Justin Meeks) and doing the test drilling on Donald G. & Rita Baileys land (as a possible location for a quarry), Harold seconded.

The Commissioners will have a 2015 hard surface road planning meeting on Tuesday, January 20th at 9:00 am.

Barbara told Doug Holt about an area that Robert Query discussed with her. Robert wants the brush cleaned up in a fence. Doug is to call Robert to get an exact address of the location of the brush. Harold told Doug that Jeremiah Hill reported that the road needs rock and bladed on 255th (between the railroad tracks and the bridge). Harold said Kay Arnold reported that on Hackberry needs work, (between the railroad tracks), Doug said they are working on this as well as putting rock down around the County. Doug said they had put in the culvert in the Pawnee area on the railroad right of way.

Charles Bowers with the Kansas Department of Health & Environment met with the Commissioners and Justin Meeks regarding the sale of the land that the County owns that was previously a landfill. There is a ground water monitoring permit that is required to be transferred to the new owner. Mr. Bowers said the land in question is partially owned by the City of Fort Scott as well as the County. The purchaser only wanted to purchase the land that the County owns. Mr. Bowers said according to KSA 65-3409 it is unlawful to divide/sale land that has been issued a permit (ground water monitoring permit). He said you can not just sell a portion of land that was an area used for waste disposal. Justin Meeks said he would review the statute and report back on this issue.

The meeting adjourned at 11:53 am.

                                                  THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                  OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                  (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairperson

                                                  (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                  (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

01/26/2015, Approved Date

January 13, 2015                                       Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commissioners held a 2015 road planning work session. All of the Commissioners and Jim Harris were present for the work session.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15am.

                                                                                        THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                                                        OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                                                       (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairman

                                                                                      (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                                                      (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, County Clerk

January 16, 2015, Approved date

January 12th, 2015                                                              Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune and Lynne Oharah was also present.

Terri Johnson reported that Donald Gene Bailey had issues with the contract to put a quarry on his property; Terri made revisions to the contract and gave a revised contract to Allen for review; after review, Jim said he would ask Donald Gene Bailey to sign the contract.

Allen reported that Jim has a signed copy of Dean Bailey’s contract to do test drilling to possibly place a quarry on his land.

Jim said they are hauling rock to 135th & Tomahawk as well as near the Clarksburg Cemetery.

Barbara talked about spending the $2,000 allocated from KCAMP. Jim said a bumper guard for his truck would be approximately $1,000. Barbara moved to purchase a bumper guard for Jim’ truck and use the other $1,000 for a bumper guard from the Sheriff’s department (if the Sheriff wants one) Allen seconded and all were in favor. The Commissioners will discuss this with the Sheriff.

Jim and the Commissioners will meet on 1/13/2015 at 9:00 am for a 2015 road planning work session. No decisions will be made.

Allen presented a summary of the 2014 gravel costs per ton for Bourbon County. The County spent an estimated $373,262 (landowner lease payments, crusher/screen plant payment, generator, labor and benefits, fuel, overburden removal, blasting, equipment repairs and supplies) to operate two quarries in 2014. The County received a reimbursement of $98,912 from Federal Exchange Fund, making the net quarry operating expenses $274,350. The County blasted 95,986 tons of rock, making the cost to the County $2.86/ton. Allen said to purchase the rock from somewhere else would cost the County $10-$11 per ton.

Rhonda Dunn presented the Commissioners a 2014 cash balance report by fund.

Harold told Allen that his contributions to the County will be realized for a long time. Allen said he appreciated the opportunity to serve the County. Allen left the meeting at 9:43 am.

Heather Griffith from the City of Fort Scott, Rhonda Dunn, Judy Wallis, Harold and Barbara met regarding Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP). Currently the City of Fort Scott administers the Neighborhood Revitalization Program. NRP is a program that offers an incentive to homeowners in blighted areas to receive a rebate on a portion of increased taxes when a homeowner makes repairs to their property. The City of Fort Scott has agreed to pay the $3,000 expense for training and programming for the County to take over the program. In order for a property owner to qualify for NRP they have to plan to increase the value of their property by 15%. The City wants to make certain changes to the way the program is currently being administered. The City would like to exempt certain areas of the 15% requirement (entrances to the City), as well as the way rebates are calculated, total years people could qualify for a rebate, as well as other changes for the County to take over the administering of the program. Rhonda is going to have the Attorney review the revised contract and the Commissioners will discuss this again on January 16th at 9:00 am.

Lynne Oharah was sworn in as the newly elected Commissioner.

Harold nominated Barbara as the Commissioners Chairman, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara nominated Harold as the Vice Chairman, Lynne seconded and all approved.

Barbara made a motion to adopt resolution 01-15 (2015 holiday schedule), Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Barbara made a motion to adopt resolution 02-15 (waiver of generally accepted accounting principles), Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Barbara made a motion to adopt resolution 03-15 (mileage reimbursement .56), Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Harold made a motion to adopt resolution 04-15 (designating banks and naming Fort Scott Tribune as the official newspaper for the County), Lynne seconded and all were in favor.

Barbara made a motion to adopt resolution 05-15 (cancelling checks over 2 years old), Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Barbara made a motion to adopt resolution 06-15 (naming Dr. Jay Allen as the Bourbon County Health Officer for 2015), Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Barbara made a motion to adopt resolution 07-15 (schedule of fees for the County), Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Barbara made a motion to adopt resolution 08-15 (refund policy for overpayment of fees) Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Barbara made a motion to appoint Harold as the representative on the board of directors for the SEK Regional Juvenile Detention Center, Lynne seconded and all were in favor.

Harold made a motion to appoint Barbara to the SEK Multi County Health Board, Lynne seconded and all were in favor.

Barbara made a motion to appoint Lynne to the SEK Mental Health Board, Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Barbara said she would continue to serve on the SEK Regional Planning Commissioner, Harold said he would continue to serve on the Community Correction Board.

The meeting adjourned at 12:09 pm.

                                                  THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                  OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                  (ss) Barbara Albright, Chairman

                                                  (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                  (ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

January 16th, 2015, Approved Date

January 9th, 2015                                                      Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Harold, Barbara and Maggie Wolf present.

Loretta George with the Fort Scott Tribune and Lynne Oharah was also present.

Jim Harris presented a 2014 Landfill recap. Jim recommended increasing the rates per ton to help pay for upcoming expenses at the Landfill. Harold made a motion to increase C and D from .20 to .23/ton, Barbara seconded and all were in favor.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (Jim, Lynne Oharah and the Commissioners were present for the session). No action was taken.

Jim reported that the State did a surprise inspection at the Landfill, there were zero violations.

Melvin Stewart made a complaint that Tim Bradbury had put up a gate on a County road and Melvin can not access a gate to his pasture. Terri Johnson suggested the Commissioners send a signed letter requesting that Tim Bradbury take the gate down.

Terri Johnson reported that she has not had any applicants for the Assistant County Attorney position; she wants to offer the position as a part time position with benefits.

Barbara made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Harold seconded (Lynne, Terri and the Commissioners were present for the session). No action was taken.

Bill Martin presented a final report from Patron Insight, so the Commissioners could review the report before Patron Insight re-visits the Commissioners.

Heather Morgan with Project 17 met with the Commissioners. She discussed areas that affect Southeast Kansas such as… the welfare/poverty cycle, need for leadership, workforce development. She said Project 17’s areas of focus are economic development, education/workforce, health and leadership.

The meeting adjourned at 11:50 am.

                                                  THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                  OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                  (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                  (ss) Barbara Albright, Commissioner


(ss) Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

January 16th, 2015, Approved Date

January 5, 2015                                                                  Monday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune and Lynne Oharah was also present.

Jim Harris reported that possibly within a week the County and the Railroad will work together to install a culvert (Railroad provided) on a Railroad right-of-way in the Pawnee area.

Allen made a motion to go into a 30 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Barbara seconded and all were in favor; (the session included the three Commissioners, Jim Harris and Lynne Oharah). No action was taken.

Allen made a motion to go into a 30 minute executive session for non-elected personnel to protect their privacy, Barbara seconded and all were in favor; (the session included the three Commissioners, Jim Harris and Lynne Oharah). No action was taken.

At 11:00 there was a reception held for Allen Warren in the lobby.

The meeting adjourned at 12:06 pm.

                                                  THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                  OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                  (ss) Allen Warren, Chairman

                                                  (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                  (ss) Barbara Albright, Commissioner


1/9/2015, Approved Date

January 2, 2015                                                        Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.

Lynne Oharah was also present.

Jim Harris reported that he had received a request from the Garland Fire department to waive $129.65 worth of fees at the Landfill. The Commissioners denied the request. Landfill fees were recently waived for BEDCO in an effort to promote economic development.

Jim reported that William Wallis didn’t feel at this time we need a building to store hazardous chemicals in at the Landfill for disposal; he said he has been working with Crawford County to work on a place to dispose of chemicals. The Commissioners are going to discuss this further with William.

Allen said he will be presenting an expense report for the quarries once all of the expenses are in.

Barbara announced that there will be a farewell party for Allen on January 5th at 11:00 and a swearing in ceremony for Lynne Oharah and Bill Martin on January 12th at 11:30.

Terri Johnson presented copies of a drilling agreement to the Commissioners regarding drilling on Wesley Dean Bailey’s property as a proposed quarry site. Terri reported that there is one acre on this site that can not have a test drill done on. The agreement allows up to 25 test holes to be drilled. The drilling company is bringing equipment from Humboldt, if they do not get good test results from Wesley Dean Bailey’s property (they will have results immediately), they will go to Gene Bailey’s (as a second proposed quarry site) property to drill. Terri said that she will give a copy of the agreement to Gene Bailey’s attorney for their review. Allen suggested tracking the overburden on the proposed sites; he suggested once they are five feet into the rock taking a sample and placing it in a one gallon Ziploc, (labeled with the site of the sample) and then using a diagram to label where the samples come from. Allen said he thought the Macadam’s would be on site to look at the quality of samples to report the results. After the Commissioners reviewed the agreement, Terri made a few changes to the agreement including adding upon completion of drilling the County will inform the landowners of the conclusion of the Counties results.

Harold told Jim that there was a stop sign falling down at 235th & Valley Road as well as a low water crossing sign in the ditch at 225th and Tomahawk Road.

Jim Harris requested to move the Landfill part time employee to full time; he said this employee is currently working 32 hours and would be working 40 hours. Allen said he had recently been to the Landfill and there was less trash lying around on the ground. He said previously the inmates would go there to pick trash up and now the part time employee has been picking up trash. Allen made a motion to move this part time employee to full time, Harold seconded and all were in favor.

Barbara took a phone call from resident Mark Watson, he said there needs to be ditching done and a culvert installed on his property. Barbara talked to Jim Harris about this; the railroad has left a culvert there to be installed. The County needs to be into contact with the railroad to get the culvert installed.

The meeting adjourned at 10:41 am.

                                                  THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

                                                  OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS

                                                  (ss) Allen Warren, Chairman

                                                  (ss) Harold Coleman, Commissioner

                                                  (ss) Barbara Albright, Commissioner


1/9/2015, Approved Date